Chapter Sixteen: "Devils in the Details"
Illinois pulled Sean closer to his side, his eyes scanning the crowd. Sean pointed toward Wilford and Bandit, telling him over the loud music and chatting people. "They are over there!" Illinois shook his head, leaning closer as he told him in a worried tone of voice. "I'm not looking for them. I'm looking for the third Dealer. I don't see the Devil..." Sean blinked, his own eyes scanning the crowd for anyone that might fit that description. On the stage a set of pyrotechnics exploded, and fog puffed up to shadow Phantom with his hand raised in the air from view as the song ended. The dancers on the floor cheered and clapped excitedly. Rotating his raised arm clockwise to curl his arm in front of his stomach, Phantom cleared the stage of fire and fog and bowed to everyone. Upon straightening back up, he announced to the crowd with a gleaming grin on his face. "Thank you! It's been a pleasure! Without further ado! Let me just say... Ladies and Gentlemen! Welcome to the one and only, new and improved, Devil's Advocate Casino and luxury train!" The crowd burst into loud cheers, then quieted down as Phantom raised his hands wide and added aloud. "You may have been feeling down in the dumps when you boarded, but in the end we're gonna have you feeling alright! Cause here on the Red Diamond Train you're in for one hell of a time!"
The crowd burst into more cheered and people flocked up to the stage. They extended their hands out to Phantom and asked him things that were practically inaudible with all the people yelling things out at once. Illinois shook his head, yelling to Sean over the crowd. "This is my fault...! I didn't know!" Sean turned to put a hand on Illinois's shoulder to comfort him. He couldn't blame him. The poor guy had been trapped within a barrier for a long time. Sean rubbed Illinois's shoulder, then gasped and tried to pull him away. Illinois nearly fell since he was distracted with Phantom. Illinois stumbled, grabbing Sean's shoulder to stay upright, asking uneasily. "What?!" He turned to look back and they both yelped in fright at the sight of King Dice. King Dice tossed up a single red die in his hand, but when he caught it, he turned his hand out to show them his gloved palm. Between King Dice's fingers were now three red dice with the face of the winking devil on them showing to symbolize snake eyes. Illinois pulled Sean behind him, rushing out nervously. "Stay behind me!" King Dice chuckled wickedly, tossing the three dice up into the air now.
This time he caught them by clapping his hands together and then showed them that they vanished. Giving them a wink, he quickly removed a playing card from his sleeve and turned it between his fingers to show them the result. On the card was the King of Diamonds. Sean didn't get it, until he backed into someone. The person dropped hands on his shoulders, whispering beside his ear. "Good evening, Darling. May I cut in?" Sean jerked his head to look at Phantom and took a deep breath to scream. Before he even made a sound, Phantom covered his mouth and wrapped his other arm around Sean's shoulders to hold him firmly back against his chest. When Illinois realized that Sean wasn't backing up anymore, he turned and jumped in surprise. Illinois started to reach for something on his belt, but King Dice grabbed his arms and yanked him back away from Sean. Phantom wagged a finger at Illinois, calmly telling him. "Ah, none of that now. This is a clean establishment." Illinois tugged against King Dice's grip, snapping out. "Let him go!" Phantom glanced at the crowd that was watching them, before professionally purring out. "How about we take this someplace more quiet where we can talk business? Ya?"
Illinois glared at Phantom, starting to blurt out in anger. "You dirty dealing son of a-!" King Dice cut him off by covering his mouth and started dragging him off toward the exit. Phantom flashed the crowd a warm smile and shrugged out. "Well, can't please them all. Not to worry folks. Nothing to worry about. Enjoy yourselves." He gave them a wink and the crowd chuckled. Someone rushed up onto the stage to start playing a lively tune on the piano to get everyone dancing again, turning the crowd's attention away from them. Phantom let out a sigh, then pointed to Bandit as he stared at him from across the room. Beckoning him with a finger, Phantom uttered out in a hushed tone that Sean wasn't sure that Bandit even heard over the music. "Bandit. Grab your friend and will you please... follow me." Bandit tipped his black cowboy hat like he'd heard him, then turned to grab Wilford off the stage. Wilford tried to swat him off, desperately trying to cling to the stage as he whined out. "No! Hands off! I wanna stay! Let me go! This is my jam!" Phantom took Sean's arms, guiding him out of the club and out after King Dice. They moved across the way into one of the many brightly lit up casinos.
