Dan's POV
I went to the kitchen and searched through the cupboards for some pain killers. I looked through the medicine cabinet, but no pain killers. Shit we're out. I ran to mum's room and knocked on her door. It took a couple more seconds before she opened it. "Dan?" Mum exclaimed. "Mum, do you have any pain killers I can take?" I asked. "Yeah, they are in the bathroom." She pointed to the other side of the room to the door to the bathroom. I bolted to the bathroom and opened the medicine cabinet. My head is getting even more excruciatingly painfull and grunts are escaping my mouth. I popped a pill and swallowed it dry. I sat down on the cold tiled floors of the bathroom. I pulled my legs towards my chest and rested my head on my knees. I heard a small knock. "Dan, are you okay?" Mum asked crouching down beside me. "What does it look like?" I answered. Silence fell between us. It was a couple of minutes when I decided to break the quite moment. "I'm sorry mum, I just don't feel so well today." "Oh honey, I understand, I was like that when I was your age." Mum hugged me. "Imma go and rest up now, goodnight mum." I kissed her cheek and exited the bathroom. "Goodnight Dan!" Mum screamed.
I went back in my room and crashed on my bed. I sighed and looked up the ceiling. What does Phil want from me? What do I need to remember? Why do I care? My head ached even more and grunted as a sharp pain shot at me. I heard a knock on the door. I slowly got up and opened the door, it was Adrian. "Hey Dan, is Phil okay?" He asked concerned. I rolled my eyes. "Yes he is fine, don't worry Ade." Another shot of pain hitted my head. I groaned and massaged my temple. "Woah woah woah, you feeling hot bro?" Adrian held me for support. "Yeah just a headache." I explained my head still hurting. "Let's get you to bed." Adrian guided me to my bed and layed me down. "Did you take pain killers?" Adrian asked. I nodded in response. He smiled down at me. Adrian was always the sweetest kid. For a 12 year old, he is pretty mature and knows what to do. He is the only person that knows about my depression and eating disorder and he is helping me recover slowly. I feel sorry for my brother to be stuck with me, I sometimes wished he has a normal and healthy brother and not some weird, half-dead, depressed excuse of a brother. He deserves better, he always deserved better. "Okay, just holler if you need me okay? Get some rest." He stood up and walked out the room closing the door behind him. I sighed and closed my eyes. It was quiet for a while till I heard knocking. I got up and went to my door. I opened it but saw nobody. I was confused for a second then I heard the knock again. It was coming from my secret hideout. I closed the door and approached the entrance. I removed the carpet and opened the hatch door. "Hey Dan." Phil greeted. I just raised my brow at him. "Can I come out? It's getting very cramped inside here." He asked. I thought for a while and nodded. I helped Phil get out, I closed the hatch and covered it. I went back to my bed and layed down. I felt Phil's eyes stare at me, it was uncomfortable. I looked up, Phil is still staring at me. I coughed to get his attention. "Umm... You okay there?" I asked. Phil seemed to snap out of it and apologized. I sat up and scooted to the left. I patted the space next to me. Phil's eyes seemed to light up and sat next to me. We sat in silence for a while; I decided to break the silence. "Well I'm going to bed." I stood up and uncovered the hatch. "Wait I'm sleeping here?" Phil asked. "Yes, you are the guest after all." I responded. "No, I refuse. This is your bed Dan and I'm very sure that once you sleep there you're gonna stay for a long time." He complained. "Yeah since it's my bed, I get to say that you, mister, are sleeping there." I opened the hatch. I then saw hands push the door close. I glared at Phil. "No." He said sternly. "Phil, get your hands of the door." "No." "Phil- I tried pulling it but Phil pushed -you piece of shit." I pulled and he pushed, the hatch opened and closed causing a loud sound to spread through out the house. "DANIEL JAMES, WHAT ON EARTH ARE YOU DOING!" I heard mum shout following with footsteps up the stairs. Shit shit shit shit fuck. "Phil, get down now." I opened the hatch and Phil went down. I closed and covered it while swiftly grabbing the ball next to me. Mom opened the door. "Oh hey mum." I greeted. Mums eyes looked at my hand and saw the ball. My mum sighed and placed her hand out. I gave her the ball. "I'll give it back tomorrow." She backs up. "Goodnight Daniel." "Night mum." she closed the door. I hear her foot steps down the stairs. I let out a breath. I opened the hatch and saw Phil sat with his legs pulled to his chest and head on his knees. He looked up when he noticed it opened. I sighed dreading the words I'm about to say. "You're sleeping with me."
Sorry it took so long and how messy it is.
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