Chapter 3: the police unit
Hi guys! Sorry I haven't been updating! I'm just being lazy! >~<
|Hanji's POV|
I watched as Toru was suddenly shot and passed out, I was about to yell when Levi ran over drenched in sweat.
"OI! Motherfuckers! Get back here!" I sighed catching his attention, he looks over towards Toru and his eyes widen. The police officers walked up to his sleeping self and put him in a cage roughly.
Levi grew a dark aura as I gulped and held onto Petra who was waking up on my lap, "mm...Toru? Toru!" She shouted, she looked at the cage he was being held in and cried "TORU!!!", I weeped as they packed him up and left in the trucks the police officers grabbed us and put us in one of the cars. I looked over seeing that the others were in a different car.
|Toru's POV|
It was dark and I couldn't move, I growl and try to move only to be zapped by something. I groan, but soon yelp in pain, I open my eyes as my golden orbs look around the area I see ten or five guards around me holding a taser and gun. I growl and shout, or tired to shout "RAHHGGHHHRA!" (Let me go! I wanna see the world!) the guards look at me shocked and afraid.
I give up and weep in my arms as they wrapped securely around my knees. The guards just watched as my bloody tears fell from my eyes.... the guards were shocked by my crying that they even talked about it in there Walkie talkie, "subject 47 is doing something human, I repeat it is doing something human!" The guard said, I froze 'they don't think that we are human....why?!'
Suddenly the bite I had one my hand started to bleed and grow bigger, I growl and snap my teeth together. Clicking noises started to come out of my throat while my eyes turned red, my tears were now gone as the blood became dry and cold.
The guards look at me shocked as I banged my damaged hands on the glass, they back up as the other special infected looked my direction.
"Bro calm down!" I heard a hunter growl at me, I snap my head towards the hunter and sigh. I looked towards the guards and stand up straight and glare down at them.
They run away screaming about something. I sigh and curl up in the corner of the cage like area, my old self returned as the small bite on my hand slowly healed as hours past but they felt like days. I look up at the human girl that was taking notes on my behavior, I waved and smiled, she looked at me shocked and went up to the glass "can you understand me?" She asked, her voice was muffled. I nod and walk up to the other side of the glass, she squeals and I chuckled I jabbed my finger in my arm as blood went on my finger she gasped and shook her hands at me, I tilt my head to the side and she smiles somewhat awkwardly.
Suddenly she grabbed a black marker from her desk, "here."
Suddenly the marker went through a little slab that was connected to the glass wall. I smile and grab it, I open the lid as she wrote down on a clipboard, I sighed as she read my messy hand writing.
"Hello, what's your name?" She smiled and said "Sally moon, what's your name?" She asked, I smile and write down on the glass, "Toru. I don't have a last name." She nodded and wrote something down on her clipboard, "I don't eat humans." I said out loud, she looked at me shocked by my raspy voice.
"You can talk!!!" She shouted, I wrote on the glass "not really..." I trailed off.
What could I say to them? "How old do I look like?" I asked weakly. "You look around 20 or at least 17, by you might be some other age." I nod understanding, sighing I laid my head on the glass.
"Do you know anyone of the name of Levi or maybe Petra?" I asked her, she shrugged her shoulders and said " you mean the new workers here that started yesterday?" I nod and bang on the glass, "yes!" She sighs and goes to get her walkie talkie.
"Sally moon reporting....yes I need to see the new workers thank you...." suddenly after she finished talking the doors busted open.
"Toru!?" I heard Petra's voice asked.
I grunted and shouted out, "Petra!!" She looked at me shocked than at my scarred hand, running over to the glass she pushed a button and a door opened and she tackled me into a hug as I hug her back burrowing my face into her neck as I hugged her longingly.
I heard someone laugh and I saw Sally with Taking a picture I think, but anyways, Levi ran in and panted. Looking over in our direction I give I slight wave and chuckle as Petra let's Levi hug me.
I get up slowly and put my arms out "hug?" I ask, he looks at me with shocked eyes and slightly gaped lips.
I smile as he walks over to me and hugs me around my torso as I hug him around the waist.
-----sorry for short chapter!!!!! I'll type more if I get around to it!!!!-----
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