19 days left
2nd POV
You fixed your bangs in the mirror, noticing a slight frown that never seemed to go away from your lips these past few days.
Smiling barely helped. Your lips would just quiver and shake from the disgustingly forced energy you exert just to pressure some dopamine.
"Honey, I made breakfast."
The smell of the aroma tickled your nose, a warm miso with steam emitting from a bowl was present in the living room after you trudged down the stairs.
You see your mom smiling warmly. A vision that stung your heart – you weren't used to this. Not ever.
"Thanks, Mom," You gave her a smile, "You have plans today?"
She nodded, "Work has been tougher lately. But I'm surprisingly doing fine, a promotion is waiting for me," She winked at you to which you unconsciously smiled to.
You could get used to this motherly-like attitude of hers. After all, you've yearned for this in your past life.
"I see. I'll take a quick breakfast before I go. The club has early practice and I need to be there," You said as you zipped up your tracksuit.
A concerning look showed in her face, "Darling, you sure you're managing in that club of yours? I can't help but notice how rundown you look coming home after school," A sad smile followed.
"It's fine, Mom, really," You chuckled as you sipped the last drop of your miso. A glass of water later, you patted a tissue on your mouth and stood to peck your Mom on the cheek, "I'm off. Stay safe and do good at work, okay?"
She smiled so brightly. Your heart fluttered once more, "I will, dear. Working hard for us has been my life's work."
You gave her a last smile before going out with your bag. Before you could close the door, you heard her call out.
"You're a blessing, Y/n. I'm glad that I have you in my life."
Tears threatened to flow from your already glossy eyes. Not wanting to show her, you just giggled and nodded.
"So are you, Mom."
You closed the door and went to take the bus to school.
The scenery of the fresh morning passed by like a movie scene as you looked out the bus window while fidgeting with your phone that rested on your lap. The orange, yellow sun never felt warmer these days. A second life, a second chance. You never thought this kind of thing existed. Who could've known?
A burning pain gnawed in your heart as you recalled the mistakes and tribulation that occurred from the former life of yours. You shook your head, feeling disappointed and resentful of yourself. Tears glossed your e/c eyes again – never seeming to chill as it made itself your best friend even in this latter life.
Suna is the best thing that happened in your life. So are the twins, and the club. You couldn't bear losing people that you came to love. Once attachment was there, it's hard to leave. It's always been that way all your life that's why you refuse to repeat the same mistakes now that you're given the chance you think you didn't deserve in the first place.
You have the power to save them and yourself at your palms, and you don't plan to give it away.
You huffed at the nearing cold season that teased its breeze on your skin. Winter is months away, but this suspicious cold air is leaving you confused.
Your confusion was swiftly solved by the fact that you realized you wore a thinner shirt under your tracksuit. A cuss left your lips at this trivial stupidity.
He's not leaving me alone, is he?
The guy that's been stalking you for days still has not quit. You feel his measly presence behind the trees near the gymnasium.
Once you changed your outdoor shoes to gym shoes, you opened the gym doors and immediately spotted the coach. He grinned and greeted you goodmorning, about to hand you the clipboard.
A stray ball was zooming at you from your peripheral vision, an open palm to push it away was enough to direct the ball's direction to somewhere else. You didn't stop walking nor stopped to look, it didn't bother you.
"You should start looking where you're going, L/n. Stray balls are dangerous you know," The coach chuckled as he handed you the clipboard.
You shook your head, "Will it kill me? Don't think so."
"That doesn't make it safer."
"I'm careful, coach," You laughed a bit and proceeded to jot down the attendance of your members.
"Aight," The coach put his hands up in the air and walked away.
You sighed as you checked the gymnasium, hoping to see Suna.
His eyes met yours in an instant.
This time, neither of you didn't break the eye contact. You just fidgeted on your pen as you breathed slowly. The tension was broken by you, who snapped your focus into finishing the attendance.
The twins were busy tossing to each other as the others practiced their serves and receives. Kita was first to notice your presence and gave you a warm smile.
"You look like you completed your sleep. That's good," He took a seat on the bench beside you though you remained standing. Kita took a sip of his water bottle and waited for you to reply.
"I figured that it would be meaningless to succumb to difficulty of sleeping," You half-joked as he chuckled.
He stood up and patted you on the shoulder, "Keep up the good work."
You watched as he walked over to the team and clapped his hands to begin their 3v3s. Your eyes caught Suna's again.
'Hi' you mouthed to him.
'..Hi' he mouthed back and gulped as he went back with the others.
Your cheeks glowed pink. You grinned and started taking more notes after the attendance.
A ball zoomed in your face again. This time, you barely dodged.
You tilted your head to the side in a whiplash with your eyes wide. But you failed to notice that the ball bounced.
Squeaks of shoes were heard getting closer as you groaned. Your hands touched your lower back that was hit by the ball.
"L/n. I'm sorry, I put too much force," Suna bowed slightly, "You okay?"
You shook your head, "I'm good, don't mind it. It's just a ball."
Kita worriedly looked at your back, his hands centimeters away from it, "May I see?"
"Um, sure," You said.
