chapter nine. ketterdam
"Stop fiddling," Aria whispered harshly.
Wylan immediately put his hands at his sides awkwardly, finally leaving alone the collar of his servers uniform. "It's itchy, and tight." He murmured, shifting uncomfortably.
Aria rolled her eyes, turning to him. Her hands went to his neck, readjusting the collar of his jacket. "It's because you're wearing it wrong, Wylan." Aria said in a hushed tone, she looked at his face—but it wasn't his. His hair was no longer that autumn red color, he was Kuwei now. Aria looked down and reclapsed his buttons, trying not to focus on the unfamiliar figure in front of her. When she was done, she turned and went to refill the champagne flute one of the players held up. She swallowed hard as it foamed up and over the rim of the glass. The man yelped in disgust, dropping the glass to the carpeted floor. Aria jumped back instinctively, the spatter of the champagne getting all over her pants. Aria hadn't really ever had a test of alcohol before, let alone knew how to pour it. The man looked up to her with daggers for eyes. The muscles in her face strained as she sputtered apologies in a panic. Aria bent down and began picking up the thin shards of glass with her bare hands, the man spat a loud insult—Aria flinched backwards, feeling the sharp pain of a piece of glass in her palm. Aria pushed away the craving to yell back and hurriedly cleaned her mess before standing up, recomposing herself.
"Is sorry the only thing you know how to say, Shu?"
Aria felt her eyes well up with hot tears—she found Kaz's eyes from the other side of the table, he shook his head so delicately. She swallowed hard, feeling the lump in her throat. She gave a small nod and ducked away, holding the shards in her hand. Aria disappeared into the back and discarded the glass before inspecting her hand. A skinny but deep cut lined one of her palm lines. Aria grabbed a cloth and pressed hard on her hand, trying to get the bleeding to stop momentarily. Aria looked around to see if anyone was watching her before ducking back into the gambling den. She appeared beside Wylan with her arms tucked behind her back neatly.
Wylan looked up to her, eyes a little sad. "Are you—"
"Just a small cut. Nothing I can't handle." She said, a smile playing at her face. Aria focused her attention to the table and watched as Kaz began to seal another set of cards with bare hands. His hands moved with such precision like they were made for this exact purpose. In the time they'd been here at Club Cumulus, Aria had become fairly sure if not a criminal, this would be Kaz's true calling. At the table, Aria found Nina Zenik sat in the lap of Cornelis Smeet, who was their current target. She looked beautiful in the sheer lavender gown, a corset tight around her torso. Though Nina had lost some weight due to her fight with parem, Aria thought she was still glowing under the warm light of the club.
Nina found the gaze of Aria, and snapped for more champagne. When Smeet noticed this, he waved her off. "Not that clumsy one, have her twin get it instead." He pointed to Wylan. Twin. She felt the disgust. Wylan and Aria met eyes, he looked as if he was asking for permission. Smeet snapped his fingers.
Wylan scurried off into the back for a new bucket came to deliver it for Nina, the silver bucket in one hand, and a champagne bottle in the other. Wylan stopped beside them, waiting for his command. Aria inched somewhat closer to hear what Nina and Smeet talked about. "A card game is like a duel. It's the little cuts and slashes that set the stage for the final killing stroke." Smeet looked over to Jesper. "That lad is bleeding all over the table."
Nina smiled widely and giggled. "I don't know how you keep the rules straight in your head!"
Smeet grinned, pleased with himself. Aria could've rolled her eyes at the disgusting fink she'd been stuck serving for the past three hours. What a fun job Kaz gave her. "This is nothing compared to managing a business." Smeet stated, laughing—his big belly jumbled up and down, practically shaking Nina.
"I can't imagine how you do that either."
Smeet sighed and placed a hand on Nina's thigh and rubbed upwards. Disgusting, Aria thought. Pig. "Sometimes I don't know myself. It's been a hard week. One of my clerks never came back from his holiday, and that meant I was stuck shorthanded." He rose his flute for Wylan to refill his glass. Wylan fumbled with the bottle and poured it harshly—some of it spilt onto Smeet's pants. He grunted and looked down. "I'm paying to drink it, not wear it, boy." Smeet snapped, wiping at his trousers. "That's what comes of hiring foreigners."
