Fuck you and the white horse you rode in on.
I wouldn't even waste the effort anymore searching for the right feeling, a dedicated song.
What I felt for you, it was so powerful..
Something so raw.. so uncanny.. so vulnerable.
You're like the tantalizing whispers
of the serpent who fooled Eve.
A sweet death like poison
meant to dreamingly deceive.
A hazy glittering fog meant to keep you mesmerized.
A room of mirrors cascaded colorings of blinding lights.
Empty promises of dark twisted demented love tales..
where Prince Charming's the true Villain, heartbreak cannot be unbroken, and true love's kiss was never real.
You're the lyrics that never quite rhymed..
The notes that never could quite chime..
The drunk musician forced to perform the
love song that in his heart, he doesn't feel...
word for word, it's something that will never be real.
Some of it hurt your brain to read hm?
Aren't some people like that though?
Trying to understand them hurts your mind.
That's the point..
So beautifully camouflaged on the outside,
but oh that fucking inside...
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