The air smelled was thick and smelled like burnt toast in the lobby. It was the first thing Nari whispered to the Jungkook as her voice bounced off the peeling paint walls. The concierge was less than enthusiastic to see visitors in her building as she studied them through her spectacles. Nari stood incredibly close to Jungkook, fear clearly radiating from her.
"It'll be okay," Jungkook had promised before entering the building. Even though Nari had visited before, she mentioned she'd come with a Anvy to avoid her father committing any sort of antics. "I'm here right?"
"Can I help you?" The concierge sneered.
"I was wondering which room the Kims reside in on the twelfth floor," Nari spoke up. The concierge shook her head.
"I'm afraid we can't disclose personal information to visitors," she denied. "Do you have a relationship to the residents?"
"I'm their daughter," she answered briskly. "Please." Nari showed the concierge her driver's license and she peered at it curiously. Then she dialed a few buttons on her telephone and pressed a button to say "Hello? Mr. Kim?" She released it, waiting for a response. Some static could be heard and Jungkook jiggled his leg restlessly.
"Hello, it's Mrs. Kim," a voice replied. "My husband is out of town currently. Is there something you need Alice?"
"Actually, there are two people here to see. One of which is your daughter and another young man with her." Alice waited for another response again, but this one took some time. Nari imagined her mother either jumping for joy or biting her nails anxiously. She recalled her mother begging for her to come and visit once more, but after her last time at the apartment, Nari was basically traumatized. Then, Alice hung up the phone and nodded at the two of them.
"She's in room six." Nari thanked her and started towards the elevator while Jungkook trailed behind. He could feel the sweat accumulating on the back of his neck, and he swiped at it. There was nothing to be afraid of as he'd met Mrs. Kim before, but the thought of Taehyung's parents tugged at the memories locked away in a safe in the back of his brain. When Nari jabbed the 12 button in the elevator and it lurched, Jungkook's heart jumped.
"You're not nervous at all," she joked sarcastically.
"I feel like I'm in a sauna," he complained. The doors slid open and the two of them stepped out, turning their heads to see which room was six.
"I think it's down this hallway," Nari said turning left. Jungkook was about to go right, so he quickly pivoted and followed. "Six. . . six. . . six. . ."
"This one."
They stood before a beat-up wooden door with a rusty plaque that read Kim on it. He could hear someone yelling on the other side of the door and couldn't quite identify the gender of the voice. It sounded a little bit too hoarse to be a woman, but he knew Mrs. Kim had a distinct, low voice in his memories of high school. Jungkook cracked his knuckles and exhaled deeply. Nari was observing his actions very carefully.
Nari knocked first; it threw Jungkook off, but he kept his hands in his pockets to stop him from fidgeting like a child. About forty seconds passed before a woman in her mid-fifties opened the door holding a coffee mug. She was much shorter than both Jungkook and Nari standing at mere five-foot-four. A pair of spectacles sat on the bridge of her nose and she grinned upon seeing Nari.
"Oh my goodness Nari!" She threw her arms around her and Nari's squeaked out at the instant of almost being choked. "You're. . . here! I'm so glad to see you! How are you? How are classes? I thought you weren't going to come back after your father le-"
"It's good to see you too mom," Nari replied. "This is Jungkook by the way."
"How could I forget? Jungkook, you're so tall!" She wrapped her arms around him too, and he faintly recalled the sweet smell of roses she gave off upon planting flowers in her garden back in Seattle. "You're in your senior year?"
"Junior," he corrected, giving her a genuine smile. "I haven't seen you in what seems like a century."
"It certainly has! Please, come in!" She led them inside and Jungkook left his shoes on the WELCOME mat. Their apartment was small but accomadated a cozy kitchen, living room, and he noticed two bedrooms down the corridor. Nari and him took seats on the one green couch across from the television set. "Would you two like some coffee?"
"I'll have some," Nari said. Jungkook shook his head, but Mrs. Kim eventually coaxed him into having some. All mothers had a talent for that sort of thing. She boiled a large pot over the stove.
"Taehyung should be home soon. He's just running some errands." She said this as if it was no big deal. Jungkook felt his legs go numb and Nari squeezed his hand. "Have you seen him lately? Oh that boy has grown up so much." The way she spoke alerted Jungkook. She sounded like she was being watched, and her words were so heedful dancing on the edge of her tongue.