Aria eyed an empty champagne bottle in the bucket of ice on the cart next to her and contemplated either smashing her own head in or Smeet's. Her lips formed a thin line as she picked up the bottle to round the table and fill Jesper's glass. He didn't have much of a taste for bubbly drinks such as champagne, but, in his rather put together suit, he was fitting the character of a rather...bad gambler. Jesper leaned back to allow Aria to fill the glass, his closeness felt familiar. She knew he acknowledged her presence, but his eyes remained on the game. He tapped his revolvers at his waist, gaining Smeet's attention.
"Those guns are remarkable. Real mother-of-pearl in the handles, if I'm not mistaken." Smeet said confidently. "I have a collection of firearms myself, though nothing in the line of Zemeni repeating revolvers."
Nina rubbed on Smeet's chest, smiling seductively. "Oh, I'd love to see your guns." Nina cooed. "Are we going to sit here all night?" She asked, wiggling against his lap.
Smeet met her gaze and stifled a wince, holding her still. "Hush, now. If I win something big, I may buy you something pretty."
"I'll settle for some more oysters."
"You haven't finished those." Aria caught Nina drawing in a breath. The girl hadn't had much of an appetite since she'd taken the parem. Only Saints knew how of all things she'd managed to cram down was nearly a dozen oysters. Aria's stomach turned at the thought. Nina ate the last of them and smiled to Wylan. "Delicious. Let's have some more."
The signal.
Wylan walked up to her, arms behind his back just as Aria. "Oysters, miss? Buttered prawns?"
"She'll have both. And another flute of champagne." Smeet said.
"Marvelous!" Nina exclaimed, looking slightly ill. Aria managed a sympathetic look from behind Smeet. When Wylan turned, Kaz had already risen from his seat in the dealers spot, and Specht was taking his place. Kaz crossed and passed Aria, giving her a small nod. Aria swallowed hard and turned to follow, hearing the last of the conversation.
"We've had a good run," Smeet said to Jesper. "We may find fatter game elsewhere."
Nina pouted. "But my food just came."
Wylan took a step forward. "Is everything to your liking, sir? Can I offer you and the lady something more?"
Smeet ignored Wylan, rubbing Nina's backside. This is when Aria pushed through the servers pantry in tow of Kaz. When Wylan came in, he was babbling something about Jesper putting up his prized guns. Aria's brows shot up at this. Kaz shook his head. "Let's go."
"Me?" Asked Wylan.
"No, the idiot behind you." Kaz spat. He turned to the kitchen and called. "Send up another waiter, these two managed to spill champagne on some high rollers shoes."
A laugh came from the kitchen. "You got it." They said.
When they entered into the alleyway through the back exit, Aria began unbuttoning the top of her uniform, feeling the cool air blow against the exposed skin from her tank-top. Kaz stood waiting out the back door in the alleyway, hands in his pockets. Aria stepped on it as she walked to meet him. "Go on," Kaz said, leaning against the wall opposite of the door to wait for Wylan. Aria took a deep breath and took her hair down from the tight bun, she frustratedly ran her fingers through it.
"That disgusting little prick. I should pummel you for making me do that," Aria spat, tearing the small hat off her head and smacked Kaz's arm with it before throwing it to the wet ground. "I mean, what a discriminative little fink piece of shit, Kaz! All my life I've had to deal with people—oh, and trust me—all sorts of idiots. But he takes the cake." She points a finger towards where they just came from.
Kaz nodded in agreement. "He certainly doesn't know how to hold his tongue." He said, handing her a cloak and mask. Aria pulled it on and followed Kaz into East Stave, her brows furrowed in irritation.
Wylan caught up to Kaz in a small run. "You knew Jesper would lose! You made sure of it." Wylan accused, trying to keep up with him despite Kaz's lopsided gait.
"Of course I did. I control the game, Wylan, or I don't play. I could have made sure Jesper won every hand."
"Then why—"
Aria appeared beside Wylan. "Not there to win cards, Wy. We needed Smeet to stay there, he loved his guns as much as he loved Nina's cleavage."
"And who knows, Jesper may even win his revolvers back. Smeet's feeling confident now, almost as if he's in for a good night. If he loses, he'll still keep playing." Kaz explained.
Wylan sighed. "I hope so."
"You would." Kaz said.
Wylan froze at the small dock above the crowded boat they were about to get in. "Wait, what's supposed to mean?"
Kaz took a seat as they headed south down the Stave. "Someone like Jesper wins two hands and starts to call it a streak. Eventually he loses, and that just leaves him hungrier for the next run of good luck. The house relies on it." Kaz explained, stretching out his bad leg as he spoke. Wylan kept mostly quiet the rest of the way down the Stave, but Aria knew behind that mask he wore, his head was spinning with thoughts. When they made it to the outskirts of the Barrel, they ditched their capes and headed into the Zelvar district.
