XXXXIII - Tumblr Text Posts
These are just text posts I find on Tumblr and put it into ya
Maybe there's a part two or more of y'all want it
It originally was going to be just 500+ words
But it's already nearly 2300 words
All of this comes from tumblr
Alfred: if I was trapped in a room filled with explosives and the only way out was to eat a whole tomato I would die
Shelby: how the hell would you get in that situation
"Hickity heck, get fucking rekt." - Thaovy
Ludwig, going through a first aid kit: WHY WOULD YOU FILL IT WITH CHEETOS
Gilbert, bleeding out: I thought I'd be funny
Hope: you okay?
Shelby: yeah, why?
Hope: you asked the woman at that store if damage repair shampoo also worked on emotions
Lovino: I googled deadbeat emo kid today and your pic popped up
Taylor: at least my picture doesn't pop up when I google Grumpy Humpty Dumpty
Lovino: what were you doing googling that?
Taylor: you have your hobbies I have mine
Cooper: Dreamz got wine drunk last night
Cooper: she tried to set our marriage certificate on fire
Cooper: she kept saying "good luck trying to return me without the receipt"
*Doing a "friendship" race during the carry your partner portion*
Matthew: *carrying Hope bridal-style, jogging a little and talking calmly with him*
Alfred: *sprints past, carrying Shelby over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes; they're both screaming*
Gilbert: I wish I was a dinosaur
Dreamz: why? Because they're big and scary? Because—
Gilbert: because they're all dead
Yao: I can't believe you gave Loung espresso!
Arthur: But he asked nicely. And you said that you were teaching him manners.
Dreamz: I'll keep all of my emotions right here.
Dreamz: *Gestures to chest*
Dreamz: And then one day I'll die
*At a photoshoot*
Hayden: That's it. Everyone look like you're gardening.
Hayden: Spencer grab that little hoe
Spencer: *grabs Dennis*
Yao: One bonus of being an older adult is grossly misusing modern slang on purpose and watching teenagers cry inside
Yao: A fine example: the other day I pointed at his shoes and, while looking Loung right in the eye, went "Man, are those bae or what, huh?" and the look on his face was something I will treasure for years.
Shelby, meeting Hope for the first time: Hey miss Neufeld hope_forever_18 Canadian dudette?
Hope: Hope
Shelby: oh, sorry miss Hope Neufeld hope_forever_18 Canadian dudette
Hope: Wha—no?
Hope, normally: I'm really such a quiet person, I'd prefer to blend into the background and stay out of trouble.
Hope, during golf tapping her mic: Is this thing on? Yes, just checking. GILBERT CAN SUCK A DICK
Amelia: Dennis and Spencer are at that special age where they only have one thing on their mind.
Hayden, thinking he knows this meme: Murder?
Amelia, sighing: Dick jokes
Hayden: as your best friend—
Spencer: Dennis's my best friend
Dreamz: fuck, I want to die
Mare: language
Dreamz: Hickity Heck, I crave death.
Arthur: If you don't buckle down and do your work, you're going to end up at McDonald's.
Alfred: If I don't do my work, we get to go to McDonald's?!?!
Arthur: Wha—no!
Hope: Would you slap your lover in the face for two million dollars?
Shelby: I would roundhouse kick Alfred in the face for free.
Matthew: Do you think Hope will prefer flowers, or an adoption certificate for a baby vulture?
Alfred: If you don't know the answer to that, you're going to be single forever.
Thaovy: well, like I always say...
Thaovy: fuck
Arthur: You know, when I was your age—
Alfred: You know, when I was your height...
Arthur: Listen—
Alfred: We've all done things we're not proud of.
Alfred: except...Matthew
Matthew: Well, no, actually I'm, um- I'm actually really bad at returning library books.
Spencer: bro, good luck, bro
Dennis: bro, I don't need luck, bro, I have you
Spencer, tearing up: bro
Gilbert: You're so sweet, and cute, and precious.
Gilbert: so cute
Thaovy: when I was small—
Lovino: *snorts*
Lovino: was
Shelby: Words can't hurt me, these shades are Gucci.
Shelby: why are people so obsessed with top or bottom? Honestly, I would be excited just to have a bunk bed.
Alfred: Shelby no
Francis: You promised me you wouldn't get me bees again
Arthur, in the distance: Just open it
Sammi: Can I ride this skateboard outside?
Hope: I'm not your mom, do what you want
Sammi, leaving: okay!!
Hope: Not on the road! Stay on the sidewalk!!!
