Chapter 4 - The Thing About Netflix
I blinked, and my vision of grey tentacles disappeared. Probably just seeing things, right? I took a shaky breath, and turned on Netflix. I was about to start watching F/S (favorite show, other than Ninjago) when I saw another show in my continue watching.
Those new kids.
The pieces fit together perfectly now that I think about it.
That's why I got deja vue from the hot new kids.
Then I froze as I thought about the black-haired kid. Morro.
Now what could that mean, hmmm?
Morro's POV
"Morro?" the small brown-haired girl asked meekly. I jumped, and quickly finished getting dressed.
"Yes, Banshaa?"
"Her majesty wishes to see you." I froze. Could she of found out? "You're not normally nervous. Is everything all right?" I put a smile on my face.
"I'm fine Banshaa, but thank you for asking." With a sigh, I walked into the throne room. The preeminent's grey orb radiated horror. I steeled myself. "Your majesty..."
"I don't want pleas of mercy from you, Morro." Her cold, snakelike voice reverberated through the room. "SSShe is undessserving of a piece of my sssoul."
"She could help..."
"SSSHE isss just a mortal! Have you taken a fancy to her, Morro dear?"
"Hm. You are disssmisssed, for now.
I let out a sigh of relief and turned around.
"Ah, one more thing. Don't ssstart having a crush on her." I turned around and glared at the grey orb. She giggled, a horrid sound. "Your taste in women has gotten worssse." With that she disappeared in a puff of smoke.
When I left the room, Banshaa sighed. "I think she's partially insane, myself." Despite knowing that she could hear, I laughed.
It wasn't even an evil laugh.
I think Y/N might like me more if I have a normal laugh.
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