Chapter 2: Disgusting
Because it's disgusting and a waste of men!
The four friends were walking From Andrea's car to the to school. Sophie hand-in-hand with Alex and Aidan was talking, scratch that, was whispering with Kadie.
They all waited near the front entrance for the gate to open, they aren't usually this early but it was one of those days.
They were talking when they hear the reviving of a car, all four heads snapped around to see it. It was the sound of a nice, flashy car. (I always feel oddly satisfied when I hear that sound) The owner is non other than Jay.
To say Aidan had a crush on this guy was an understatement. He looked down, blushing. He felt the heat die down and looked up to see Kadie wiggling her eyebrows at him.
"Kadie you really gotta stop with this dead ship" Aidan spoke with a hint of hidden sadness in his voice
She looked at him with wide eyes and spoke, a tad to loud.
"The fuck you calling a 'Dead Ship'" she asks, 1000+ levels of sass.
Looking back at the car, there stood a person of the male species.
Jay. A male who was a towering height of 6'2. His dirty blonde hair and usual leather jacket was the definition of perfect in Aidan's eyes. Aidan, who is sadly, the complete opposite of Jay has a MONSTER crush on him. Jay was muscular, Aidan (like his friends) was scrawny and skinny due to the lack of food fed to him. Jay? He is a rich guy who takes it for granted. He is secretly gay but dates his plastic bag of a girlfriend to cover himself up.
Kadie was talking to Alex, who had allowed Sophie to style her hair, about her siblings. When Skyla come up behind her with a pair of scissors. She had pushed Sophie, grabbed a HUGE chunk of Alex's hair and was about to chop it off.
Kadie may be a skinny girl but DAMN her reflexes. She grabbed the hand with scissors and handed Sophie them (to which Alex grabbed them and said "No, you're grounded from sharp things still!") and twisted her wrist. Kadie got 2cms close to her face and whispered "Touch my friends again-" She paused and giggled like a psycho "You will end up with broken bones"
The thing with Kadie and Aidan... they are insane.
The amount of pain inflicted onto them by the people they should call 'Parents' has driven them crazy. Without Sophie's mother, who sent them to therapy and monthly check-ups, they would have gone on a rampage.
Aidan was quietly giggling like a psycho.
"Enough Kadie" Alex said to her, removing her hand from Skyla's wrist. One look into Kadie's eyes, she needed to be removed from the public. "Sophie, get your Mum" Surprisingly, she was back with Andrea in seconds. Andrea had knelt down on one knee, rested her hands on Kadie's shoulders. "C'mon Kadie, this isn't you, snap out of it" Kadie's pupils were shrinking to specks and her giggling was nearly hysterical laughter. "Sophie, Alex, get Aidan in the car" Aidan had snapped himself out of it..kinda
Alex had made her way to Aidan, looked around, about 50% of the crowd was staring "What are you all looking at!?" Sophie shouted. Yep, that did the trick.
TiMe SkIp BrOuGhT bY wAtTpAd NoT lEtTiNg MeH cOmMeNt
Alex and Sophie were waiting with Andrea.
Aidan and Kadie were being tested.
Rumours were already being spread.
Life is unfair
Andrea was surprised that she hadn't broken Skyla's wrist... Aidan came out with a few bottles of pills.
Where's Kadie?
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