*at a museum*
Sammi: These artifacts are the oldest things at this museum.
Sammi, bumping into Yao:
Sammi: I was wrong
Arthur: It sounds like you're asking me out on a man-date
Francis: Arthur, why are you so afraid of loving me?
Gilbert: I am a very bad person. I am a very, very bad person. I am a horrible person.
Everyone: *silence*
Gilbert: "no you're not, Gilbert. We love you, Gilbert."
Ludwig: Gilbert, why is your selfie sticky taped to the top of the Christmas tree?
Gilbert: because I'm a star
Gilbert: I hope no one lowkey hates me.
Gilbert: Highkey hate me. Hate me with every fiber of your being.
Gilbert: go big or go home
"There are a lot of tragedies happening lately. A lot of death, a lot of hurt, a lot of loss and frustration with the system. Don't forget to be compassionate despite that. Don't let the world make you unkind. Help where you can." -Feliciano
Dennis: Close your eyes, bro
Spencer: alright, bro
Dennis: what do you see, bro?
Spencer: nothing, bro
Dennis: that's my life without you, bro
Spencer, holding back the tears: bro...
Arthur: Your equations look like chicken scratch, but you got them all correct.
Alfred, later at home: I think he's onto us, mathmachicken
Alfred: What's your favorite machine at the gym?
Shelby: the vending
"I don't have an anger problem, I have an idiot problem." -Dreamz
Feliciano: I have a question: what's thanksgiving?
Thaovy: It's where all the Americans come together and be thankful for not being British anymore.
Thaovy: Today I yote my water bottle across the hall
Sammi: Did you just used "yeet" in past tense?
Thaovy: Hey Shelby, are you dressing up for halloween?
Shelby: I'm already in costume
Thaovy: ...But you're wearing the same clothes as always??
Shelby: That's because I'm already the scariest thing out there.
Shelby: I'm the consequences of growing up and becoming an adult
Thaovy: *screams*
*at Disneyland on the teacups*
Taylor, Jenna, Annalise, and Hope: *spinning a little and talking*
Shelby, Dreamz, Thaovy, Sammi: *flying past them as they spin it as fast as possible, screaming*
Judge: I hereby sentence you to 68 years of prison.
Sammi, as Thaovy's lawyer: Your honor, my client respectfully requests one more year to be added to her sentence.
Terrance: wanna play a game?
Samuel: uh...sure?
Terrance: It's called "Dennis or Amelia". I give you actual quotes I've heard Spencer say, and you guess if he was talking to Spencer or to his (ex)girlfriend.
Samuel: nice
*has a poster with the word DEATH*
Matthew: There's only one thing worse than death
Matthew, tears away paper so the whiteboard says "ALFRED'S DEATH": Boom
Arthur, gasping: Alfred
Matthew: no
Thaovy: Y'all'd've'f'ld've
Shelby: You all would have if I would have?
Thaovy: Correct! It's almost a complete sentence of contractions
Shelby: The South is out of control.
Officer: alright, what're your names?
Gilbert: don't tell him, Thaovy
Officer, writing it down (incorrectly): Thaovy
Gilbert: oh shit
Thaovy: way to go Gilbert
Thaovy: fuck
Dreamz: That's my way of doing things. When life gives me pain, I take that pain and push it down. And if the pain starts to come up again, I push more pain down on top of it. Why confront something when you can just avoid it?
Hope: Dreamz... do you need hug?
Sebastian: can you pass the salt?
Thaovy: sure
Thaovy: *hands him a piece of paper*
Sebastian, taking and looking at it: ...this is just a piece of paper with Lovino's picture on it
Thaovy: exactly
Gilbert: Hello? Police? There's an insanely good looking man in my house.
Gilbert: Wait a second. Cancel that. It's only my reflection.
Dreamz: FUCK
Mare: language
Jett: English
Yao: Oh, you guys are pathetic! When I was your age, we didn't even have cellphones.
Jenna: Yeah, but you had stuff that we don't have!
Thaovy: Yeah, like dinosaurs and Moses.
Feliciano: Lovino, no one's pure evil! I mean, yes, some people have a hard outer shell, but inside, everybody has a creamy center.
Lovino: Feliciano, people aren't chocolates. Do you know what they are, mostly? Bastards. Bastard coated bastards with bastard filling.
Gilbert: what
Ludwig: sorry, force of habit
Shelby: perhaps I can drink my sorrows away...
Shelby: *opens a Capri Sun*
ft. Michelle
Shelby: I'm going to bed
Michelle: it's noon
Shelby: time isn't real
Waiter: How would you like your tea, sir?