Sean watched hundreds of people of all species gambling and drinking. They all appeared to be having fun. However, he noticed that whenever someone would lose, a shadow would rush across the floor to snatch them without anyone seeing. Dragging them silently off the floor into staff only doors to the thrashing person's horror. Phantom waved to a few people that recognized him but didn't break his stride as he casually led Sean onward. Sean didn't see the need to try struggling or running. He doubted that he'd get far. Guiding him into one of the staff rooms that had a big red diamond on the door, they walked down an unbelievably long corridor that seemed to span the length of the train. The corridor was lined in beautiful red carpet with black and white tiles that had the symbols of the house of cards on them. At the center of every set of four tiles was a purple dice with the devil's winking face. Sean felt like they were walking down a long hallway to their death as the hanging lights above them swayed to the movement of the train. At the very end of the hallway, they came to a large black metal door with shiny brass bordering on it.
The door hissed as King Dice opened it, revealing the interior of a gorgeous cathedral that was unlike anything that Sean had ever seen. The cathedral was laid out like a throne room, engine room, and an office all in one. The walls were lined with little nooks with bundled up scrolls. The ceiling had crossbeams of metal that supported a dome ceiling of colorful stain glass that made the thin strip of red walkway carpet shimmer with color. At the far end, there was a large circular window that allowed you a nice view of the train tracks ahead and set before it was a large crescent moon shaped desk made of wood and metal. The desk was littered with scrolls, accounting books, and neat stacks of silver coins. Set apart from the far sides of the desk was a set of spiraling metal staircases that lead to an open second floor. Up there, Sean could see what looked like a massive boiler that was pumping the black smoke up a pipe that made the smog cloud over the train. Hot and hissing pipes were all over the place. Sitting at a metal control desk by the boiler above, Sean could see a slender man dressed in a fine suit with a small top hat and a glass manacle, checking the engine gauges.
The slender man wiped his blue bangs under his hat, then clasped a lever to pull it back as he grabbed a chain to blow the train whistle. Phantom walked Sean passed King Dice toward the desk, announcing cheerfully. "You'll never guess what the cat just dragged in." Sean backed up into Phantom as he noticed a dark figure hunched over the desk and writing something in a book with a large red quill. The dark figure had grey skin with a black t-shirt and red vest. From the dark figure's head were two long sharp black horns that were similar to those of a bull. The man exhaled, dropping his quill to raise a hand to reveal long sharp black fingernails without looking up from his book. He seemed to be counting something. Lowering his hand, he picked up his quill to finish writing something down. After which, he asked in a deep purring voice. "Make it quick, Highness. I'm busy." Phantom hefted up his cane and tapped the end on the man's deck as he stated out with a slight sternness to it. "Make time for this, Devilplier." Devilplier finally peered up from his book with disinterest. His bright golden cat eyes locking with Sean's. Sean trembled as he saw Devilplier slowly perk up with growing interest.
Setting his quill down, Devilplier closed his book and leaned back in his throne to purr out in amusement. "I see. You've got my undivided attention now." Phantom smirked, chuckling out smugly. "And you doubted that I'd catch them. I should have bet on it." Devilplier tipped his head in respect, cooing out politely. "You should have. So now the question remains. What do you want done with them?" Phantom hugged Sean close, sweetly flirting back to Devilplier. "Make me an offer. I'm willing to part will all except for this one." Sean looked to Illinois with wide eyes, watching him muffle out something into King Dice's hand as he thrashed against him. Behind them, Bandit gasped and turned to run from the cathedral, but the door slammed loudly and brass bolts hissed as they locked into place. Wilford glanced back at Bandit, then looked to Devilplier and shrugged out to himself gruffly. "Ugh. I could be partying right now..." Devilplier leaned forward onto his folded hands, his eyes narrowing on Phantom as he said firmly. "How do you plan to compensate me for the difference?" Phantom didn't answer, prompting Devilplier to put his hands on the table as he rose from his seat menacingly.