"We met once briefly," Jungkook explained. "It was at the local coffee shop. He wasn't too thrilled to see me."
"Oh! I'm sorry to hear that," the smile washed from her face as she poured the coffee into two petite ivory mugs. "He did struggle with expressing his feelings quite often. Forgive him." Jungkook was slightly uncomfortable with the way Mrs. Kim addressed him; he didn't quite know what the feeling was, but it made his skin prickle and chills race up his spine.
"What has he been up to?" Jungkook asked. He figured if Taehyung wasn't ready to tell him, his mother would at least have the courtesy to spill some information. Mrs. Kim set her mug down on the table then crossed her legs, folding her hands on top. She pressed her lips together and shook her head sadly.
"I don't know much of his whereabouts truly," she confessed. "He only came to live with us a few weeks ago, refusing to mention where he'd been for the past two years." Two years? What the hell? "All I know is that now he carries around a gold pendant. God knows where he got such expensive jewerley from."
"He wasn't wearing a necklace when I saw him," Nari mentioned.
"It's in his pocket or something," Mrs. Kim clarified. "I was washing his jeans one day and it fell out. I couldn't open it, but it must be a photo of someone." A photo? A boyfriend? "Anyhow, Jungkook! Tell me about your life in college!"
"It's going as most lives go," he replied, suddenly eager to uncover more secrets behind Taehyung's pendant. "I don't think you know this since Taehyung left before senior year, but I was valedictorian." Mrs. Kim's eyes widened with excitement and she beamed with delight.
"Oh! That sounds absolutely marvelous! I'm so glad to hear that! Such a hardworking and talented young man like yourself doesn't deserve any less." She sipped some of her coffee and then turned to Nari.
"We came just so that Jungkook could meet you again," Nari confessed. Her mother nodded, like she understood. Jungkook was torn between wanting to leave and staying back until Taehyung returned. He didn't have to wait much longer though, since a knock came at the door almost immediately. Mrs. Kim jumped to her feet and scurried to the door. "Taehyung!" Nari glanced at Jungkook, her eyes full of happiness.
"Taehyung. . . " he murmured. Mrs. Kim opened it and Taehyung strolled inside carrying multiple grocery bags. He was in his long black coat and dark shades again, dressed in an oversize navy blue sweater and black jeans. Jungkook couldn't tell if he'd noticed he was in the room, but Taehyung embraced his mother, planting a kiss on her cheek. He never used to do that.
"Your old friend came to see me!" Mrs. Kim exclaimed, hurrying to Jungkook's side. She placed her hand on his back comfortingly and Taehyung's eyes focused on Jungkook. His face was expressionless; it brought chills up Jungkook's spine. He knew Taehyung wouldn't pull anything with his family around, but just the sight of him made Jungkook dig his feet into the carpet.
"Good to see you," Taehyung suddenly spoke, extending his hand. Jungkook shook it, his fingers enclosing Taehyung's. "It's been awhile," he added with nervous laughter. His breath reeked with the fumes of cigarette smoke, and Jungkook wrinkled his nose in disgust. He figured neither Nari nor her mother would know exactly what happened outside the coffee shop that day. Jungkook had spilled some details to Nari, but not the full picture.
"You too," Jungkook replied.
"Can we speak in my room?" He set his coat down on the kitchen counter and carried the plastic bags to the dining table. "I have a few things to say."
"Why don't you two actually go out?" Mrs. Kim suggested. Taehyung whipped his head around and gave his mother a look only the two of them would understand. "I mean. . . I have to clean up around here before your father returns tonight."
"Dad's coming home tonight?" Nari asked. Her mother didn't answer but Nari knew. "Jungkook, I'm gonna stay the night here, so I don't need a ride home."
"No, Nari," Mrs. Kim disagreed. "You can't stay here. We don't even have a place for you to sleep!"
"She can have my bed," Taehyung said. "I won't be here tonight."
"Where are you off to again? You know, you're always running around everywhere, baby. Why don't you stay home for once?" Taehyung clenched his fist then deeply exhaled.
