The Intimidating Man
I just watched an anime called Kenichi- The Mightiest Disciple. I loved one of the characters on there named Shio Sakaki, so I figured I would make a short story with him in it with a tiny. If It is loved enough I will make an actual short story with these two characters. I don't usually do big intimidating characters who are softies, so sorry. You DO NOT have to watch anime or watch this anime to know what I am talking about. If you have watched this anime. YOUR AWESOME! ( Also if you have not watched this anime and you watch anime. WATCH IT!)
Kana ran through the rafters of the typical home. From the outside everything seemed normal. It was a one-story home with multiple rooms. The layout was very open, not many doors, except for bedrooms and for the rooms that needed doors for privacy. Most doors were sliding doors basically made of paper, well seemed like it anyway with how often the door needed to be repaired from people being thrown through them or them being torn from damages. There was a wooden porch with wooden beams. Where she lived this was a typical small home for a typical family. The problem was she did not live with a typical family. She didn't even live with a family technically. Where she called home there lived eight people to be exact. Eight very crazy and...well dangerous people. Even to humans these people were crazy.
You may be asking why I just said, humans. Well, I'm a borrower. I came here about a year ago not knowing so many people lived here, by the time I settled in, that's when the humans started to pile in.
Now you may ask..."How can you get anything accomplished? You're a borrower. You're not supposed to be seen and there are eight of them!" Well simple. The humans can be observant but to a point. I've learned by now there are only a hand full I have to weary of. The rest are very easy to trick and gather my objects.
Kenichi and Miu are very easy to avoid. They are still in high school, so half the day they are gone. Then the rest of the day the adults are having them do chores, jobs, or train.
Hayato, Kensei, and Akisame are very hard to avoid. They are observant to a tea. I am surprised I haven't been found yet with these three. The trick is to wait till they are distracted. All three have weaknesses. It seemed like twenty-four seven they are on their toes because of what they experienced in life, but each has a hobby and when they get distracted. Well, they are distracted. I just have to really watch Akisame. He is on edge even worse than the others, but it's always possible for me.
Shigure stays in her room all the time.
Apachai is...he is just Apachai. It seems like he is not all the way there honestly. He gets easily distracted and entertained by the easiest of things. Just don't get on his bad side.
Lastly, there is Shio.
There are two people in this whole house I do not want to ever be caught by. I mean I would never want to be caught by any of them, but these two are monsters. Literally
Both are taller than any human I could imagine and more built than any human. I have seen humans even run into these two and be extremely intimidated, a few just ran away just to keep their distance.
I just have to make sure I keep out of their reach at all times, which should be pretty easy. Like I said Apachai is very easy. Get his distracted then run. I once saw him get distractracted by a butterfly. He didn't want to harm it, so he made sure to watch it. Sounds cute I know...but still. Shio can be easy to. Can be.
He is one of those manly men that have a body type to match. He is usually doing one of three things. Training, sleeping, or drinking. Mostly Drinking or training something called a disciple. If he isn't training the disciple he is training himself. He is a man of simple pleasures honestly.
There was one day that I just sat in the rafters and watched the housemates train. Shio caught my eye the most. All of the humans train to fight. All of them. In my opinion, I don't know why. It's not like they have to use it to survive like I do. They just do it as a living instead of going to work, but Shio was different. I one day watched him punch multiple whole holes in the wall. Later that day he got hit in the head by Miu saying he had to repair it himself. He then literally punched a whole log into smithorings and beer bottles. Just to practice he swings his fists back and forth and hits a tree. He has even snapped a tree in half when he wasn't controlling his strength. Then he has to replace the tree! This is when he is " taking it easy!"I will never allow that type of strength near my body. Ever.
That's what I thought anyway.
This was a normal day for me, at least I thought. I knew I was going to have to go borrowing, but I had to just wait for the perfect time. I notice all the humans were out today. They were either doing chores, or training in their fighting styles.
It was Shio's turn to train the kid.
Kana could tell the larger man was getting very aggravated at the younger kid. The tiny could even see from her position in the rafters Kenichi was getting tired. Not the kind that he has to lay down, but his body was not keeping up with his thinking. He was swinging his arms back and forth, but it was not fast enough because Shio was yelling at him to go faster.
Shio then stood in front of his disciple, acting all serious. Something had to be going on with these two. " You can not just imitate my movements, Kenichi. In Karate you have to be imagining every movement and replicating it. You must feel an extension in your hand and if that does not work then your feet. You can not just watch my movements and expect the same outcome."He punched using his right hand in a fist. His fist stopped right before hitting Kenichi in the nose. If he was even a centimeter closer, then Shio would have nailed him right in the face. This just proves how much control he has for such an intimidating guy. " You also are not swinging your arms properly. Imagine a pulley is working your arms. One goes forward, and the other has to swing back as a reaction." He looks at his tired disciple, with just pure irritation." That is like a lesson from day one," Kana swore she could see his anger and impatience just emanate off him like an aura. How could the kid not be catching on?
