Sally Forth
Sally Forth
by sloanranger
Her name was Sally Forth,
and she was a real go getter.
She liked to stay in port
but the sailors wouldn't let her.
They'd stow her in their seabags,
hide her in their racks;
Sally even hit the deck
if they were attacked.
Sally looked so darn cute,
there, in her Navy blues,
but no disguise in Heaven,
could straighten out those curves.
The brass, they noticed, too -
when she stood at arms;
and they were not immune
from our sweet Sally's charms.
They pretended not to see,
from Captain to Commander,
but soon the bo'sun had to ask
Lieutenant to unhand her.
Sally liked the wardroom but
preferred the sailor's mess;
their food more to her liking;
she felt t'was cooked the best.
But one day our poor Sally,
while she stood at arms,
t'was plain someone had left her
with more than just his charm.
And soon the seamen heard:
"an engagement to the gunner..."
turned out to be the only mate
of Sally's, could out-run her!
So there's our tale of a gal,
who served for all her worth -
a sailor, mate and a pal,
our saucy, Sally Forth!
A/N For those not familiar with the Navy - a rack, is slang for a seaman's or officers bunk/bed. Mess is slang for the enlisted men's cafeteria or wherever they eat. Officers eat and mingle in the Wardroom.
Also, Sally was not abused aboard ship - she was well protected by her mates. She allowed that gunner to catch-up with her. Some say she was running from a previous encounter with a strange gnome while the ship was moored near Cornwall.
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