A/n completely new character. Tell me if you like these three. I love Cyrus and May. If you want more please vote and I will write more about these three.
" Hey pass me that 7/16 wrench over there."
A fay with brown-red hair with black square glasses was looking through a magnifying glass. His elf ears were pinned down against his head because he was concentrating on a mysterious machine under a small adjustable desk lamp.
A human student with a dark blue jacket and an orange undershirt started to drag the huge, metallic, ton sized wrench over to the fay.
" Here yah go Cyrus." the human grunted out while trying to move the gigantic tool.
Cyrus didn't even look up from his project, he just reached over and grabbed the wrench and started to work on tightening some screws.
" Alright let's see if this will work."
Cyrus got up off if his stool and placed the machine on the floor. " Alright three, two, and one!" Cyrus pulled out a remote control and pushed down on the joystick.
" Um, nothing happened." the human said.
" I can see that Echo. Thank you for stating the obvious."
Cyrus picked up the machine and placed it back down on the desk right beside Echo.
" What could be possibly wrong with it?" Cyrus asked to more himself.
" Here let me check it out." Echo started to open up the hatch on the machine and crawled in.
Cyrus turned on a flashlight and held it close to the opening so Echo could see where he was going.
" Do you see anything?!" Cyrus was yelling out
" Give me a se... Wait I think I found the problem!" After a few minutes, Echo came crawling out of the machine. " There were two wires that were crossed in the back." Echo swung his body out and jumped to the desk. " Alright try it now!"
Echo stepped back to give the machine some space.
" Alright, one more go. One, two, and Go!"
Cyrus pushed down on the joystick and the machine roared to life. The helicopter-like blades started to spin on the too of the machine lifting it into the air. " Yes!" Cyrus yelled. " Here you try."
Cyrus laid the remote onto the desk and keep his hand on the joystick to keep the machine in the air. Echo walked up and huffed himself on top of the remote. Echo pushed with both hands to keep the joystick pushed down, to keep the machine in the air. There was a small red button to click on the remote to keep the machine hovering. Echo slammed his foot down on it and a red light turned on to indicate the machine would hover. Echo walked over to the other joystick and pushed it in different directions to change the direction of the hovering machine.
The machine started to hover back and forth but then took off to the left. It nearly slammed into Cyrus's head, but he ducked his head out of the way while he covered it with his hands.
" Sorry." Echo snickered
Cyrus walked over and turned off the remote, making the machine fall to the ground. " Alright, now we just have to add the instruments onto it so transporting products will be easier. I am thinking about giving it a zero-gravity field to pick up items."
" Omg, I love that idea. That way you don't have to worry about the strength of the arms attached to the machine."
" Do you know gravity magic though?" Cyrus asked.
" Not too much, but May does."
The lab the two guys are currently in is like 3 rooms put together, with several desks/ workplaces. Computers lining every desk along with unfinished projects and paperwork.
There was a young girl, about 13, on one of the desks. She was twirling around and humming. Her red dress was twirling by the movement. The Bright orange sashes that were vaguely attached to the outfit were dropping down and almost falling off. She grabbed ahold of her aqua necklace in her hands and started to swish her body back and forth. Her orange short hair was falling over her face. She took a step but fell over.
" Come on. It's one... Two... Three.. Extend leg." She growled. "What was the rest of it? Was it step, step, leap or step leap step." She was concentrating on her dance routine she didn't notice her brother and Cyrus approach. Her poleax was leaning up against a stack of books. She didn't look up towards them until she heard her favorite weapon fell to the ground from their approach.
" Aren't you busy doing your own thing waaayyy over there. Away from here and disturbing my practice?" She walked over and placed her weapon back where it was.
Cyrus moved Echo to the table to talk to his younger sister.
" We need your help." Echo said while looking down.
"Ahhh no no no. I told you I was not helping you guys with these petty projects again. They drain my body horribly. Do it yourself."
" You know Cyrus can't even use magic and I haven't practiced for a while. I'm out of practice." Echo got on his knees. "Pleeeaasseee."
May looked over at her brother with a sarcastic look. " Fine, but you owe me."
" I think this is the tenth one we owe you, but we can add it to the tab," Cyrus stated while smiling.
Cyrus walked over to the other table and brought over the contraption.
" Alright what are we looking at?"
" We are trying to find a way this bot can transport materials without worrying about weight." Cyrus explained.
" Gravitational spell" Echo butted in.
" Are you kidding me. You ow me like ten favors then. Do you know how much I would have to do just to create the Crystal to hold that much power? And all the materials needed for the equivalent exchange. Yah no thank you."
" Sis come on. We promise nothing will happen. I'll be right here the whole time."
May growled and rolled her eyes. " Fine."
She went to her bag and started to grab materials such as gun powder, iron, and salt, and chalk.
" Alright I ,need nickel, cobalt, and calcium sulfate." Cyrus was confused at first but went off to gather what she requested.
While they went off to find everything, May started to draw with her chalk.
Cyrus returned with a little bit of all the materials she asked for. May placed all the materials in the circle. It started to glow a gold color.
" Now this will take a lot of my energy so be prepared if this doesn't work." May's specialty was using magical alchemy. Humans can hone magical power, bit not as much as fay. May used the limited amount of magic power that transitioned through her body and incorporated it into her equivalent exchange for alchemy. If she pushed her body too far she could easily harm, pass out, or even kill herself. There has only been one time that she pushed herself to the point of injuring herself. That is a story for another time.
May started to concentrate and place her hands down on the outside line of the circle. It started to glow brighter and a gust of wind seemed to circle her.
After the light calmed down a of the materials were not present anymore, but a purple crystal was left in its place.
" Alright try it out." As she said this her body fell to the ground.
Echo ran over to her and lifted her body up. He started to hit her face. " May! May!" Cyrus ran over to the table with a bowl of water. He dipped his hand in and allowed the water to drip off of his fingers and onto the two on the table. This was the most he could do.
May started to stir at the impact of water.
" Will you stop. Seriously. You are just as annoying as Echo sometimes." She pushes her brother off of her. " I swear I'm seven years younger then you two and I'm the adult most the time." She attempted to get up but stumbled. Cyrus reached his hand out to catch her. " I'm fine. I'm fine." She stood up and dusted off her dress.
Cyrus came over and picked her up by her dress and brought her to eye level. He was concerned but also wanted to annoy her. "I'm fine. Now let me go." She started to struggle.
Cyrus placed her down on the desk near the machine.
May opened up the machine and installed the Crystal inside. She stepped back and inspected her handy work.
" Alright lets give it a go."
If you have any suggestions for characters or a story idea leave a comment! Thanks readers!
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