Kenichi attempted two more punches. Even she could see he was not putting his all into this.
Shio turned around and punched the house. This left a blatant hole that was now a window that now leads to the kitchen until it was fixed. Kenichi jumped back, even though he was in no danger of being hit, and just stared wide-eyed. " Just go before you piss me off even more for today. Go run with Miu to practice."
Kenichi bowed to dismiss himself and ran off inside the house.
"Make sure you bring the weights!" He yells. Shio pushed his hair back causing the one strand of dirty brown that always stuck out to be brushed back against his head and spring back. He then walked over to the thick log that had to be about a few feet thick and started to punch it into oblivion. Talking to himself between punches. " ...NERVES!" He then broke the log in half. All he did was move onto the next one and continue.
Kana flinched when the log broke into pieces like it was a stick when he punched it. All she could do was imagine that was her body but shook her head to make the thought disappear. She honestly didn't know why he was so aggravated by the kid's actions. Kenichi was still a kid. In reality she knew Shio was a bit hot-headed...only a bit.
She ran across the rafters, sliding down a brown pole when she noticed all the other humans were either not present or busy inside the house. Shio's actions basically told them all it was time to go inside for a bit, so they scattered.
Kana landed, with a stumble. She stayed on the porch, behind a pole so if someone walked out she could slip away or under the porch. She watched the man punch vigorously. When it was slow enough to watch, she studied his fists. He seemed to have all his fingers curled into each other with his thumb on the outside. She imitated the action, inspecting her hand. " Seems like he does it like this." She then watched him hit a few more times. She looked at the huge pole in front of her, and she imitated what she could. She punched the wood with a closed fist.
As soon as her fist made contact she about cried. She retracted her hand and held it close to her face, trying to blow on it, even kiss it a few times. " How does he do that?" Kana watched a few more times with confusion. " I'm doing exactly what he is doing." She clenched her fist once more and attempted one more time. She clenched her fist, took a breath in, then punched the wood with all her might. Same reaction. She had to retract her hand while shaking it back and forth to try to get the swelling and redness of the pain to go away. " What am I doing wrong?"
"Well you are hitting something ten times your size and width. That usually doesn't help."
Kana slowly looked up to witness the one person she did not want looming over her or even near her in her presence. Well to be honest she was in his presence. She could physically feel herself gulp, problem was nothing was present for her to even force down. Kana could feel her body shaking because just the presence of his shadow covering her was intimidating enough. She couldn't take it anymore. All these thoughts rushed threw her brain like it was a slide show.
"Why is he just standing there? How did he notice me? Will I live? Most likely he will use me as a pet. All big humans have that trend going for them. A small cuddly buddy to squeeze to death. She wasn't going to get away why even try?"
The fact was she was not going to get away from this behemoth of a man even if she wanted to. Kana made sure she always faced him, no matter what. She wanted to so badly turn and run, but that's how the giants snuck up on her people. They turned their back to them. Kana walked backward, but she momentarily forgot the pole she was punching was behind her, so all that happened was her back was squished up against the pole stopping her of so brilliant escape.
Kana keep wide eyes on the man, just watching his every movement, but to think of it since he said something to her he hasn't even moved. He hasn't grabbed at her. He hasn't thrown anything at her, not even place something on top of her. In-fact now thinking about it he spoke to her. Got her attention like she was any old human in his yard. This was honestly confusing to her to process, till the giant made a sudden movement.
Shio bent down so he was crouching on the balls of his feet. Kana watched his hands just in case, but all they did was lay on his knees as he got closer.
" Did you hear me? Your going to damage yourself like that. It's a bit advance for someone...your size. May want to find something smaller."He started to think. " Oh like a stick or something."
"Um ok." She watched him while slowly moving her body across the porch area. She still did not turn her back to him, so walking backward till she could feel the edge of the porch with her feet. Kana then placed one foot in front of another and jumped off, landing on in a crouched like position with her hands on the ground. What was she doing? Was she really listening to this Human? Why?
She ran across the yard until she found a piece of wood that broke off of the logs the humans were punching throughout the days to train themselves. She picked it up, but looked over towards the human.
He was gone. Kana looked around trying to gain her bearings on where the danger was, but then she jumped in the air when she heard someone clear their throat behind her. Kara whirled around facing the huge man just sitting on a rock staring at her. " How did he do that?" she asked to herself.
"Well what are you waiting for? Bring it here." He said in a stern voice. Sitting beside him was a can that he picked up and placed to his lips. Kara looked back at the place she swore he just was at then looked over at the new spot. " Seriously. How did he do that?"
" You going to bring it here or what? I could just walk away."He said in a more stern way as he moved the can away from his lips, making her jump.
" I'm sorry." She ran towards him carrying the wood piece. " Why was she listening?"
Sorry if this is not that good. This was an old story that needed transferred to this book. So warning old work.
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