Chapter 3
I stared at the stacked boxes besides my legs, which were already filled with my stuffs. I can't believe all those stuffs filled eight boxes already, despite the few things I brought.
The ticking of the clock above my head made me realize that it was already eleven pm. I'm so lucky I made it before midnight. Speaking of midnight-
I sank into the couch and rubbed my chin thoughtfully. "He says I can't leave the room when it's midnight, are they having some kind of meeting?". All manner of thoughts and possibilities ran through my mind, but that stopped when my stomach rumbled in protest.
"I can't believe I missed dinner already". I buried my head in between my palms with a low groan of anger. Of all the bad lucks I've had today, this is the worst. I'm going to sleep on an empty stomach. Great. Just great.
My eyes flickered across the room towards the bathroom. My face went red when I noticed that the doors weren't the metallic or wooden type. They were the glassy and transparent type. Of all the places in a room it's the bathroom that's translucent?!
I placed my hand across my lips and stomped my way to the tub in anger, hoping it wasn't what I was thinking. Sliding the door, I walked in, a bit awe-stricken by the various luxurious displays by each sides. Shaking my head, I twisted both of the taps' knobs-the cold water and hot water.
As the water was flowing into the tubs, I averted my stare to the glassy walls to see what happens next. Little by little, the doors became foggy and blurry-almost impossible to see through. I sighed relief to see that my privacy was respected. Now time to shower.
Slowly, I tugged my damp gown over my head and tossed it by the side of the tub, placing both of my legs reluctantly into the relaxing warmth. With a deep sigh, I sank further into the tub, making my toes stick out a bit. I'd lie if I say this wasn't the best feeling I've ever gotten so far. It was like many emotions trying to flow through my body.
A sweet scent reached my nose, making me sniff the air, I realized that the water was that of rose water. At a moment like this, one can either meditate or say out her thoughts out loud without being interrupted.
I closed my eyes and brought some of the lathered roses to my chest, savoring the magnificent freshness and fragrance from the flower. This is the best treatment I've gotten so far ever since I got here! I wonder what other magnificent feelings await me?
I feel like I should stay here forever.
It's been a while I've felt this kind of way before.
So relaxed.
So independent.
An assumed noise of something opening alerted me. It sounded like a door or drawer was opening but the noise then stopped. There's no way someone could've entered the room. I'm hundred percent sure I locked it.'s just my imaginations?
Glancing at the bold digital time across the wall, I discovered it was already few minutes past eleven. I don't know how long I have stayed here!
Quickly and reluctantly, I stretched out my body parts before making an attempt to raise my legs one after the other away from the tub. The air kissed my bare skin once I got out of it, making me shiver from the night's coldness.
Wrapping a towel around my waist, I stared at myself at the mirror, clutching my dull necklace sadly. I've barely even stayed for a night and I'm already getting homesick. I need to get myself together. I'm no longer a baby. I'm an adult now, one that makes her own decisions and choices.
With a soft thud, I threw the towel on the towel bar and glanced around the room to see if there were any robes free for my use. Not that I didn't have mine, but I'm just too sluggish to go here and there.
My eyes widened when the wind whispered such words in my ears. It felt like someone was right behind me. My face suddenly turned red and the feeling of being unsecured hit me.
I need to get dressed before any unholy things get into my mind.
Panicking, I dashed out of the bathroom and furiously went through the boxes, finally finding the perfect one for the night. My favorite pyjamas.
I slid it over my head and buttoned the front part while I zipped the back side.
The words came again, but this time more clearer.
My face went pale again. If I keep assuming it's my imaginations, my imaginations would keep playing tricks on me more.
I dimmed the lights a little, shrugging it off as nothing again. All the happenings today have finally made me paranoid. Sleep is the only thing that could make me feel better now.
Well, some nice dinner would too, but it's out of my reach now.
Tomorrow morning would be my resumption.
I need to be very early.
"I'd arrange everything tomorrow". I mumbled softly, gently pushing the boxes to one corner of the room.
Fidgeting with my robes, I suck on my bottom lips anxiously as I crawled into the huge bed before me. Unlike the bed in my hometown, this was more fluffier and bigger, six persons could even fit in this person.
I fell into the bed with a small thud, sighing and groaning as the sheets covered me up nicely, almost making me look like a sausage roll. I just wonder why some maids would retire and quit some months after having this kind of treatment. It just doesn't make any sense.
"Beautiful and smart".
That's it!
I'm calling the...the receptionist!
I can't take this madness anymore.
Miraculously, just as I reached out for the telephone, the telephone bell rang. I sure hope it's not something serious because it's nearly midnight now. Reluctantly, I pressed the answer key and brought the telephone cord closer to my hearing.
The line went silent but I was sure that there was someone else on the other line as it didn't hang up or something.
My stomach tightened at the chills that were now creeping all over me.
"Make sure all doors and windows locked by midnight sharp". A familiar deep voice ordered. "Have I made myself clear?".
I knew who it was already, and I didn't want to argue with him either.
Why would I have to worry about that of all things in this kind of a huge mansion?
"You heard me". He retorted, like he could hear my thoughts.
"Y-yes sir". I quickly chirped in, despite the fact that I wasn't still convinced and wasn't gonna do it.
"See you tomorrow morning, have a good night". He stated and then the line went dead. He didn't even wait for my answer or reply. I'm already beginning to doubt my survival in this harsh environment.
I stared at the wires connected to the telephone, wondering why I wanted it in the first place.
With a sigh, I gave up on my battled thoughts and dropped the set back on the table, wrapping myself with the available blanket and trying to get some sleep at the same time. It wasn't easy trying to do that on an empty stomach but I tried my best.
After what seemed like eternity, listening to the wind and rustling of branches outside the window, my eyelashes danced to the tune of my eyes. And soon, darkness slowly consumed me, a new unfamiliar feeling engulfs me as I closed my eyes completely with a small smile of satisfaction.
At last, some sleep.
My hands touched something warm by my left side, but the state I was in made it only cosier and comfier for my perfect beauty sleep, nothing serious rang in my mind as it was probably a cushion.
Tomorrow would be different.
I can feel it.
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