Chapter 7.
Nero looked around frantically and called out "Dad! Dad! Where are you!" Nero tried to run but Dante clamped his hand over his mouth and dragged him to the ground where they hid behind a tombstone. There was some guy running around with blood streaming from his mouth. It didn't look like an injury, it looked like he had just got done eating someone. He ran off and Dante helped Nero up and reached into the waistband of his pants, pulling out his pistol. He looked at his nephew and said "Are you a good shot?"
"I've never handled a gun before." Nero said quietly and looked through the fence, the crazy guy was just stalking the area. He didn't look like a zombie. He grabbed a girl who tried to run by and sunk his teeth into her thr-Dante grabbed Nero's head and made him look at him, calmly saying "We're gonna find Vergil and we're gonna get out of here." Nero nodded and steadied himself, feeling like he was gonna drop.
Nero walked through the graveyard trying to find his father while Dante kept on watch for any other crazies. Nero looked through the fence again and felt his heart drop. Vergil was on the other side and close to the crazy. Nero dropped his crutches and grabbed the fence, screaming "Dad! Dad, get away from him!" Vergil heard the panicked voice of his son and looked towards the graveyard, see him and Dante behind fence. Vergil sighed in relief as he saw his son and brother were okay. Suddenly the crazy guy grabbed Vergil sunk his teeth into his upper arm.
"NO! Dad!" Nero screamed as tears started streaming down his cheeks. Suddenly there was a gunshot and Nero dropped to the ground and covered his ears. Dante had shot the guy before he could rip a chunk out of Vergil's arm. Nero didn't see though, he just sat on the ground and covered his eyes.
"Nero." A quite voice called out for him. Nero didn't look, he doesn't want to. He heard the loud sound of the door to the fence being kicked down. and someone running through the graveyard. Nero flinched when someone knelt down and hugged him, but that wasn't what made him flinch, what made him flinch was when he felt something warm and wet touch him.
"Nero." The voice was quiet, the same one from before. Nero looked up and saw it was his dad. He didn't look good and his face was pale.
"Dad!" Nero cried and hugged his father tightly. Vergil smiled and said "I'm okay, don't worry." Dante grabbed the back of both boys shirts and hauled them up, giving Nero his crutches and picking up Vergil.
"He's losing a lot of blood, we need to get him to the hospital." Dante said and started leaving the graveyard at a pace Nero can follow. Though Nero was going slowly, he couldn't help but look at the half eaten bodies.
"Nero... don't look." Vergil said and reached out for him, but he blacked out before Nero could even notice.
When Vergil woke up, he was in a hospital room and there was an IV in him, but he wasn't given saline or medicine, it was blood. He didn't bother sitting up, knowing that it was bad to move with an IV in. He moved his head slightly to left then right. He saw Dante and asked "Where is Nero?"
"He's resting, he needs it." Dante said and went through his bag of candy. He grabbed his and Nero's bags of candy, thinking the young teen would need the comfort of the candy.
"Why? What happened to him?!" Vergil asked frantically, thinking there was another crazy guy that had attacked his his son.
Dante smirked and said "Where do you think you got the blood from? I was going to give you my blood but Nero had insisted he'd give you the blood you need." Vergil groaned and said "My poor baby." Dante smiled and said "Oh please, he handled it fine. Of course he was panicking but that was to get you the blood quickly. He thought you'd die if you didn't get it soon."
Vergil smiled lightly, glad Nero was okay. He then turned his head towards Dante again and asked "Are you okay? Did you get hurt or attacked?" Dante finally found what he was looking for in the candy bag and started to open a piece of vanilla salt water taffy, bringing to Vergil's mouth and saying "I'm fine, now open." Vergil didn't like to eat candy but he really needed it so he opened up and took the piece of taffy. He closed his eyes and chewed, relaxing completely. He chewed the taffy slowly, it was soft, creamy, and pure bliss. Vergil kept chewing until the piece of taffy had just melted and melded with his saliva. He swallowed and was actually upset that it was gone.
