Chapter 2.
Nero slowly opened his eyes as the car stopped, not realizing he fell asleep. Vergil and Dante got out and went over to Nero's side. Dante got him out of the car and Vergil got him settled with his crutches. The teen yawned and rubbed his eyes the best he could while still holding his crutches.
"I think we should get him something to eat, ya know, raise his blood sugar." Dante said, Vergil nodded and led them to the snack area. There were food trucks in rows, all came to the attraction to sell food to people who came for the haunted house and other attractions.
Nero looked at all of them, there were so many that he couldn't help but say "Damn." They had trucks for american food, Chinese food, Japanese food, french food, and so much more. They had a completely separate truck for drinks and desserts even though some of the trucks already had dessert. Nero smiled, there were so many good scents from the trucks, some had displays of what they serve. It all looked so good that Nero wanted to try something from each truck. Vergil could tell just by the look on his face. He smiled and said "There are plenty of things to do here. We'll eat something now and after each attraction we'll get something from a different truck." Nero smiled and said "Sounds good." Dante suggested they go to the American food truck first. They all got fried bread dough with butter and powdered sugar. They each enjoyed two pieces before going to the graveyard attraction.
The graveyard attraction had tombstones, tall ones that obstruct view. There was cast iron fences, surrounding the graveyard and in the graveyard, the ones inside being there as a maze to get people lost. There were realistic looking zombies that, if you are unfortunate to get close to them, will chase you. Nero thought this one would be fun, it's not a haunted house and he would be able to see people through the fence.
Vergil headed in first, then Nero, and Dante in the back. They were a barrier of some sort for Nero. They walked straight, left, right, right, right, forward, forward, left before Nero admitted "We're lost." Vergil hummed in thought, kind of perturbed. He was sure they would see a zombie by now. Hearing Nero yelp took him out of his thoughts, he turned and saw Dante push a zombie off of Nero.
"Hurry, let's get out of here." Vergil walked fast ahead of his son and brother. Nero tried to go fast but started to fall. The zombie worker didn't stop, he still tried to attack them. Dante kicked the zombie in the stomach and picked up his nephew, rushing behind Vergil.
Left, right, right, panic, left, left, someone screams in terror, Nero is scared, forward, left, forward, a severing sound was heard, Nero bites back a whimper, right, left, exit! Vergil looked back and noticed Dante was carrying Nero and his crutches are nowhere to be seen.
"What happened?" Vergil asked,
"This zombie bastard tried to attack Nero, he started to fall and the zombie still tried to attack him. Had to kick the guy and rush of with Nero. Couldn't grab the crutches."
"We need to get them back, but if we go back in then the zombie would either try and attack us or we'd get lost. Somebody probably already took the crutches." Vergil said and sighed, he heard Nero's stomach growl, and said "Let's get something to eat, then we'll talk to someone about getting the crutches."
Dante carried Nero over to the snack area, which was not as crowded as they would have thought. It was Vergil's turn to pick the food truck, and he went with the Japanese food truck. They got some Mitarashi Dango, in English, sweet and salty dumplings, they also got some Yukimi Daifuku and went to a picnic table.. There were three dumplings on a bamboo skewer and each of them got two. Nero ate one dumpling and immediately loved the taste, it was so good! He ate the other two on the skewer and finished his second one quickly. He wanted more but knew Vergil wouldn't let him have more, well, that is what he thought.
He thought Vergil wouldn't let him have more because he knew his plan was to eat snacks from the trucks to fill them up a bit for one attraction and then eat more for another attraction. Dante knew Nero wanted more so he gave him his skewer of dango, he didn't really like it anyway, the soy sauce was very potent in the Mitarashi sauce. Nero thanked his uncle before eating the delicious dumplings. After the dango, they ate the Yukimi Daifuku, which is mochi ice cream.
The taste of the vanilla was strong, very sweet and very delicious. As they finished their mochi, they got drinks to wash it down. They went to the same food truck and saw they had regular sodas but also Japanese ones. Vergil got Ramune for everyone, the flavor was grape for all of them, the vendor saying it's the best flavor. She looked at the boys and said "Want me to open the bottle for you? You have to open it a specific way and it's kind of hard."
"Sure." Vergil said and watched the lady open the soda. She peeled off the plastic wrappers surrounding the top, she took a plastic circle with a little plastic popper. He stuck the little part of the pusher against the top and pushed down with quite a bit of force. There was a popping sound as well as glasses clinking.
The Ramune had a glass marble lodged in the top of the bottle, it is there because of such a worry and concern in Japan over the drink being contaminated. The marble is to guarantee freshness and the drink isn't contaminated when you dislodge it from the top. The marble won't get in the way if you drink it right. There are two indents in the bottle meant to catch the marble so you can drink. Vergil understood this and so did Dante, but Nero didn't. He tried four times to drink but the marble stopped the flow of the soda. Vergil smiled and said "Here, let me help you." He grabbed the bottle and turned it so the indents were facing his son.
"You tip it so the indents on the inside catch the marble." Vergil said, Nero took a sip and smiled when he tasted the delicious soda, it wasn't really sweet like other sodas but still good. It was sweet but it was kind of bland and really tasted more like a wine cooler.