"You know that's not possible. I have to visit-" he abruptly cut himself off, stealing a glance at Jungkook. "I promised to meet her everyday." Jungkook could tell by the tone of his voice that this unnamed girl was not to be brought up again, but he was curious if she was the one in his pendant.
"Is Sora still sick?" Mrs. Kim asked. "Oh Taehy-"
"She's getting better okay?" Taehyung was harsh with his words, and Nari blinked, somewhat startled by his loud voice. "Come on Jungkook."
"Where are we going?" Jungkook was following him like a helpless puppy. Taehyung swung a lanyard around his fingers while slipping on his shoes again.
"You don't know Sora, do you?" Jungkook shook his head.
"How would I know her? Did she go to school with us?"
"She's my friend. Well, I guess you could say we dated, but that was just for her benefit, I hated it." They were down the hallway, approaching the elevator. Taehyung had snagged a few cigarettes from his pocket and held a lighter in another hand. "Don't worry, I'm not a druggie or anything."
"Wouldn't believe it," Jungkook muttered.
"Nothing. So, why are you doing this?" He stared at the reflective floor to avoid looking into Taehyung's eyes.
"Doing what?"
"Taking me out? I thought I told you I never wanted to see you again. Pretty sure I made that clear." Taehyung raised his eyebrows and steadily staggered towards him.
"I'm sorry? You came to my house. If anything, I'd say you came looking for me. Begging for another shot at whatever you wanted."
"What have you been doing these past two years?" Taehyung lit the cigarette and blew out a puff of smoke. Jungkook choked, doubling over while coughing.
"Not trying to get arrested."
"No, seriously."
"I'm being serious Jungkook," he clarified. He wasn't joking around in the slightest. "There have been close cases, but I'm still free, so that's what I've been doing these past two years. What about you? I assume you graduated early and are pursuing your happy-go-lucky career."
"Not in the least," Jungkook answered, rolling his eyes back into his head. "You really do think I had it easy don't you?"
"You make it seem like that. I'm sorry, you made it seem like that back in high school." They were outside, strolling down the sidewalks. The wind had picked up causing Jungkook to bury his hands in his pockets and wrap his scarf especially close to his face. Taehyung barely wore anything; his cheeks were a rosy red. "You know I envied you?"
"Oh really?" Jungkook suppressed his laughter. "Where's this coming from?"
"You don't think seeing you receive a billion awards in high school made me feel worthless?" Taehyung's voice was choking up with sobs. He wasn't crying, but Jungkook could hear it crack as he spoke.
"Not quite," he replied. "You always clapped so I thought you were happy for me."
"I was, oh God, I was more than happy. But it hurts that I wasn't able to strive like you were."
"You're forgetting that I chose to work hard while you fell asleep in your classes," Jungkook pointed out. Promptly, he regretted saying that.
"And you're forgetting that I didn't tell you a lot of the shit that happened when you weren't over." Jungkook suddenly stopped in his tracks, and turned around to see Taehyung biting his lip and staring into his eyes. It was like he could hear his own heart beating in his chest; the pulse excruciatingly loud. "I kept it from you. Actually, I kept a lot of shit from you, including all the bruises on my stomach and back." Bruises? Wait, what? Jungkook had to stop himself from lashing out on Taehyung, screaming unnecessary things like "Why didn't you tell me?"
"Maybe that's why we fell apart so quickly," Jungkook whispered. "It wasn't your fault. I was being ignorant."
"I didn't tell you either," Taehyung confessed. "So let's start over." He extended his hand and smiled; a real smile this time. "My name is Kim Taehyung and I'm a survivor of abuse and cancer."
Lemme know what you think of this chapter down in the comments!! Sorry it was a little long, I got carried away while writing my b
also!! im 16!! how cool is that??? im so old rip i feel 10 tho so thats all good haha
DONT FORGET TO VOTE WE ALMOST @ 100 VOTES HOW LIT also thx for 500+ reads! Glad you guys are enjoying this story!
For anyone who thinks the story is a lil slow, ye man I kNOW IM SORRY I have trouble escalating things just cause then I feel like it goes too fast yknow
the next update will be asap!! as of now, track starts tuesday so I get super busy starting next week rip
Stay Tuned!
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