Alfred: tax free
*Eagle caws in the distance*
Arthur: *groans*
Hope: stop screaming you're in five feet water
Thaovy, whose height is 4'10: NOT EVERYONE IS TALL
Shelby: I'm the most responsible member of this group
Hope: Yesterday you set the bathroom on fire.
Shelby: there was a spider okay
Lovino: Surgery is just stabbing someone to life.
Ludwig: Please never become a surgeon.
Jacob: what happened here man
Hayden: it was crazy man. Spencer and Dennis were fighting. It was an all out bawl.
Jacob: don't you mean a brawl?
Hayden: no, a bawl. Dennis hurt Spencer's feelings so Spencer started crying, and then Dennis felt bad so he started crying. Now they're holding each other while they cry. A big ol' bawl.
Dennis, while sniffling: Hayden made a pun
*ghost hunting with everyone*
Arthur: You know, the spirits of this world can be very aggressive. So it is important to take all necessary precautions when approaching.
Dreamz and Thaovy in unison, blowing air horns at the demons: GET FUCKED
Francis: Can't you make those lines any neater?
Thaovy: I am a creative person, not a straight person, okay!
Gilbert: How did you find me?
Dreamz: Oh, I saw a huge explosion and wondered "Now, who could that be?"
Sammi: I forgot to sleep because I was looking at memes.
Loung: If you ever wonder why you have no friends, remember that sentence.
Hope: I relate to Belle because she loves to read books and loves people for their souls.
Gilbert: I relate to Tinkerbell because she needs attention or she dies.
Dreamz: am I in hell
Thaovy: No, Dreamz. If you were in hell, you'd be on a throne and the devil would be packing.
Alfred: Z is just a sideways N.
Shelby: it's 2AM please stop
Alfred: zo
Spencer: how's the prettiest person in the world doing today?
Amelia: n-nothing, how about yo—
Dennis, across the room: IM FINE FUCK FACE
Hope: name one thing you can't live without
Sebastian: T-Thaovy
Thaovy: mEMES
Thaovy: *dabs*
Arthur: you look nice, I want to kiss you
Francis: what
Shelby: Hunger and sex are different sorts of motivations. Hunger responds to a need. If we don't eat, we die. Sex is not–in this sense–a need. If we don't have sex, we may feel like dying, but we do not.
Gilbert: How do you know nobody ever died from lack of sex?
Thaovy: Because you're still alive.
Arthur: I love your hair
Francis: what
Arthur: I said I love the air, Francis. Pay attention
Francis: You're smiling. Did something good happen?
Arthur: Why? I can't smile because I feel like it?
Matthew: Alfred tripped and fell in the parking lot.
Samuel: I spy with my little eye something beginning with "s"
Terrance, looking over to Spencer and Dennis conversing: is it "sexual tension"
Yao, to Loung: I wonder what's Sammi thinking about
Sammi: *wii music*
Ludwig: Could you please STOP saying "yeet" it's not funny anymore
Thaovy: I'll stop when my soul leaves this body
Thaovy: So when tHIS BITCH EMPTY
Ludwig: NO—
Thaovy: Y E E T
Spencer: I wrote Dennis a note telling him how I feel.
Hayden: that's progress!
Spencer: I tore it up and flushed it.
Hayden: it's still progress!
Sebastian: Whose turn is it to give the pep talk?
Ludwig, sighing: it's Lovino's turn...
Lovino: Fuck shit up out there, but don't die.
Gilbert, wiping away a tear: inspirational...
Thaovy: So you remember the plan if I ever get shot right
Sammi: of course
Thaovy: tell me
Sammi: in the case of you ever being shot, as you fall to the ground, I am to sing MMMMM WHATCHA SAY no matter the circumstances
Thaovy: good
Thaovy: hey Ludwig can you tell me the opposite of these words?
Ludwig: ?
Thaovy: always, coming, from, take, me, down
Ludwig: Never, Going, To, Give, You, Up
Gilbert, in the distance: *laughing*
Hope: Synonyms are weird because if you invite someone to your cottage in the forest, that just sounds nice and cozy, but if I invite you to my cabin in the woods, you're going to die.
Thaovy: My favorite is "butt dial" vs "booty call".
Annalise: It's called connotation.
Thaovy: Also, "forgive me father, I have sinned," vs "sorry daddy, I've been naughty".
Shelby: Great news! Language is now cancelled!
I couldn't remember the last one but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I also could be wrong but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
thanks y'all i'll be here all day
i think
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