The sound of a mosquito flying next to his ear wakes him up.
He slaps in its direction to feel how he hit something very small away.
"Those beasts", he sits up and looks towards the door which he had left slightly open.
"How did it get in here anyways?"
He stands up and walks towards the bathroom.
The Elder examines his face to make sure he does not have a mosquito bite.
But instead he finds a gray hair as soon as his hand casually goes through his hair .
"No way... Oh, come on."
"I don't want to look old..."
Suddenly he hears a bang.
Without hesitation Feycal carefully moves to the direction where he heard the sound coming from.
He now stands confused in front of an open door. The one which leads to the hidden garden to be exact.
"Why is the door to the garden open?
It can't be... since she doesn't know about it yet."
He entered the garden.
Walks past the curtains which keeps this place safe from prying eyes.
As soon as he sees the lying figure on the ground a surge of nostalgia came over him and made him loose a tear.
In the middle of the garden River is laying there in a fetal position.
Her skin paler through the moon's light.
Her dark hair shining in a white glow through the moon's light.
It makes him remember the past.
The pain.
And his dead wife.
And unborn child.
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