Matthias appeared from beneath a darkened doorway on Handelcanal. "All clear?" Kaz asked.
"All clear," stated Matthias. "The lights went out on the top floor of Smeet's house more than an hour ago, but I don't know if the servants are awake."
"Smeet only has a daily maid and a cool, he's too cheap for full-time servants." Kaz said.
Matthias nodded. "How is—"
"Nina is fine. Jesper is fine. Everyone is fine except for me because I'm stuck with a gang of hand-wringing nursemaids. Keep a watch," Kaz ordered as he headed towards Smeet's house.
Aria sighed, sticking by Matthias for a moment. "Nina is okay. Getting well fed on oysters and champagne. Don't worry about her too much, alright?" Matthias gave a small nod.
Aria turned to catch up with Kaz and Wylan, meeting them at Smeet's front door. Kaz had already begun to pick the lock, holding on between his teeth. When the door swung open, the sound of pattering paws sounded towards the front door. Aria gulped, moving behind Wylan unintentionally. Claws on hard wood, low snarls, collars shaking, big white teeth. Before the hounds could figure out it was anyone other than Smeet, Kaz blew a silent whistle. All Aria could do was imagine those big white teeth sinking into her throat. It was safe to say she wasn't the biggest fan of big dogs. The home she was a handmaiden at after she ran from the Little Palace had a big unfriendly Great Dane that always bit and pounced on her. She probably still had the scars to prove it. But, despite the silence of the whistle, the dogs skittered to a halt. Aria let out a sigh of relief. They fell into a tangle on the floor, some even falling asleep.
"Now, why can't people be this easily trained? Kaz asked, crouching to scratch the dogs belly. He looked up the worried Aria, beckoning her down. "Wylan, check the first floor." He ordered, and Wylan was off momentarily. "Here," Kaz said, holding out a gloved hand from where he was below her. Aria took his hand and bent down. He pet the dogs stomach and it groaned in consent. Aria smiled slightly. "See? It won't hurt you." Kaz whispered. She reached out a hand reluctantly and pet the soft greying fur on the dogs pink tummy. She smiled widely. "Not so bad, huh?"
When Wylan returned, his kept his back against the wall, far away from the hounds. Kaz could've laughed. "Not fond of animals?"
Wylan shook his head. "I like dogs." He said, then cocked his head. "Just not when there the size of bears." He admitted. Kaz gave a nod before heading towards the stairs. They were scarily silent as they got to the office of Smeet's office door.
Kaz tried the knob and it opened. He looked to Aria beside him. "Not even locked. Fink," he muttered before pushing inside. "Those hounds have made him lazy."
Kaz made his way to the large wall lined with bookshelves, a gloved finger trailing over the names. "Where do we start?" Aria asked.
"First, we make sure Wylan's father doesn't have any new acquisitions under his name. Then his stepmothers, and then his."
Wylan shook his head. "Don't call her that. Alys is barely older than I am. And my father won't have kept property in my name."
Kaz sighed. "You'd be surprised what a man will do to avoid paying taxes."
Over the next hour, the three of them dug through what seemed like endless files that Smeet owned. Aria had taken her place on the floor against the side of the desk, files in her lap, Wylan right beside her. She took the little moments to point out a word Wylan didn't know yet.
"Geldspin?" Kaz asked.
Wylan hummed in thought for a moment. "A cotton mill. I think it's in Zierfoort."
Kaz shook his head. "Too far. He won't be keeping her there." Inej.
"Firma...Allerbest? What about that?" Aria asked, reading the name with a furrowed brow. Wylan pursed his lips. "I think that one's a cannery."
"They're both practically printing cash, and they're both in Alys' name. But Van Eck keeps the big earners to himself—the shipyard, the silos at Sweet Reef." Aria stated.
Wylan groaned. "I told you. My father trusts himself first, Alys only so far. He wouldn't leave anything in my name."
"Next ledger. Let's start with..." Kaz looked through files. "Commercial properties."
Wylan looked to Kaz. "Was there something in my name?"
"A printing press." Kaz said shortly. Aria could see the hurt on Wylan's face from here. His father had played the same old joke again on his son. First the letters he sent, knowing his son couldn't read, and now this? It felt so damn cruel to Aria. The least she had tried to do was to teach Wylan to read and write. They'd only done it a few times in the past week, but progress had been slow. She'd also taught him the words she knew in Shu—she didn't know much herself, but, it would help a little.
