Chapter Twenty: "Unearthed"
Clinging to the log, Sean coughed out to Illinois. "Do you know where we are?" Illinois pointed to the stone bridge, answering confidently. "Yes. We are at the edge of the chessboard." Sean felt a little relieved until Bandit asked him a bit flatly. "Which side of the chessboard?" Illinois shared a long look with Bandit, before telling him casually. "Well... I don't see snow and I don't see the flashing lights of the Royal City..." Bandit dropped his head down on his arms, grumbling out. "Great... I hope you have a plan." Illinois spit water that rolled over the surface higher than he was treading before replying coolly. "First. We need to get to land." Bandit pointed in the direction of the horses, grumbling out. "Then I guess, we're going that way." Bandit released the log and started swimming toward the shore where Wilford was coaxing the horses over too. Illinois looked to Sean, asking softly. "Are you alright?" Sean nodded, then panted out softly. "Ya... Just a little cold and shaken up." Illinois took his wrist, gently pulling him from the log as he told him sweetly. "Here. Take my hand and I'll help you swim. The longer you stay still the colder you'll get."
Reluctantly, Sean released the log and started to flounder in the deep river. Coughing and struggling to stay above water, he hated that the dress weighed him down and he wasn't that great of a swimmer to begin with. Illinois pulled him to his chest, wrapping an arm around his torso to pull him like a drowning victim backward through the water. Sean coughed, grumbling out to him. "Sorry... I'm not much of a swimmer..." Illinois chuckled warmly to himself, gruffly telling him. "It's ok. I'm the only one in my family that can swim." Sean raised an eyebrow, asking a little surprised. "Really? Did you take lessons?" Illinois laughed, saying a bit too nonchalantly. "No. More like a life lesson in survival. You get trapped in a tomb that is filling with water... You learn pretty quickly how to swim." Sean's eyes widened a little at how scary that would have been for him but didn't get to ask more about it. Reaching the shore, Illinois helped him out of the water and onto his feet. Removing his fedora hat, Illinois shook it a little to flick the water off. While asking the others with tired concern. "Everyone good?" Wilford was busy looking over Shwoompl but said honestly. "Just peachy."
Bandit patted the neck of his horse, replying calmly. "Ya. Just winded." Illinois put his hat back on, slipping in gruffly. "Ya. Me too. We should get a fire going." Illinois started to walk toward the dark trees, until Bandit grabbed his arm and told him in a low serious voice. "Do you think that is wise. He could see the smoke and light." Illinois gestured around, almost snapping back. "We are soaking wet and it's only going to get colder as the night goes on. We don't have a choice." Wilford straightened up, adding in seriously. "He's right. The last thing we need is hypothermia. I saw this tribe get it in Jumanji... It wasn't pretty." Bandit exhaled heavily in defeat, uttering out under his breath. "Fine. But for the record. I was against this." Illinois shrugged, asking Bandit a little defensively. "If you've got another idea, then I'm all ears, Bandit. I'm not in the mood for your childish behavior." Bandit turned to Illinois, snapping out. "MY behavior? Time protected YOUR ass! The rest of us were not so fucking lucky!" Illinois stepped closer to Bandit, the two of them starting to tense up for a fight. Quickly intervening, Sean rushed in to push them apart and snapped out. "Guys! We're all tired and drenched. Can we please just... take a breather."
Bandit and Illinois glared at each other but started to back up. Sean just started to relax, until he backed up into Wilford's arms. Wilford's arms curled around him, before purring into his ear with a buttery southern drawl. "You know... There is one way to get warm without fire." Wilford's fingers started to pull up the wet skirt of Sean's dress slowly as he finished off with a sly grin. "We just have to pick a partner and... snuggle with no clothes on." Sean's cheeks flushed a bright red, his hands nervously going to Wilford's hands to keep his hands from pulling his shirt up past his knees. In unison, both Bandit and Illinois yelled out to Wilford. "NO!" Wilford didn't even acknowledge them as he whispered into Sean's ear so lovingly. "What do you say, Darling? I can think of a way that we can keep warm." Sean hesitated. He wasn't ready for something like that, and it left him speechless. While he tried to process how to respond beyond trying to keep his skirt down, Wilford's attention suddenly shifted to look down at Sean's leg. Upon seeing his garter with the sapphire gem, he let out a little amused whistle. Blushing a deeper red, Sean jumped out of Wilford's arms.
