Adeline Williams
F u l l N a m e: Adeline "liner" Williams
A g e: 16
F a c e c l a i m: Marina Laswick
H a i r C o l o r: Blonde
E y e C o l o r: Blue
H e i g h t: 5' 3"
G e n d e r: Female
Z o d i a c: Capricorn
E t h n i c i t y : Canadian
B i r t h d a y: Dec 28, 2003
T r a i t s: Adeline is what most people call "miss. Perfect" mostly because she is a perfectionist. She has what everyone thinks is a perfect life. The perfect family who she loved and would always be there for. Outgoing and popular she is the type of girl who likes to talk and tell stories. She is also very smart and at the top of her class. She grew up always playing sports and still loves doing any thing athletic and is a bit... very competitive. Though her life looks perfect on the outside on the inside it's not the same story. Line is very self conscious about herself and she overthinks everything she does. She believes if she is not perfect every second of her life people will not like her.
H a b i t s: Adeline has a few nervous habits. Taping her fingers on something, cracking her knuckles, tapping her foot, messing with the end of her hair, and babbling. She also has to go on a run every morning. She didn't know why but every morning she has to wake up at 5am, go to the gym, do a run and workout.
R e l i g i o n: Christian
S e x u a l O r i e n t a t i o n: straight
L i k e s: Running, Homework, Volleyball, Singing, dogs, photo shoots, Netflix, dressing up, reading, Coffee, Tea, and her family
D i s l i k e s: Being late, not being perfect, her parents, being called miss.perfect
G P A S c o r e: 4.0
B a c k g r o u n d: Adeline is super popular and well know due to her last name. She grew up in a very rich family so her parents were gone a lot working which meant it was usually just her, her brother, and the servants. But when her parents were home they were always establishing the fact that she needed to be perfect. The long the went on the more her anxiety grew to the point where she. Her only escape was volleyball which is where she put in most of her time. She loved the sport as it made her feel more apart of a family then she ever had before and the feeling of adrenaline she had when she played. She is now the best liberos/ players in the state with offers coming in from D1 schools.
S o c i a l M e d i a: @Adeline.Williams
P a s s w o r d: grapes
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