Devilplier's arm muscles tensed as he leaned more on the deck, while a magnificent set of black angel wings unfolded from his back. Sean's jaw dropped at how shiny and beautiful they were. Devilplier's long thin black tail with an arrow tipped end flicked like an agitated cat, when he growled out in an even deeper tone of voice. "Don't screw with me, Phantom. You can't con a con man. I know what that Oyster's value is. Bargaining off three rebels barely covers the cost of that Oyster. Let alone what it is rumored to be carrying." Phantom shrugged fearlessly, retorting calmly. "You are not going to overcharge me for something the Oyster is only 'rumored' to have. Besides, you owe me compensation for bailing you out of that dungeon." Phantom flashed Devilplier a sly grin, stating out swiftly. "Tell you what. I'll sweeten your side of the deal. You take these rebels off my hands. Dispose of them as you will. And if you wish... I'll shave off half of your debt as compensation for the Oyster's value." Devilplier drummed his nails on the desk as he thought about it. King Dice huffed softly, dragging Illinois closer to the deck, when he told Devilplier boldly. "Boss? If you'll permit me to interject?"
Devilplier nodded to King Dice, who bowed in return before stating aloud. "I've a counter offer for you. You can take the Ring of Wonderland, but we want eighty percent of the profits that are made from the train." Phantom sighed heavily but shot back blankly. "Forty." King Dice lifted his chin, quickly replying. "Seventy-five." An amused smirk pulled at Phantom's lips when he said coolly. "Sixty-six percent. Final offer." King Dice opened his mouth, but Devilplier slipped in confidently. "Deal." King Dice bowed his head to acknowledge Devilplier's statement, which prompted Phantom to ask. "Are we done here?" King Dice shook his head, telling Phantom with a smug grin. "No. You got the Ring of Wonderland. Now let's bargain for the Oyster." Wilford snorted, chuckling over his shoulder to a frightened Bandit. "Damn. This guy is good. Phantom's going to look like an idiot when he realizes that Sean might not have the ring." All eyes turned to look at Wilford, who jumped when he noticed the sudden attention. Shrugging, Wilford blurted out. "What? I haven't physically seen the ring myself. So, how do we know he's got it? It could just as easily be a fake."
Sean glared at Wilford, growling out his name under his breath. Wilford didn't hear Sean, because he started telling Bandit with a chuckle. "Think about it. I once knew this guy that made the best fakes around. He'd sell them at value and would make a killing. I wish I had that kind of dedication. I'd get bored so-" Bandit stomped his foot, snapping out to cut off Wilford. "WILFORD! Whose side are you on?" Wilford crossed his arms, answering with a confused shrug. "What? Everyone complains when I don't listen and now you complain when I do. Make up your minds." Bandit groaned, gesturing toward Phantom, Devilplier, and King Dice as he snapped out. "Now they're going to look to see if the ring is a fake, you dumbass!" Wilford uncrossed his arms, uttering out in shock. "Oh... Oops. See?! This is why I don't listen!" Sean gawked at them. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. Although, while the others were all looking at them argue, Sean discreetly moved his arms behind his back and started to pull off his elbow length glove. Quickly removing the ring, he slipped the glove back on and pulled the other glove down to his wrist to match his other hand.
Sean winked at Bandit and then mouthed for him to keep going. Bandit blinked, then shouted back at Wilford to keep distracting them. "Well, that is just great, Wilford! Now they are going to find out that it's a fake!" Wilford looked completely shocked, asking perplexed. "What?! When did you find that out?" Phantom tensed, listening closely to the others now. Seizing the brief moment, Sean lifted his hand and popped the ring into his mouth before putting his hands back behind his back. Illinois's eyes widened in horror, but Sean tried to act natural. Bandit shrugged to Wilford, pointing to Illinois as he snapped out. "Illinois told me! It was supposed to be a secret to trick them in order to keep the real one safe!" Phantom groaned loudly, his eyes drifting to Devilplier who grinned devilishly. Dice King held onto Illinois a bit tighter, chuckling out to Phantom teasingly. "Wanna trade? The Oyster for Illinois?" Phantom inhaled deeply, telling them seriously. "How about this... We'll put everything of value on the table. I'll play you both for them. Just a nice friendly wager between old friends. How does that sound? Winner takes all." Devilplier and King Dice shared a look before Devilplier answered excitedly in unison with King Dice. "Agreed." To Be Continued...
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