Chapter 4: Summer Camp
Ok this chapter needs a trigger warning so..
TW: Mentions of abuse: Sex, rape and sexual assault on a minor
So, you're my roommate?
School is finally out for 2 months and the 4 friends were walking home, well to Sophie's house. This year they all decided to go to the Summer Camp their small town held. The Camp, as it was more referred to, was the only exciting event the town held.
"I'll meet you guys there, I just need to grab my stuff" Aiden broke the silence.
"Oh thank fuck SOMEONE broke the silence" Kadie yelled, making Alex jump 25 miles out of her skin "Oh my lord, KADIE I SWEAR YOU DO THAT AGAIN-!" Alex was cut off by her victim "Alex, I love ya-" she shot a glance at Sophie "Platonically, bu~t your as scary as a piece of paper"
Aidan drowned the rest or the conversation until he got to the corner that led to the house he was supposed to call home.
"I'll meet you guys there" He spoke
Alex and Sophie both continued walking but Kadie grabbed Aidan's shoulder and pulled him back. "You sure you want to go alone? I could wait outside incas-" Kadie was cut off by Aidan, he silenced her with a finger to her lips
You see, Aidan used to be a chosen mute, but Kadie came into his life and after a two years of friendship, he spoke his first word in 7 years. It was a simple 'Hello'
Before that, Aidan had his own sign language (Neither of them could be bothered to learn the actual language) Only Kadie understands it so when they are separated from each other in class, that's how they'd communicate.
Back to the present, Aidan silenced Kadie by a finger over her lips. He loved this girl like his own sister and she loved him like a brother, he pulled Kadie into a hug. He had his arms wrapped around her neck and her arms around his waist. "I'll be fine" He whispered in her ear, Kadie was tearing up, unknowingly to Aidan.
"The worst thing that I could see is them both passed out drunk on the sofa" And he disappeared into the house.
Now, you may be wondering "why is Kadie so scared to let Aidan go into the house alone?" It because of the abuse. Most people will be like "Oh? So he gets hit and stuff?" No... he is sexually assaulted on a daily basis... he cane out gay before his parents turned abusive and his dad... took advantage of that... I'll leave you to guess the rest
Aidan walked into the house, his wish had been granted, the two humans that he was supposed to call parents were passed out on the living room sofa, with countless beer and spirit bottles that littered the floor and glass table in the middle of the room.
Aidan went up to his so-called room and grabbed all his belongings, he could fit the all in a descent sized duffle bag and a backpack, along with Kadie and Alex. All three of their parents don't love them enough to get them more cloths, or the essentials either.
~Magical Time Skip To Sophie's house~
Aidan walked into the house with a very tired Kadie trudging behind him. They both sat down as Sophie and Alex played a game o her PlayStation, what they didn't expect was when Kadie fell asleep for her to start.... PURRING
They all giggled and took videos. This can be good blackmail for later.
~Magical Time Skip To The Moring~
It was chaotic, Sophie set her alarm and hour late, Aidan couldn't find his Alan Walker (correct me if I'm wrong, I think that's what they are called) and Kadie refused to get up for a good 20 minutes and Skyla kept coming in to bother them and brag to Sophie about "How she's more loved" (If you didn't read the boom description, Skyla is Sophie's sister)
She only got off her ass when Sophie's mother LITERALLY kicked open the door, flip flop in hand.
"You all have to leave in twenty minutes!" She yelled, waving the flip flop DANGEROUSLY close to Alex's face. She threw and chunky, and surprisingly heavy, envelope at Sophie. "The letter is full of you cabin keys, don't lose them" Andrea glared at Kadie who smiled innocently
~Magical Time Skip~ (I'm lazy ok?)
The four of them was piling into the coach the was at the end of Sophie's street. They took the back row of seats because A. It was really quiet and B. They were the most comfortable seats.
What they hadn't expected was for Skyla, her two bitches: Hazel and Greta and Jay to sit in the row in front of them. Kadie quickly whipped out her "Anything and Everything" note book, scribbled on a page, ripped it out and passed it to the others
What are they doing here?! They normally sit up in the front!
They all shrugged, Aidan got out his Alan Walker and put a tape in. Kadie lightly but his arm "Give me one" She said, indicating to an earplug, he smiled and gave her one when Melanie Martinez' "Mrs Potato Head" started to play (I know I said it's 1981 but, just roll with it) Kadie rested her head on Aidan's shoulder
If you weren't born with it
You can buy a couple ornaments
But just be sure to read the warning kids
Cause pretty soon you'll be bored of it (Ha Ha~)
Kadie smiled slightly as she realised this song could be played to Skyla.
~Magical Time Skip~
Everyone got off the coach while Aidan took his time. He didn't want to find out who is roommate is, it would probably be one of those homophobic bullies. What if they hurt him? What if the beat him up? What if they-?
He thought, they wouldn't go that far... right?
He grabbed his backpack and duffle bag and took slow and careful steps towards his Cabin.
What was the room number again? He questioned himself, he recalled the memory of the Supervisor 221? 223? 222 (If you get the reference I will love you forever)
It was 9:00pm which meant that the boys must return to the boy section and the girls to theirs, but as he passes many Cabins, he hear suspicious moans emitting through the thin walls.
The anxious boy found cabin 222, it was the furthest on from the Camp Supervisor's.
He the door was unlocked so he gently kicked it open and inside was no other that Jay
He looked behind him to see his roommate, a scrawny, black haired boy who was dressed in all greys and blacks and slightly smaller then him.
Jay smiled slightly "So, your my roommate?"
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