Chapter 4.
A/N: I don't know Nero's last name so I used the last name some people like to give Vergil and Dante.
Nero yawned and sat up in bed, he smelled something delicious cooking. He looked around for Dark Prince and noticed it wasn't on his bed. He started to panic, thinking Dante had come in and saw him with it and did something to the book. He got off his bed and on the floor in front of it, lifting the mattress. He sighed in relief when he found it with the others.
"I wonder how it got there?" He said quietly to himself.
Nero reached for the book but he immediately stopped when he heard someone clear their throat. The teen immediately dropped his mattress and looked up to see his father. Nero blushed like crazy, instantly knowing it was his father who put the book there. Vergil just smiled lightly and said "I'm not gonna judge, and I'm not gonna tell Dante." Nero closed his eyes and sighed, not sure himself if it was out of awkwardness or relief.
Vergil walked over and helped his son up, putting the crutches under his arms so he can support himself. Nero looked away, too embarrassed to look at his father, causing Vergil to laugh lightly and say "Come with me." He walked off to his room and his son reluctantly followed behind. The young father opened his walk in closet to reveal a bookcase at the end. It was filled with all sorts of books but Nero noticed quite a few of them were romance books, he could tell when he saw Christine Feehan's name printed in big letters on the sides.
"I read them too, you don't have to be embarrassed." Vergil said, before Nero could say anything he grabbed his shoulder and led him out of the closet, saying "Now let's head downstairs before breakfast gets cold. I made bacon and cheddar stuffed french toast." Nero smiled and started to head for the stairs.
Vergil closed his closet and left his room, seeing Nero standing at the top of the stairs as soon as he did. The teen was staring down the stairs, scared that if he tried to go down them, he would fall. Vergil grabbed the back of Nero's shirt and placed his hand on the teen's stomach, that way in case Nero was to lose his footing, Vergil could make sure he wouldn't fall forward or backwards and he could keep him up.
"It's okay, I got you." Vergil said in a reassuring voice, but that didn't help Nero at all. He thought Vergil wasn't strong to catch him if he fell, he thought he would take his father down with him.
Vergil was a lot stronger than Nero gave him credit for, he had once thrown Dante. It was in a sparring match that Dante eventually won in the end. Nero slowly took a step down, not really sure how to go down. Nero kept going until he had made it to the bottom. Dante clapped him on the back and said "Good job, kid. Let's eat breakfast so we can burn the books." Nero smiled and made his way to the dinning room with his uncle.
Vergil frowned, he knew that smile was fake. He turned to head up the stairs and said "I got to do something." The young father went upstairs to his son's room and lifted his mattress, looking at the books he has. Dark Prince, Dark Gold, Dark Desire, and Dark Legend. Vergil smiled lightly, Nero has the first three books and the eighth one in the Dark Series. The young father has all thirty of the books, he'll give Nero four through seven so he can read them in order.
Nero was eating quickly, so was Dante, they were trying to see who could finish their breakfast first. Nero took his last bite and only chewed three times before swallowing, the lack of chewing causing the food to get stuck in his throat. Nero held his throat and tried to cough it up, but wasn't having any luck. Dante's eyes wen't wide, he had to act and fast. He stood up and rushed behind Nero. He wrapped his arms around Nero's abdomen and made a fist slightly above his naval, he then started to pull straight back to get Nero to cough up the food lodged in his throat. Dante knew the Heimlich well, it was part of CPR, which he was certified in. He ignored the first step where you are supposed to ask if they are choking. It was his nephew in the position, he wasn't gonna bother to ask, didn't want to take any time in case Nero was choking, and Dante knew he was.
Nero coughed up his food just as Vergil entered the room, the young father was thrown into a state of panic when he saw it. He rushed over, asking "Are you okay? How did you choke?" Dante covered for him and saw "He was really enjoying the stuffed french toast and was eating it quickly while not chewing fully." Nero mentally thanked Dante for lying about the eating contest. Vergil patted his son's back and said "You need to eat slower and chew fully, and if you enjoy it that much I can easily make more." Vergil grabbed a few napkins off the table and picked up the coughed up piece of food, throwing it away before going to make more.
Nero rubbed his throat a bit before looking at Dante and asking "Where did you learn to do that?" Dante sat his nephew down and sat down next to him before saying "I learned it with my CPR training." Nero gave him this look, Dante didn't seem like the kind of person that would actually learn CPR.
"Why did you learn CPR?"
"Because before you were born, Vergil had almost died from drowning. He didn't know how to swim but I had him come into the lake with me anyway. He went too far out and went under. I was able to bring him back to shore but he wasn't moving or breathing. He needed CPR but I didn't know how to do it. Luckily someone who knew it showed up to help. He managed to save him but said he was almost a goner and wasn't sure if he would have been able to save him. I almost lost my brother, I was scared something like that would happen again and no one would be around to save him. I was scared of losing him that I learned CPR so that way if something like the lake incident did happen again, I would be able to save him."
Nero's eyes went wide and said "Wow. But wait a second. You said dad can't swim and I know he can't swim, but when I fell in the deep end of the pool at the YMCA, dad was the one who saved me from drowning. He dived in, grabbed me, and swum back to the shallow end."
"And I also spanked you for going near the deep end when I told you not to." Vergil said as he came into the room and handed another plate of bacon and cheddar stuffed french toast to his son and brother. Nero fumed and glared at his father, grabbing his crutches and leaving the room. Vergil quickly strode after him and said "I'm sorry, but I brought that up because you still do the same thing I told you not to every time we go to the YMCA, you still can't swim."
"And neither can you! I've seen you try and swim and you can't even do the doggy paddle!" Nero snapped at him.
Dante came in the room and smacked the back of his brother's head, saying "Now he get's what he deserves." Nero smiled lightly, even though he wasn't the one who did that he still felt better. Vergil glared at his brother before calming his expression and facing his son.
"When you are under a lot pressure and really scared of losing someone, you can do amazing things that you didn't even know you could do. Under intense pressure, fear unleashes reserves of energy that normally remain inaccessible. We become, in effect, superhuman. When you fell in the deep end, there was no lifeguard around and I thought I would lose you. I was under a lot pressure and when my fear unleashed the reserves of energy, it gave me enough strength to dive in and bring you back to the shallow end."
Nero smiled lightly and opened his mouth to say something but his stomach growled before he could say anything. Dante grabbed his nephew's arm and helped him up, handing him his crutches and saying "Let's finish breakfast so we can burn the books." Nero and Dante left the living room, leaving Vergil in the living room. The young father got up and went to the mantle, grabbing a tiny plastic hospital bracelet, it was a baby's bracelet. He turned it over in his hands, examining it before reading the name and age on it. Nero Sparda. 9 Mo . Vergil remembered the time where he had almost lost him. It was also the time where he didn't care about him or what happened to him. But that one day, when Nero almost died, he realized how much he cared about him. He promised he would take care of him and keep him safe from harm. Bringing up the memory of the deep end had brought up this memory for Vergil.
Vergil placed the bracelet back on the mantel and went into the dinning room to eat with his two member family.
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