Chapter øńę
Hi everyone so I have decided to write yet again another story for you.Now I found some pics on line and thought,"Hmm.I think this would be a great story."
So here we are oh!i have the pics here and I hope you enjoy the story
I was sitting under a tree.I was reading a book I found in the village library.I was in my green jacket and white shirt with tan pants and black boots.
I had my shoulder length hair tied in a dark green ribbon.
My cat,Phillip,rubbed himself against my legs.
This made me laugh."What are you doing Phillip?"I placed the book down to pick him up and pet him.
He then meowed at me.
Soon,we heard a russling in the bushes."I can be late and I already am I have to go!"a voice said.
A man with white rabbit ears and tail bounced next to me.
I followed him with curiosity."hey wait up!"
He jumped into a rather small hole.
I went to leave but the hole just,ducked me up whole(a pun for my undertale friends)!
I hit the ground pretty hard.I rubbed the back of my head."Ouch.Well guess I'm not going back that way."
I walked around the room I was in,the only sound is the taping of my shoes on floor.
"Hey!"a voice said.I looked around but saw no one."Down here!"I looked down to see that a small door was talking to me."Yeah you,Take one of the satchels and I'll let ya through.
I looked behind me and their was a rack of satchels filled with odd supplies inside.
I took one and crawled through the talking door.
That's when I saw the white rabbit man hoping away."Wait!"I ran after him.
Alright everyone try to guess and comment what you think will happen to Alex next and who he will meet.Also comment and guess who the door was.Bye everyone stay colorful.
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