Chapter 6.
Vergil sighed and hung up, slamming his fist down on the table. Why did they have to be so damn stubborn? He got up and contemplated making another cup of espresso, he knew too much was a bad thing, but he really needed it. But was having a heart attack and possibly leaving Nero worth it? No, it wasn't worth it. Vergil went to the fridge and grabbed a can of cream soda, going back to the table and sitting down. He looked at the soda, he doesn't really want it, just wanted some caffeine.
Vergil was about to put the soda back when he heard the door open. He forgot that Dante and Nero had left so he grabbed his butterfly knife from his pocket and opened the blade, holding it underneath the table. He heard footsteps walk into the living room and something being set down. Vergil got up and slowly crept towards the living room. He waited around the corner as he heard footsteps coming towards him. Once they were close enough, Vergil quickly turned and went to stab what he thought was an intruder but was actually his brother.
Luckily, Dante was quicker and he grabbed Vergil's wrist, twisting it to get the knife away from his face. Vergil hissed in pain and kicked Dante in the shin. Dante let go of his older brother's wrist and said "Forgot me and Nero went out?" Vergil put his knife away and said "After all the bullshit with the school, I forgot about a lot of stuff." He looked at the clock and said "Like making lunch." He walked over to the kitchen phone and dialed a number, putting the receiver to his ear.
Dante walked into the living room to check on Nero. The kid was whimpering in his sleep and he was shaking, but not like he was scared, more like he was cold. Dante grabbed a blanket off the back of the couch and covered Nero with it, petting his head. The action was able too soothe the young teen and he slept peacefully. Dante smiled and went back to the kitchen to see his brother drinking cream soda.
"I thought you don't drink soda?" Dante said with a smirk. Vergil drained the can and said "I need the caffeine, but I can't have anymore espresso." Dante frowned and said "Did you really drink that much?" Vergil through the can away and said "I had too. The bastards at the school are refusing that the teachers are failing Nero because they don't like him and they are refusing that the students are fighting him, much less not getting in trouble for it." Dante sighed and said "Well we can't send him back if those cu- uh, bastards, aren't doing anything and denying everything." Vergil stared at the hallway leading to the living room and said "We'll think of something."
Nero yawned and woke up at the sound of the doorbell ringing. 'Damn it' He thought and tried to fall back asleep. Just as Nero closed his eyes, Dante shook his shoulder and said "Come on, get up. Lunch is here." Nero batted Dante's hand away and turned on his side, facing away from his uncle. Dante frowned for a second before getting an idea. He leaned down and kissed Nero's cheek, causing the teen to jump up and say "Ah! Don't do that again!" Dante laughed at his nephew's reaction. The sign of affection never bothered him when he was younger, but as he got older he grew to hate it.
"Hurry up and get in here before lunch gets cold." Vergil called from the dinning room. Nero grabbed his crutches and stood up, heading into the dinning room with Dante. Nero seated himself and Vergil handed him a plate with two slices of pizza, one Hawaiian and the other pepperoni and tomato. The teen smiled and thanked his father but didn't eat, he was waiting for him and Dante. He had manners.
Once they all had their pizza, they started eating. Dante laughed when Nero tried to take a bite of his pizza but the cheese had left a trail from the slice to his mouth. Nero had to take two more bites to stop the trail. Once Nero was done with his first slice, he noticed his father wasn't eating.
"What's wrong? Why aren't you eating?" Nero asked, worried something was wrong.
"I'm just thinking about something." Vergil said quietly. He instantly regretted that, the way he said it, he could see the worry and fear it put on Nero's face.
Vergil immediately put on a light smile and said "I was thinking that maybe we could go back to the haunted attraction, as long as we don't lose your crutches." Nero wasn't sure if Vergil was lying or not, but what he said next had him convinced he wasn't lying.
"I was really hoping last time we were there that we could have done the graveyard hunt and go to the Canadian food truck." Nero smiled and said "Well, let's go." Vergil smiled more and said "After lunch."
After the three boys had had their fill of pizza, they got ready and left for the haunted attraction. Nero was laying down in the backseat while his father and uncle were talking in the front, though he wasn't paying attention to what they were saying. Right now he was just hoping they wouldn't have an encounter with the Blue Skulls. In case something was to happen, he had his cold steel counter tac II knife with him. Though if he was with Dante he wouldn't need his knife, Dante doesn't carry one, no, instead he carries a concealed pistol. He has a licence to carry a concealed weapon, which Nero was thankful for.
He was hoping he would end up with Vergil because he doesn't think he carries a weapon with him, which would be good to have up against the Blue Skulls. Those bastard move in groups, and they have weapons too. But he doesn't know about Vergil's butterfly knife. Nero was dreading going to the haunted attraction but he went anyway, he didn't want to deny his family fun. He sat up when he felt the car come to a stop, they were there already.
Nero got out and followed his father and uncle and to the graveyard hunt attraction. The blonde guy at the entrance handed them colorful Halloween bags and said "There is candy scattered throughout the graveyard, your objective is to gather more than the others. I'm so glad we've got people to do the graveyard hunt! No one ever does this, they prefer the scares more than the candy. Because you guys are the first to play since the attraction opened up, I'm gonna scatter more candy 'cause, you know, we got lots since no one plays. Go enjoy some food and drinks from the trucks and I'll come get you when the graveyard is ready." Vergil thanked the man and led his family to the food truck areas.
They went to the Finnish food truck and got Sima's, Finnish lemon soda, except for Nero who wanted to try a blueberry pie milkshake. It was made with a scoop of vanilla ice cream and a slice of blueberry pie. Nero took one sip and said "Ooh, this is really good. You guys have to try." Vergil took a sip and said "Wow, that is sweet." Dante took the next sip and said "But it's damn good." They didn't care about drinking from the same straw, they're family, they've got practically the same DNA. Hell, Dante and Vergil have taken bites from the slice of pizza before. This shows that they have a good bond, to share these things and not care about it.
Once they finished their drinks, they contemplated getting something to eat but just before they could walk towards the truck, the blonde haired guy came running and said "Okay, it's all set up. There is tiny candy as well as big candy, so keep an eye out." They quickly entered the graveyard, the door behind them being shut and locked, people like to sneak in and scare people, explained the blonde guy. Dante clapped Nero on the back and said to his brother "Okay, me and Nero versus you." Vergil smiled lightly and said "Okay, let the fun begin." He quickly ran off and started the hunt. Dante helped Nero in the graveyard more and knelt down, picking up a full size Nestle Crunch bar. Dante smiled and put it in Nero's bag before looking behind a few graves and grabbing some mini candies.
Dante helped Nero find and gather candy, they divided it evenly among them, well, not completely evenly. Nero has lots of favorite candies so he has just a bit more than Dante. They got a good haul. Small bags of cotton candy, different kinds of hard candy, kit kats, snickers, twix, sour patch kids, jolly ranchers, sky bars, and all kinds of salt water taffy and other good stuff. Nero just had to eat a piece of the salt water taffy now, he couldn't resist. He ate a piece and smiled at the taste, it tasted sweet and cinnamony with some apple.
Dante noticed the look on his nephew's face and said "Must be pretty good. What flavor is it?" Nero chewed for a bit longer before swallowing and saying "I think it's apple pie." Dante smiled and said "You gotta give me a piece when we get out of here." Nero nodded and started to walk further when a loud scream was heard. He turned his head to look through the wrought iron fence and saw people running and screaming.
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