Your eyes along with others widened as he lifted your tracksuit and shirt a little up. He bent down a little to see.
"There's a small bruise," He muttered and quickly patted the jacket down after looking, "Suna, get her to the infirmary."
The dark-haired boy had his lips in a thin line but obliged anyway.
"It's unnecessary. It's just a small bruise it'll go away," You tried dismissing Kita but he shot you a look that overpowered you.
The twins were first to spark up noise, "I'll get her there instead, Kita-san!" Atsumu said.
Osamu pushed him away, "No, I will."
"Why would you? Go train more, you need it," Atsumu sneered as he and Osamu was pushing each other's faces with their hands.
"Enough. Get back on the court," Aran said as he along with the other members retreated. Atsumu and Osamu were defeated, a pout present on their lips.
Suna motioned that he'll follow you out the door.
"You don't have to go.. I can get by, by myself," You gave him a quick, small smile and started walking by yourself.
A sigh escaped your lips as your hand caressed the back where a bruise formed. You winced at the pressure. It was, indeed, not something to dismiss.
This is stupid. It's just a small bruise. Naturally there'd be events like this, I'm in a volleyball court for fuck's sake.
You were about to walk away when you closed the gym doors but stopped to turn when you heard it opening and closing again.
There was Suna, jogging to your side. You both walked together to the infirmary in silence.
"Why'd you come? Get back to your practice," You murmured.
In truth, you didn't mind Suna coming. Hell, you hoped it would happen. The moment the ball hit you – you wished it was from him. It wasn't because of some masochistic cause or any fetish. You just didn't want to make yourself look weird by grabbing any and every opportunity to have him by your side.
Within the range of your sight, within touch of your palms that had the ability to keep him safe.
It was corny, you know that too well. From someone's point of view you would come off as someone really weird and clingy to someone you aren't even close with. From the former to the latter of your life, Suna was nothing more than a member of the club you entered in. Suna was just a schoolmate, he was barely less than a friend, and certainly colossally less than a lover.
So you pondered back to the reason why you took a liking to him. Why him, out of all the members in the club? Why him, out of all the students in the school? Why him, out of all people?
There was something about him that just clicked right in your heart. It was sudden, yet it felt so fucking right. His presence was an intricate puzzle piece that was made just for you to fill.
"I take responsibility for your bruise. You didn't ask me to, but I did anyway," He said as he cracked his fingers by his side.
You smiled at him. He took a few seconds to turn to you and notice. Suna looked away and ruffled his hair to hide the pink hue that powdered the tip of his ears.
"You care," You turned to the infirmary's door and slid it open.
"Am I not suppose to?"
You stopped and turned to him, a bit in shock of what he had said. Apparently, he seemed to be surprised at his choice of words as well as he looked away – hoping to find a nurse he can ask ice packet from for your bruise.
What's this? You asked internally as you clenched the front of your tracksuit with a heart that pounds too loud.
You never fail to constantly make me love you more, Suna.
"Thank you," You smiled at him as he went back with an ice packet.
You were confused because he didn't hand it to you. He pursed his lips before sitting beside you on the clinic bed.
"Turn around."
"Show me your back. I'll ice it."
Your face was turning red as you stammer with words, "I-I'm pretty sure I can do that on my own."
"Don't be silly, you can't," He rolled his eyes and circled his finger, "Turn."
You gave in and showed him your lower back. He made a 'tsk' sound and proceeded to press the ice on the bruise.
"Fuck!" You hissed at the stinging cold.
"Calm down, we only need to ice it for 15 minutes. Then I'll cover some cold bandaid that way we fan both come back to practice," Suna said. You can feel him rolling his eyes.
Silence lingered in the air as you listened to his breathing. The clinic was silent, with occasional sounds of the sheets that was caused by Suna shifting in his seat every now and then.
You were about to speak up to break the silence, but he beat you to it. Unexpectedly.
"I remember, you know."
You looked at him over your shoulder, you saw him still focused on icing your bruise.
"Remember what?" You asked silently.
He shifted in his seat, "Just because you lost a little weight, got a little taller, changed your hair, and stopped wearing your glasses – doesn't mean I won't recognize you. I didn't forget."
Suna lifted his eyes and looked at you, "I was a bit glad you considered what I suggested. Though I didn't expect it because I was kinda joking that time."
"But I'm glad I joked, since now I don't seem to regret it..," He muttered the last few words silently.
"What was that?" You asked, though you had an idea what it was.
He shrugged, "I mean, the team was better and was happier when you took on that manager role. Hell, the Miyas were so happy you weren't a nuisance. They could comfortably be their stupid, lazy selves with you around. In short, the team had less burden on their shoulders."
"Why are you telling me this now?" You genuinely asked, but deep inside, happiness was swirling inside you. It was nice, talking to him like this.
He got a small smile on his lips but he quickly stopped, "Trying to make convo."
"Alright, all done," Suna sighed as he put the ice away and patched the bruise with a cold sticker, "Let's go back now."
"Okay, thank you again, Suna," You smiled.
"For what?" He raised a brow, hand on the open clinic door.
You walked past him, "Just 'cause."
i missed u all so much, and my stories
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