Giving him a wink, Wilford cooed out. "Cute. I'll never get that imagine out of my head. That creamy thigh wrapped in-" Illinois cut in to snap out with heated jealousy. "Do not finish that sentence if you value living!" Wilford stared at him a moment like he was going to defy him. Only to reach up and tap the brim of Illinois's hat down over his eyes. Giving them a shrug, Wilford casually blurted out. "No need to get so defensive. It was a compliment. I was merely going to point out that it reminded me of my favorite cartoon character. Betty Boop." Illinois pushed his hat back up, huffing with narrowed eyes. Beside them, Bandit blinked and asked perplexed. "Who?" Illinois briefly glanced at Bandit, replying swiftly. "A sexy cartoon woman that came out in the 30's. She was known for her black garter... It's not important." Sean adjusted his skirt self-consciously as Bandit's eyes drifted over to his legs to see if he could still see it. Impatiently, Illinois cut in bluntly. "Wilford, collect some wood for the fire. The rest of us will find a secluded spot to make camp." Wilford turned on his heel to go look, mumbling out coolly. "Would be easier to snuggle... but fine. Have it your way."
Bandit led Diesel and Illinois led Shwoompl a bit farther in to find a nice clearing in the dark woods. Sean shivered staying between the horses as he thought about the bats that had attacked him before. Finding a nice little village, Illinois and Bandit slowly found a nice little abandoned cottage that could shelter them and the horses from direct view. Bandit led the horses into a little shelter just behind the cottage and rolled down the thick leather curtains that smelled heavily of garlic, while his eyes scanned the dark treetops around them. His unease was making Sean uneasy as he saw the thin mist that shrouded the dense forest and reflected shadows of moonlight in eerie places. Every creaking branch gave Sean goosebumps. There was no wind and sounds of animals. No people. It was eerily quiet and empty, making every sound they made deafening. Bandit shook his head, whispering to Illinois. "I don't like this... We're too close to the castle. We should go." Illinois began cleaning up the ash from the hearth, upon grumbling out. "It is safer to stay put for now. We need to dry our clothes and plan our route carefully. If he's out hunting, we don't want to draw attention to ourselves." Bandit moved up to Illinois, saying firmly. "The fire is going to draw his attention!"
Illinois stopped messing with the hearth, climbing to his feet to ask sternly. "Are you saying you want to snuggle now?" Bandit shrugged, telling him seriously. "I'm saying that we should think about this. This village is cleared out... Doesn't that worry you?" Illinois shrugged and blurted out in return. "No. I discover dead and lost civilizations all the time. Frankly, whatever cleared this place out has probably moved on by now." Bandit crossed his arms, grumbling out a bit darkly. "How do you know that? You didn't even look. Vampires-" Illinois cut him off to state out over him. "This wasn't the work of vampires. Every house and the stables were all warded. All of it untouched." Bandit gawked at him, stating out in shock. "Then this could have just as easily been the work of the Jabberwock!" Illinois rolled his eyes, snapping out. "Hence, why I said that we should wait." Bandit pointed a finger at Illinois, growling out. "Don't treat me like an idiot! Withholding information like that could cost us!" Illinois threw up his hands, honestly blurting out. "I don't know if it is the Jabberwock, Bandit. I'm guessing. Get off my case! I can't tell you what happened until I get a chance to-" Sean clapped his hands to stop them, but caused them all to flinch from the sharp loud sound of it.
After a moment or two of silence, Sean told them both sternly. "Guys, stop. Snapping at each other isn't going to get us anywhere. We won't start a fire. We'll hang our clothes up to dry and... maybe we can find some blankets to keep warm. We'll stay together and stay calm. We all need some rest. We've been running around all day... Let's just try to get along. Ok?" Bandit nodded, grumbling out mostly to himself. "I'll see if I can find some blankets." Illinois nodded, telling him in return. "I'll see if I can find us some mattresses to sleep on out here." Sean relaxed, watching them go their separate ways in the cabin. Exploring the cabin on his own, he found some towels in the hall closet and slipped in the bathroom. The only light in the bathroom came from the moonlight that slipped through the slanted wooden panels that protected the glass. Hanging up the towel, he moved to the sink to wash the running make-up off his face. The stuff clung to him like glue, but washing his face raw, he managed to get it all off. Then retying the black bow into a ponytail to keep his long blonde hair off his face, he tried to get out of the dress. Slipping out of the dress, he hung it up and then moved his hands down the black corset. It had to be removed from the back. Groaning, he turned sideways in front of the mirror to see how it was tied.
Seeing the little bow at his shoulder blades, he cursed and tried to reach back to grab it. He couldn't imagine how women got in and out of these. It was a nightmare just to undress. Then the idea of putting all this back on made him stop trying to reach the bow. How would he put it back on? Letting out another loud groan of disappointment, he jumped as the door was shoved open. Crossing his arms over his chest, he backed into the sink. Illinois winced when he saw him, looking away as he said guiltily. "Sorry. I thought you were a... Nevermind." He started to close the door, when Sean asked him hopefully. "Illinois? Wait..." Illinois stopped with the door open just a little bit. Moving closer to the door, Sean reluctantly asked him. "Can you... Can you help me get out of this? It's soaked and... I can't take it off by myself." Illinois's chuckled softly to himself, but slowly stepped inside without looking at him. Biting his lip, Sean turned around and told him over his shoulder. "Just loosen it and I'll be able to slide out... and by some miracle, get back in it later..." Sean caught Illinois slowly turning around to look at his back in the reflection of the mirror.