"Thanks, dad." Nero said and drank more.
Dante had to set Nero on his hip in order for him to drink his soda. Nero did not like this at all and protested "Just because I am small like a child doesn't mean you can put me in this position like I am one!" Dante smirked and handed his nephew to his brother. Vergil threw his empty bottle away and took his son, being careful of his leg. Dante quickly drank his soda and threw the bottle away while Nero slowly drank his, he wanted to enjoy it.
Suddenly Dante snapped "Damn it!"
"What's wrong?" Vergil asked, his brother pointed to a garbage truck, the father and son looked over and saw Nero's crutches being tossed in the back. Vergil sighed and said "Sorry, but we have to leave now. I got to get replacement crutches." Nero held back a smile and said "It's okay." He was so glad to leave, he did not want to make it to the haunted house, he was scared of seeing the Blue Skulls. They all went to the car, got in, and drove home.
Nero relaxed in the back and tried to fall asleep, content with everything right now. As Vergil drove, the window was slightly down and he heard a familiar voice, Kyrie. Nero sighed, he forgot about his problems. He looked at his dad in the drivers seat, he wanted to talk to him about it now, but decided he would do it at home. He wants to be in a comfortable place when he talks about it. Nero mentally promised to talk to his father about having his help.
"We should eat a proper dinner. Where should we go to eat?" Vergil asked his two member family. Dante said "How about Cafe S'more, they recently started serving dinner." Nero's eyes went wide and he smiled, he didn't know that.
"Yeah! Let'g go there!" Nero said excitedly, Vergil smiled and said "Okay, we'll go there." the teen smiled as his father drove to the nice and fancy cafe. He wondered what they would be serving.
Vergil parked the car and undid his seat belt, getting out while Dante was already out and by Nero's side. He opened the door and helped him out. He helped him stand and walk into the cafe. He was relived he wasn't being carried. There was a spot open by the window overlooking the small orchard. Dante carefully set his nephew into a chair and sat across from him while Vergil sat next to him.
The perky waitress, Tamara, from a few days ago walked over and said "Hello! I'll be your waitress, do you know what you would like to drink?" Both Dante and Vergil said coffee while Nero still looked through the drink menu. Tamara smiled and said "Okay! The coffee today is amazing! And what about you, sugar?" She said the last part directed at Nero, causing Vergil to say "Sorry, he's taken."
"No, I'm not." Nero said sadly, Vergil frowned and said "What happened to Kyrie?" his son just sighed and didn't say anything. Tamara frowned and said "Sorry about that." Nero looked up at her with a light smile and said "It's okay." The waitress went back to her perky self and said "Okay. Do you know what you would like to drink?" Nero pretended to look at his menu before saying "Guava soda, please." Tamara smiled and said "Coming right up!" She walked off with a little skip in her walk.
Once she was gone, Vergil looked at Nero and said "Nero, what happened to you and Kyrie? I thought you two loved each other." Nero sighed and said "I loved her and I thought she loved me, but I was wrong." Nero took in a slight breath and said "She was cheating on me with multiple guys, she even slept with one of them." He looked up when he heard the bell ring, indicating someone came in. He saw Kyrie with a random guy and felt his heart break even more. Nero forced back tears and said "I want to go home."
"You can't let her get to you, you can't let her win." Vergil said. Kyrie just looked over and flipped her hair, a combination of a tease and taunt. Tamara had been listening in and she even saw Kyrie and what she did, she also saw the pain written on Nero's face.
She walked over with her tray of drinks and gave the adults their coffee and Nero his soda, she then sat down on his lap and wrapped her arms around his neck, saying "Nero, I can't wait till I get off work. You're still coming over aren't you?" She said it so sweetly, so full of love that Nero thought she actually had feelings for him, which she did. He couldn't help but smile and feel a warmth spread through him.
"He can't go anywhere for a bit. We went to a haunted house attraction and had to run from some crazy guy. We had to leave his crutches behind and they were thrown in a garbage truck. I need to get him another pair of crutches." Vergil said, causing Nero to frown, he actually wanted to go over.
Tamara looked down and gasped, saying "Why didn't you tell me you broke your leg? Does it hurt?" Nero kept smiling and said "It doesn't hurt, my medicine is helping with that." The perky waitress smiled and said "Good. I gotta get back to work now," She pulled out her pen and notepad and positioned the pen over the paper. "What would you guys like to order?" Dante ordered Alfredo, Vergil ordered Chicken Florentine, and Nero got chicken scampi. Tamara smiled and said "Okay, coming up!" On another piece of the pad paper, she wrote out a little note and handed it to Nero, winking and smiling before walking off.
Nero looked at the note,
'Sorry if I upset you with the fake act, but it wasn't fake. I actually do like you. Think I could come over sometime and we can get to know each other?' Tamara then added her number and a smiley face. Nero smiled and put the note in his pocket and glanced over at Kyrie, she looked Jealous. Tamara was better looking than her. Nero took a sip of his soda and anticipated having Tamara over again. But first, he needed to ask his dad for help.
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