Vergil adjusted his body and said "Damn it, I don't eat candy but I need another piece of that taffy." Dante smiled and said "Just hold on a second and I'll find you a good one." Dante pulled out a yellow and purple piece of taffy and said "Oh, this is a good one, I couldn't stop eating these." He unwrapped it and tossed the candy into Vergil's waiting mouth. He started to chew but then there was a loud and horrid beeping that caused Vergil to swallow the taffy prematurely. He started to cough. which Dante was relieved for. He wasn't choking, not yet anyway.
In his CPR class, Dante was told to not interfere with someone if they are just coughing, just let them be. If they aren't coughing and are holding their throat, you ask them if they are choking, when they nod is the only time you intervene. But of course, when it came to his brother or nephew, he didn't want to waste time with, what Dante calls, that BS. He sat Vergil up as much as he could without disturbing the IV and started to pat his back. Vergil was able to cough up the candy without spitting it out. Though when he took in a few deep breaths he spit the candy into the trash and said "Okay, no more taffy." Dante smirked and said "Does that mean you'll eat other candy?"
Before Vergil could answer, a nurse came in and said "How do you feel, sweetie?" Vergil inwardly groaned at being called that but said "Better." The nurse smiled and said "Perfect, I'll get that IV out and put some gauze on and you can go see your son. His girlfriend hasn't left his side since she got here. Oh, she must love him a lot, it's so sweet." Vergil was about to question her but Dante quickly said "Remember Tamara, from the cafe? It's her. The act she played wasn't just to make Kyrie jealous, she actually liked Nero. He called her before he was told to rest. I wouldn't be surprised if he's still asleep. He gave you as much blood as he could. You lost a lot from the bite."
Vergil was quiet the entire time the IV was removed to the gauze being held and taped down. He stood up and felt a bit tipsy but was able to walk. Dante grabbed the bags of candy and led Vergil to Nero's room. When they arrived, Tamara was sitting in a chair on the left of Nero's bed, there was a bottle of orange juice half empty on the floor and a full bottle next to it. The young girl was scrolling through Tumblr on her phone when they walked in. She looked up and said "Oh, hey! Are you okay? Nero told me what happened. I got you some orange juice too, knowing you would need." Tamara grabbed the full bottle of orange juice and stood up, heading quickly over to Vergil. Vergil accepted the juice and slowly drank it.
Tamara went back to her seat and said "I brought some food from work, you know, stuff that would be good for replenishing blood. Yogurt parfaits, stuffed croissants filled with clotted cream and strawberries, some have oranges. I also brought some steak, spinach, and mozzarella panini's. Fruit, vegetables, dairy, meat, and grains are good food for replenishing lost blood." The young teen handed the bag of food towards Dante and Vergil.
"Nero woke up three times within the 4 hours he was out. I tried getting him to eat but he would only drink and it wasn't much." Tamara said, looking over at her now boyfriend. He was curled into the fetal position, as if laying like that could provide some comfort.
Vergil walked over and sat on the bad, pulling his son onto his lap. Nero subconsciously wrapped his arms around his father and noticeably relaxed. Vergil smiled and kissed Nero's forehead. Tamara smiled lightly and said "I got to get going, let Nero know I'll call him tomorrow. And make sure he eats." Vergil promised he will and with that, Tamara left. Dante smiled lightly before reaching into the bag of food and pulling out one of the panini's, handing it to Vergil.
"You need to eat."
"I'm not hungry."
"Too bad, now eat." Vergil sighed and got off the bed, settling Nero back on the bed. He felt bad when Nero whimpered. Vergil grabbed the panini and unwrapped it, taking a small bite.
The panini was good, it had lots of flavor and was still warm. He managed to finish his sandwich and tell Dante to eat. Dante grabbed a stuffed croissant and ate that. The two brothers looked at their youngest family member, wondering when he would wake up.
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