Illinois smiled warmly, telling him in a beautiful voice. "I can help you get it back on." Sean reached back to pull his long hair out of the way, asking over his pale shoulder shyly. "You've done it before?" Illinois slowly pulled the blue satin ribbon free, whispering to him honestly. "Once or twice. But they were related to me..." Sean blushed, turning away to hide his reaction. He wasn't prepared for the relief that brought him. Although, after thinking about the Duchess, he asked him a bit curiously. "You're not fucking with me, are you? You're not just making all this up to... seduce me?" Illinois chuckled softly, his hands working to loosen the corset as he told him openly. "I flirt a lot. It's true. But I'd never disrespect you or anyone like that." Sean nodded solemnly. He wanted to ask more about who they were to each other but couldn't bring himself to say it. He wasn't sure he could handle the answer since he was still struggling with these new feelings and thoughts. Illinois finished loosening the corset, then put his hands very lightly on Sean's exposed arms. Sean closed his eyes, enjoying his warm touch. Leaning back against his chest subtly, he shivered as Illinois's warm breath puffed over his shoulder. For a moment, Sean thought that Illinois was going to kiss his shoulder, but instead he stepped back.
The gesture twisted up Sean's heart, prompting him to turn a little to face him. Illinois avoided his eyes, asking him curiously. "Is it loose enough?" Being alone with Illinois, Sean felt his defenses fall. Stepping up to him, Sean cupped his face in his shaking hands and pressed his lips to his. The second he tasted his warm lips, Sean moaned softly. His heart was fluttering so fast that he had to pull his lips back after to inhale deeply. He closed his eyes to keep from seeing Illinois's reaction. He didn't want Illinois to be upset with him for stealing a kiss from him. Illinois's cheek pressed against his, before he asked him lovingly. "What was that for?" Sean gulped, whispering back as he leaned into him. "I don't know... I just need it." Illinois kissed a spot on Sean's neck, his hands slipping beneath the ribbon and corset to slide along his back. Grabbing the corset, Sean leaned back to pull it up and off of himself. Setting it on the sink, Sean took Illinois's hat off to put it on the corset. Illinois cupped his face, their lips molding to each other in another kiss. While Sean's fingers began unbuttoning Illinois's shirt. Shrugging his shirt off, Illinois wrapped his arms around Sean's waist and hefted him up into his arms.
Carrying him to the bathroom counter, Illinois set him on it and between fleeting kisses told him breathlessly. "I've searched the world for treasures... but every time I run into you. It's the greatest find in history." Sean blushed, licking his dry lips before smiling out to him. "Do you really mean that?" He'd never had anyone say something that made him feel so incredibly special. He'd always felt kind of lonely and lost. Yet, being around Illinois made him feel like... he was finally found. Illinois brushed his lips over his, saying in a wholesome voice. "I'd never lie to you." Sean grinned brightly, then pulled Illinois into another kiss. During their kiss, someone knocked on the bathroom and Bandit told them coolly. "Guys? Wilford is back... I think you should come and see what he found." Illinois reluctantly pulled from the kiss, muttering under his breath. "Great... What did he do now..." Illinois stepped back and Sean slid off the counter eagerly. Removing the towel from the rack, Illinois wrapped Sean in it before taking his hat and slipping from the room. Sean hung up Illinois's shirt to dry, then jumped as Illinois blurted out. "Where the fuck did you find those?!"
Curiosity surged through Sean. So, he quickly rushed out of the bathroom and went out to the living room, where candles had been set up around blankets that were set around the floor like a sleepover party. Bandit stood beside Illinois with his arms crossed, both of them staring at Wilford who was holding a set of bloodstained iron chains in his hands. Not noticing Sean's approach, Wilford told the others coolly. "I was gathering firewood and found this in the cemetery nearby. Looked like some grave robber got more than he bargained for... I found these right next to an open grave with lots of claw marks in the dirt... like something had crawled its way out." Bandit shivered, looking to Illinois as he said very softly. "That's not who I think it is... It is?" Illinois reached out to lift the iron collar on the chains. Reading something etched into the metal, Illinois exhaled out nervously. "Well... Now we know what happened to the village... and it wasn't vampires..." Showing the collar to both Bandit and Wilford, he told them grimly. "This was unlocked. Whoever did this knew who they were digging up and had the key to set him free."
Wilford blinked, asking perplexed. "Who'd be crazy enough to do that?" Illinois huffed out without a trace of humor. "Who else. The Necromancer and his Acolyte." Bandit shrugged, scarcely mumbling out. "I don't know who they are..." Wilford rolled his eyes, grumbling out. "Oh, bloody hell... Not those Cthulhu raving lunatics." Illinois ignored Wilford to answer Bandit reluctantly. "They're from our side of the family... Although, what they released... He came from Anti's. We need to bring the horses inside and board up the house." To Be Continued...
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