Chapter Ten: "Tea Time"
Getting to his feet, Sean limped a little as he made his way toward the little gate. Reaching over it, he unlocked it and stepped inside. The little cottage was structured strangely but looked cozy. It was two stories with the top level being larger than the bottom. Giving the slight impression that the little cottage was wearing a hat. Sean started to approach the wooden door, until he heard voices coming from around the side. Following a little stone garden path with little garden lights to the side yard, Sean gawked at the place. The Mad Hatter's outdoor garden was beautiful. Taking full advantage of the permanent darkness. The dark trees that surrounded his garden were wrapped in twinkling lights. From the over hanging branches, hung paper lanterns and crystal wind chimes that beautifully reflected the twinkling lights. Spanning beneath the garden's overhanging trees was a long table covered in pink tablecloth and loaded with more teapots and cakes, than Sean had ever seen at any table. The long table could easily seat twelve people. However, only three of the seats were actually being used. At the farthest end of the table, a man in tan slacks with a yellow shirt and pink suspenders was cleaning a shiny revolver, and speaking to another man that was slumped over the table at his right side.
The man in the uniform had a thick drawling voice as he exclaimed aloud. "You have got to be the most boring guest that I have invited, Chase. Whining about a single woman... There are plenty more! I myself have been with quite a few. And let me tell you... everyone of them had a taste more invigorating than the last. Like a fine wine!" Chase groaned, burying his face in his arms more as he muffled out in a drunken whine. "Ugh... Do you ever stop talking?" The man spun his revolver on his finger, stating out chipperly as he pointed it at Chase. "Well, I'm not used to my conversations being so one sided. Besides, not once have you answered any of my questions! I'd have you tell me in words... but you seem incapable of even holding a pen." Chase's hand lazily moved to grab a whiskey bottle, but the man shot it. Sean jumped, checking himself for holes. While Chase jerked upright and snapped out. "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU, WILFORD?!" Wilford pointed his gun lazily at Chase, retorting a bit snarkily as he narrowed his eyes on him. "I think you've had enough. Don't you? How about some tea instead?" From the other side of Wilford, another man jerked awake and fell out of his chair. His propped-up legs kicked the table with a soft 'thud' that drew Wilford's attention.
Wilford grinned under his pink curled mustache, leaning over a bit to look down at the other man as he happily said. "Oh, good. You're awake. Care to cash in on this, Paultin?" From the ground, Paultin groaned out dryly. "I'm drunk and dying..." Wilford blinked, looking at Chase as he shrugged out. "He looks fine to me. Why can't you be more like Paultin? Now he's a lad that knows how to have some fun." Chase flicked off Wilford, snapping out as he adjusted his grey baseball cap back around the right way. "Because I'm NOT Paultin! I'm in mourning!" Wilford rolled his eyes, gesturing down with his gun to Paultin as he informed him dryly. "His wife is dead. You don't see HIM dwelling on it!" Paultin dropped his feet to the ground, adjusting to peek over the edge of the table to reply groggily with a hiccup. "Ya... Poser. People die around me all the time... I've even died a few times! You don't see me bitching! Will... Pass the wine. I'm feeling sober." Wilford pushed a pot of tea toward Paultin, then propped his chin on his gun hand as he asked curiously. "Where is Illinois? My targets need to be reset." Paultin peeked into the teapot, grumbling out. "Ugh, what is this shit? Did you just give me tea? I thought this was a party, not hell." Wilford kicked Chase's leg, telling him casually. "Make yourself useful. Set up those ugly teacups down there. I'm going to blast those ugly bastards back to the factory they came from!"
Chase swatted Wilford's arm, snapping back. "Do it your fucking self!" Wilford blinked, calmly telling Chase. "You should drink some tea. It will calm that temper of yours." Paultin tossed the tea from his teapot and started filling it with some purple colored wine. Then handling it out promptly, he asked Chase with a wicked grin. "Some tea? It's berry flavored." Chase snatched up a teacup and flung it at Paultin, who ducked under the table to avoid it. While under the table, Paultin suddenly piped out. "Hey, I found Illinois." Wilford grinned, chipperly saying. "Oh, good. Wake him up." From under the table, Paultin yelled out suddenly. "AAAH! CAVE IN!" The table hopped as something hit it hard with a loud 'THUD.' Paultin then rolled out from under the table laughing hysterically. Sean inched closer to the table anxiously. These were the people that were supposed to help him? He didn't see how that was possible. Approaching the table, he knocked on it and nervously called out. "Hello?" A sudden silence fell over the table as all eyes turned on him. Their eyes widened in both surprise and concern. Sean gulped, mumbling out. "I don't mean to interrupt... but I'm looking for the March Hare?"
