Chapter 4
"Oh hell no." Todoroki said, grabbing his phone and dialing a number.
Izuku watched him intently, still just as confused.
"Shinso, what the fuck-" Before Todoroki could finish his threat, his phone was snatched out of his hand and the call was canceled. The duel haired boy looked over at Izuku in shock, who was still holding his phone.
"What the hell Mido?" He asked.
"What the hell? What were you doing?! How do you know Shinso? Are you trying to screw up my job opportunity?" Izuku asked with a huff. He wasn't pleased with Todoroki for calling his potential boss.
"I was calling that son of a bitch to figure out what he wants with you. I know him through work. And yes, I am trying to screw it up. You can get a better job easily." Todoroki said, trying to grab his phone back, but Izuku hid it behind his back.
"He wants to give me a job! An amazing job that I really, really need right now. I-I'm kind of desperate Todo." Izuku said, moving backwards as Todoroki walked towards him, still on the hunt for his phone.
"What's wrong with the café?" He asked, not paying his full attention to Izuku while trying to grab behind him.
"Todoroki! Shoto Todoroki, listen to me right now!" Izuku said, trying to get Todoroki's attention and succeeding. "I need this job. Between school, and the house, and my mom, and- well just everything, I need the money. I need the money or I'm gonna lose the house. I don't have a choice." He pleaded with his best friend. He had no clue why Todoroki seemed to hate Hitoshi so much, but he needed him to see it from his point of view.
Todoroki's face softened at Izuku's words. He didn't know he was struggling so much. But that didn't mean he was about to let anything happen.
"I get that Mido, I really do, but Shinso... he's not a good guy. He's an ass and he's dangerous, like really dangerous. I'm just worried about you." He explained, but vaguely. Todoroki didn't want Izuku to end up dead in a ditch, but that didn't mean he wanted himself there anymore.
Izuku's brows knitted together. "I know he's an ass, I've met him. How is he dangerous? Is it because he's friends with muggers? Because they really weren't that bad. I think they just-"
A hand came up and clamped down on his mouth, silencing him. "It has nothing to do with Kirishima and Kaminari trying to mug you. They're harmless compared to Shinso." Todoroki said.
Izuku caught sight of his alarm clock from over Todoroki's shoulder. He let out a muffled gasp and pulled away from Todoroki's grasp, startling the other boy. "I have to go or I'm gonna be late!" He said, grabbing his jacket and making his way out of his room. He ran down the stairs, Todoroki hot on his heels.
"Wait- Midoriya! Did you not listen to a word I just said?" He called, jumping over the banister and landing in front of a rushing Izuku. The smaller boy tried to side step him, but failed and was once again being held back.
"Let me go Todoroki! I have to go!" He said, kicking his legs and trying to get out.
"No. Shinso is crazy! I'm just trying to protect you." He said, straining to keep the squirming boy in his arms.
"God, if you're that worried, just come with!" Izuku said as a last resort.
He was abruptly let down. "Really?" Todoroki asked, raising an eyebrow in question.
Izuku straightened his clothes and tried to smooth his hair down. "If you babysitting me, will allow me to go to this dinner, then yes, you can come with." He said, more than annoyed.
"Fine, let's go." Todoroki said, grabbing Izuku's wrist and pulling him out of the house.
Izuku's mom had been gone the whole afternoon, much to their relief. She tended to stay away from the house when Todoroki was over. She was scared of him, probably because she knew he would protect Izuku from her and have no remorse for whatever happened to her.
Izuku was dragged outside and let into Todoroki's car. Izuku had never been one to know about cars, but he did know that Todoroki's was definitely considered a nice car. The duel haired boy was filthy rich, it just came with the territory.
Izuku gave Todoroki the address and they were off. They arrived about twenty minutes later, five minutes late. Both caught site of Hitoshi leaning against the building, a cigarette in hand.
Izuku was out of the car and making his way towards the purple haired boy, Todoroki following shortly behind him. Hitoshi's eyes seemed to spark when he saw Izuku, but it turned to a glare when he noticed Todoroki.
"What the hell are you doing here? And what was with the cryptic call?" He asked the duel haired boy, while stomping out his cigarette.
"What do you want with Midoriya?" Todoroki asked back coolly. He knew how to talk with Hitoshi, having done it a million times before. He had to keep his composure or The Devil would exploit any weakness he found.
A tired smirk made it's way onto Hitoshi's face. "Gotta a crush Halfie?" He asked.
Izuku just stood to the side, watching their encounter.
Todoroki scoffed. "Stop hanging out with Bakugo." He said in return.
Izuku's head snapped to Todoroki at that statement. "Bakugo?" He asked. He knew a Bakugo, or rather a few. He hadn't talked to any of them in years, but wondered if perhaps they knew the same people.
Both Hitoshi and Todoroki ignored him.
"It's not voluntarily." Hitoshi said with an eye roll. "Now can we please go in? Or do you want to continue bickering like a child?"
Todoroki remained silent, not wanting to give Hitoshi the satisfaction of more resistance. Hitoshi was more than pleased with his silence. He opened the door and held it for Izuku, but let Todoroki fend for himself.
"Want to know something I hate?" Izuku asked no one in particular.
"What would that be?" Hitoshi asked, already sounding amused.
"When people decide to keep things from me." He mused.
"Trust me Mido, you don't know the half of it."
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