Chapter 12
I was starving. Kara's stomach made loud, complaining noises as well, but she said we had to try and not go crazy. I first thought it was some sort of joke, but soon realized that was not the case. I was indeed starting to think of biting my own hand off - of course I keep telling myself not to do that, but... I was sleep deprived and hungry, had probably already been in here for several days - or had it been hours? - and couldn't even think clearly.
When the door opened, my head jerked upwards though. I grabbed a bone with my shaky hands and looked in Kara's direction, who... Stared at the person standing in it. She was completely paralyzed for a second or two, then jumped up and hugged the younger girl.
What?! Had I gone crazy after all? Was I hallucinating??
"Daniela!" Kara whispered, her voice suddenly taking a soft brazilian accent. "Eu pensei que você estivesse morta!"
"Não. Estou viva." The girl answered in a surprisingly deep voice. She noticed me. "Quem é esse menino?"
Kara seemed to have forgotten I was there. "Desculpa. Nic, this is my sister, Daniela. Daniela, this is my... friend."
"Sister?" Indeed, they did look similar. Same dark hair and skin, same confidence in their green eyes... No, her sister only had one green eye. The other one was dark brown. But still... "I thought you came here all alone?"
Kara nodded. "Yes. I said that because I didn't want to talk about her. I thought she was dead. You see, she tried to run with me, but we got caught and she couldn't escape. So I thought they'd do this to her." She gestured towards the skeleton.
Daniela looked at me sceptically. "Are you sure you can trust him?" She asked with a slight brazilian accent.
Kara smiled. "You can never be a hundred percent sure, but I think we can."
Her sister nodded. "Where did you come from?" were her first words directed to me.
"I... Well, I ran away and Kara and I met here."
"I basically saved him. Found him after he accidentally poisoned himself with some fungus." Kara commented.
"Hm. Anyway, we need to get you out of here." Daniela said. "That's why I'm here." She walked into the cell.
"But we can't-" Kara started, but was interrupted right away.
"Do you want to end up like that guy?" Daniela pointed towards the skeleton. "I've felt less than half of what they're capable of." She subconsciously touched the scars on her face. "And I was the one who didn't get away. I was the little child. I didn't try to steal anything. So imagine what they'd do to you!"
None of us answered. What this young girl said was true. And I didn't want to know what they'd done to her, or what they'd do to us.
"Okay, so here's my idea one. I'll shut the door behind me and shout for help, pretending like it fell shut behind me. Florian is probably going to come..."
"Florian?" I asked.
"The red-haired psycho who caught you. He'll come and open the door to let me out. We knock him out and run away. He's the only one in this house except for us right now, so no one else should be able to hear us."
"Hmmm..." Kara answered. "You sure we can knock him out?"
"If all three of us try at the same time... I think we should."
"And idea two?" I asked.
"Huh?" Daniela looked at me.
"You said that was idea one. What's the other one?"
"I let you out now. We sneak outside. But you never know where exactly Florian is. He's not down here, but we might pass him on our way out - no matter which way we take. He's basically everywhere-"
„You're damn right, Dani. I'm everywhere."
Kara gasped, I froze. Daniela spun around. "Florian?!"
"No, I'm his clone." Florian replied sarcastically. "Of course it's me."
"But I thought you said you would-"
"You think I let you talk to your sister that you already helped to escape before? Naive little child... Your plans weren't bad though! What a pity I heard them."
My heart felt like it was going to explode. Shit. Shit, shit, shit. I saw Kara's head turn and looked at her. She looked me straight in the eyes.
"I... It was a trick! I wanted to get them to... to..." Daniela stuttered.
Kara looked at the bone in my head, then back in my eyes. Then she made a slight movement with her head that went in the direction of Florian. I raised my eyebrows.
Me? I mouthed towards her.
"To what? Huh?" Florian's grin had vanished. "Now, my dear... You're such a bad liar."
Kara nodded, pointed at herself and the skeleton that was way too far and shook her head. I can't. Then again, she pointed at herself and clenched her fist as if about to punch somebody. Pointed at me, mouthed First, pointed at herself and mouthed Second.
"No! No, I really wanted to..." Daniela shut up after seeing Florian's expression.
Oh god dammit. I guess I had to do it. I nodded. Kara did, too, pointed at herself again and mouthed Signal, then tapped her foot onto the ground. I understood and nodded once again.
"I think I'll have to lock you up as we-" Florian started.
Kara tapped her foot on the ground again, and then it all went really quickly. I jumped in front of Daniela, pushing her back as I swung the bone and let it fly in Florian's direction. It hit and broke in pieces on his head. I probably hadn't hurt him, but he was surprised and that was enough for Kara. She joined me, smacking her fist right in Florian's face. He fell to the ground with a gasp, and she punched him again, Daniela came out from behind me and joined in, I just stood there, paralyzed.
"Hey! I-" Florian interrupted himself with a scream. "Shit! Hey, get off me, we can talk- Ow! Fuck!"
The girls wouldn't stop punching and kicking him until he stopped moving. They paused and looked at him, then got back up.
The sight of Florian was pretty terrifying. His nose was bleeding, and so were other spots of his face. Some had really bad dark bruises.
"Come on, let's go!" Kara hissed. I gulped and nodded, then followed the two into the freedom.
Fresh air. It felt so good in my lungs as I exited the house. Kara and Daniela didn't seem calm or relieved at all yet.
"What is it?" I asked.
"Shhh!" Daniela put her finger over her lips. "There are people in the other house. We have to be quick now. And not wake them up."
"Oh." I whispered. "Sorry."
"Shut up!" Kara fired back.
She walked towards the bushes we'd come from, all ducked down and Daniela and I followed her.
Word count 1161!!
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