Wilford looked him over clearly with his eyes, before purring out. "How peculiar. A new guest?" Chase tensed, mumbling out under his breath. "That's not possible... Only Time can enter here. How did she?" Wilford jumped to his feet, rushing over as he stated out loudly. "DIBS! You heard it! I called it!" Sean jumped back as Wilford took his hand, removing his overly large black top hat to give him a little bow. Tugging Sean's hand to his lips, he kissed the back of it and then looked up at him to say in a smooth drawl. "My dear... You are a sight. Tell me... When you look into my eyes, do you sense a spark? Do you get a sudden urge to call me... Daddy?" Sean blushed, trying to pull his hand back as he mumbled out. "No... Not really..." Wilford released his hand, sliding onto the table as he added in a charming voice and crossed his legs. "You don't have to be scared, Darling. I won't judge you for using me. We all need a sweet escape from life's bitter reality." Sean took a step back from him, telling him gently. "No, thank you. Please... I'm just looking for-" Before he could finish, a voice under the table grumbled out. "For the March Hare. Ya. I heard you. What do you want?"
Wilford knocked loudly on the table, retorting gruffly. "You're being rude, Illinois. Come out of your filthy hole and talk properly to this fine young lady." Sean cleared his thought, uttering out nervously under his breath. "I'm a man actually... It's a long story." Wilford didn't appear to hear him. Instead, he uncrossed his legs and spread them as Illinois peeked out from under the table, growling out mostly to himself. "I swear, Will... If this is one of Paultin's illusions again. I'm going to take that gun and shove the barrel up your-" Illinois stopped talking the second he saw Sean. Sean shifted on his feet uncomfortably. He wasn't sure if his reaction was good or bad. Illinois rose to his feet, dusting the dirt off himself as his eyes looked him over. Wiping his hand on his worn and dirty black jean pants, he extended a hand and said in a buttery voice. "Hello. I'm Illinois. Who might you be?" Sean accepted his hand, biting his lip a little before answering softly. "I'm Sean. I can explain about my outfit..." Illinois smirked, shrugging out nicely. "No need. It looks good on you." Sean blushed a deeper red, chuckling out a little embarrassed. "Thanks... I'm glad I finally found you. I've been having the worst day..."
Illinois turned over his hand and gently pulled Sean's arm out to get a better look at his exposed bicep. After looking at the bites and cuts, Illinois told him swiftly. "Desmodontinae. Big ones from the size of the bite radius. You're lucky. A small swarm is nothing... but one drop of blood and more come for miles for finish prey off." Sean blinked, asking curiously. "A what?" Illinois smirked, replying sweetly. "Vampire Bat. Come with me. I'll clean you up." Illinois didn't let go of his hand, leading him back toward the house. Behind them, Wilford scoffed out. "Hey?! Aren't you going to offer her some tea? I have questions for her!" Illinois waved Wilford off, telling him casually. "We'll be back. We've got time." Sean could feel his heart beating faster. Why did Illinois's hand feel so warm and make his hand feel so small? Noticing the veins along Illinois's arm, Sean bit his lip as a dirty thought came to mind. He scolded himself for thinking about something that stupid... but was feeling so nervous. Illinois led him inside, turning on little lanterns with a match around the house as he led him to one of the bedrooms. The house had a lot of dark wooden furniture and stuffed animal decorations.
There were even animal print blankets. The bedroom that Illinois led him into was an office with a sleeping bag rolled out across the floor. Beside the sleeping bag was a canvas backpack that Illinois brought him over to. Coaxing him to sit, Illinois finally let go of him to bring a lantern closer. While digging through his bag, Illinois told him softly. "Sorry about the lack of light. The power hasn't worked in the house since Time decided to isolate us from the rest of Wonderland. Water still works though." Sean wrapped his arms around his knees, unable to stop himself from looking him over. He was getting those strange feelings again. He liked the way that Illinois had his sleeves rolled up to his elbows. He liked the way his jeans fit him just right. It was a look that appealed to him. He was manly with soft features. Forcing himself to look at Illinois's hands, he asked him curiously. "Why do they call you the March Hare? You don't look like a rabbit to me." Illinois chuckled beautifully, then removed a jar with some gel in it as he answered with a smile. "Because I'm always in a hole somewhere. Always trying to dig up lost artifacts and bits of history."