"I see."
Kaz sighed. "He's not what I would call a subtle man. Eil Komedie is in your name, too."
Wylan let out a dry laugh. "Of course it is."
Almost another hour had passed and Wylan was increasingly becoming more agitated. "I'm slowing you down." Wylan said.
Kaz didn't look up as he flipped open another file. "I knew exactly how long this would take. What was your mother's family name?"
"There's nothing in her name."
"Humor him," Aria said, leaning back.
Kaz walked to the shelves. "When did she die?"
Wylan swallowed hard. "When I was eight."
A few moments passed and Kaz held a file in his hand. "Let's go."
Aria pushed herself off the ground. "Did you find something?"
Kaz nodded. "I know where she is."
Aria smiled, letting out a small sigh. Inej.
When they put the office back in place and blew the lamp out, they exited the office. It was then Kaz froze right in the middle of the hallway, seeing the small figure down the hall. Aria shut the door slightly, concealing her and Wylan. A little girl removed her thumb from her mouth. "Do you work for my da?"
"No." Kaz said.
Kaz squat down to the little girls height, laying a hand on the dogs wrinkled neck who sat beside her. "What's this big fellows name?"
"This is Maestro Spots."
"Is that so?"
The girl nodded. "He has a very fine howl. Da lets me name all the puppies."
"Is Maestro Spots your favorite?" Asked Kaz.
The girl thought for a moment, then shook her head. "I like Duke Addam Bon Silverhaunch best, then Fuzzmuzzle, then Maestro Spots."
"That's good to know Hanna."
Her mouth opened into a small O shape. "How do you know my name?"
"I know all children's names."
"You do?"
"Oh, yes. Albert who lives next door, and Gertrude on Ammberstraat. I live under their beds and in the backs of their closets."
The girl let out a breath. "I knew it. Mama said there was nothing there, but I knew it," Hanna said. " don't look like a monster."
Kaz leaned forward. "I'll tell you a secret, Hanna. The really bad monsters never look like monsters."
Her lips trembled now. "Did you come to eat me? Da said monsters eat children who don't go to bed when they're told."
Kaz thought for a moment. "They do. But I won't. Not tonight. If you do two things for me."
That player, Aria thought.
Kaz's voice was hypnotically calm. "First, you must crawl into bed. Second, you don't tell anyone you've seen us, especially your da." He reached for Hanna's braid a playful tug. "Because if you do, I'll slit your mothers throat and then your fathers, and then I'll cut the hearts out of all these sweet slobbering hounds. I shall save Duke Addam Von Silverhaunch for last so you know it's all your fault." Hanna's face turned a sickly pale color. "Do you understand?" She nodded frantically, tears bubbling in her eyes. "Now, now, no tears. Monsters see tears and it only whets their appetite. Off to bed with you, and take that useless Maestro Spots along too."
When Hanna skittered back up the stairs with her dog in tow, Aria stepped out of the office and smacked Kaz's arm harshly. "She was just a little girl!"
"We were all children once."
"Kaz," she warned.
"It was either that or snap her neck and make it look like she fell down the stairs. I think I showed some remarkable restraint. Now let's move it, softy." Kaz spat.
Aria followed him outside of the house and down the sidewalk after making sure everything was clear. When Matthias gave a high birdcall, it meant Cornelis Smeet had just arrived. And horrifyingly enough, when they rounded the corner, they smacked right into the man himself. Aria did her best to hide her face, and Kaz put on a flustered act with hair a mess and his eyes all glinting. "Terribly sorry, sir!" Kaz exclaimed, brushing off Smeet's shoulders. "Curse my clumsiness."
Kaz looked to the cobblestones and bent at the knee, presenting Smeet's wallet. "Oh dear, I think you dropped your wallet!"
Smeet pat himself down before gasping. "So I did! Thank you. Thank you very much." Aria watched in disbelief as Smeet opened his billfold and handed Kaz a crispy five kruge bill. "There you are, young man. Pays to be honest."
Kaz bowed. "Too kind, sir. Too kind. May Ghezen be as generous." He grinned brightly.
As soon as Cornelis Smeet moved away, Kaz dropped the smile. He ran a hand to smooth his hair and composed himself. He handed the the five kruge to Wylan and brushed himself off. "Don't spend it all at one place. Let's go."
Aria shook her head, lingering beside Wylan. "He's just done that like he didn't just traumatize that man's child for the rest of her life."
Matthias nodded. "Like I said, he's a demjin."
emma / 2023
edited: 05/22/23
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