Illinois scooped some gel onto his finger, then gently took ahold of Sean's arm. Locking eyes with him, Illinois warned him nicely. "This may sting a bit, but it will clean the wounds." Sean watched him apply the gel with just his index finger. It stung a little, but Sean barely noticed since his body was more distracted with how close Illinois was. As he carefully covered the wounds, Illinois asked him in a very soft tone of voice. "You have it, don't you? The Ring of Wonderland?" Sean clenched his fist, tensing up. Illinois stayed calm though, moving to his other arm as he calmly purred out to him. "Easy. I'm not going to take it. But there is only one way you could have broken Time's spell. And I felt the ring when I shook your hand." Sean risked looking at Illinois's face with an amused expression as he whispered back. "You're very observant." Illinois chuckled, saying in a flattered voice. "Well, you've got to be in Wonderland. Everything is always changing." Picking up the container, Illinois scooped up more gel, then asked without meeting his eyes. "May I?" Sean didn't understand, until he saw Illinois touch the hem of his dress. Shifting a little, Sean slowly pulled the hem up over his knees as he extended his legs out across the floor.
Blushing, he whispered out. "You may... but you know. I could do this myself?" Illinois touched his leg, telling him professionally. "I know. But this stuff is hard to get. I don't want you to use more than you need. And besides... I did a few medical courses in college. I'm practically a doctor. That makes me more qualified to do it." Sean rolled his eyes, biting his lip as Illinois's hand moved along his torn striped stocking. At the sight of his lacy garter belt with a sapphire jeweled buckle, Illinois's eyes darted up to meet his as he teased out. "Sexy. I didn't expect that." Sean quickly covered his legs with the skirt, his cheeks burning as he stammered out. "I... I didn't... someone else picked it out." Illinois's smile made Sean's heart skip a beat. Leaning closer, Illinois pushed up the brim of his fedora hat to whisper to him in a powerful affectionate voice. "I won't tell anyone... but it brings out your eyes." Sean's lips parted but he was speechless. After the flowers telling him how ugly he was, Illinois's words threatened to make him cry. Illinois reached up to smear some gel on his cheek, telling him in a softer voice. "You look tired..." Sean couldn't bring himself to answer. His voice was gone as he stared into Illinois's deep soft teddy bear brown eyes.
Illinois didn't seem to need him to answer as he told him warmly. "You're safe here. You should get some sleep." Seam shook his head, finding his wispy voice as he replied. "No. I have to get home... and people are after me." Illinois shushed him, leaning back from him as he finished putting the gel on his face. Putting the jar away, Illinois told him calmly. "Home can wait. You'll never get there if you're too tired to move." Sean shook his head but looking at the sleeping bag did make him feel tired. Pushing his backpack aside, Illinois patted the pillow and coaxed him hopefully. "Come on. Lay down for a bit. You may not get this chance again. We've got a long journey ahead." Sean slowly laid down, yawning out to him. "Were you waiting for me?" As Sean laid down, Illinois brushed Sean's long hair away from his ear to whisper to him in that same buttery voice. "You always follow me. So, I'm always waiting for you." Sean parted his lips to ask what he meant by that, but he was slipping away as sleep took him. He was exhausted from running around and being able to relax was a feeling he welcomed. Illinois ran a hand along his arm, before blowing out the lanterns.
Sitting in the dark against the desk, Illinois watched over Sean as he slept. He could hear Wilford and Paultin laughing as they smashed the regenerating teacups outside. Tilting his head back against the desk, he tried to keep himself under control. Marvin had told him that Sean wouldn't remember him, but he hadn't expected it to hurt so much. It was torture to restrain himself. Part of him wanted to punch Marvin for doing this to them. Taking a deep breath, he listened to the clock tick in the room. The hands never changed. Always ticking on the same two seconds for the last few years. Turning his head, he tapped the desk behind him in time with the clock, uttering out to himself. "Why is a raven like a writing desk?" He smirked to himself as he recalled Sean's old answer. He wondered if he'd answer the same way again. Then his smile faded as he heard the soft hiss of steam from outside. Crawling around the desk, he peeked around the curtain to see Googleplier riding in through the gate. Illinois's jaw dropped, his eyes going to the clock in the corner for the first time in years. The hands were not in the same place. Time was moving again. The spell was broken. To Be Continued...
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