Chapter Nineteen: "Devil's Amusement"
Sean shakily pulled off his glove to put the ring back on his finger, then adjusted his gloves back up over his elbows. Bandit rubbed his neck, quickly heading for the stairs, while Illinois rushed in to wrap an arm around Sean's waist to usher him toward the steps. Sean tried to resist a little, starting to tell Illinois softly. "Wait. I need to ask something-" Before he could finish, Wilford stepped up to Devilplier and flirted in his casual southern drawl. "You know... I think we got off on the wrong foot. I think it would be more beneficial if we worked together." Devilplier curled his lips enough to expel thick wisps of grey smoke from the corners of his mouth. King Dice reached out to push Wilford a few steps back from the Devil, but Wilford was unfazed by the gesture. Staring the Devil down, Wilford told him coolly. "I don't like the King of Hearts anymore than you do. You want to see him punished and so do I." Devilplier licked his dark lips, before leaning closer to answer in a deep defensive voice. "Your anger for him is outweighed by your desire. You long for her, but she resides in Darkiplier. As long as he has the spotlight, you can't see her. And I hate her as much as much as I hate the King of Hearts. So, no. I will not trade one problem for another."
Wilford removed his gun from his holster, but Devilplier just stared him down without a trace of fear as he told him calmly. "You can't kill me with that. And if you ruin my favorite shirt... I'll throw you back in Jumanji. And this time... SHE won't get you out." King Dice removed a white handkerchief from his sleeve and flipped it over his empty hand. When he yanked the handkerchief back off his palm, he revealed the Jumanji board game. Wilford's eyes widened in horror, and he staggered back, tripping over the edge of the stage. King Dice kneeled, laughing maniacally as he extended the game board out and asked him with fake innocence. "Wanna play a game, Colonel?" Illinois ran back to Wilford, shoving the game against King Dice's chest so hard that it knocked him back away from Wilford. Wilford scooted across the floor of the stage, yelling out in distress. "Keep that thing away from me!" King Dice fell back into a chair, then set the game down on the table before springing back up onto his feet as he glared at Illinois. Devilplier raised a hand between them, chuckling out softly. "Stop. Let them go." King Dice took a step back, his eyes locked on Illinois with a murderous glare. Devilplier's hand covered King Dice's eyes, telling Illinois seriously. "Start walking, Boy."
Illinois reluctantly turned to grab Wilford's arm, pulling him down from the stage and coaxing him passed Sean and down the steps. It pained Sean to see Wilford hugging his chest and looking like a lost teary eyed puppy. Devilplier lowered his hand from King Dice, telling him curtly. "I shan't be long. Change course. I no longer have a desire to see the Heart's Casino. When I return, we'll get this train back into the full swing of things." King Dice nodded, then went about cleaning up the game table. Sean was pulled down the steps by Illinois before Devilplier made his way toward them. Sean had a burning desire to ask Devilplier about the sword in his vision but wasn't sure how to bring it up. He just knew he had to do it soon. Illinois handed off Wilford to Bandit to hold onto. Leaving Sean to jump as someone tapped his back. Turning, he locked eyes with the conductor. The damper dressed man that Devilplier called J.J. tipped his small black hat to him, then discreetly dropped something into the pocket of his dress with his free hand. Sean tried not to draw attention to the things in his pocket, while J.J. winked at him and put a finger to his lips. J.J. then started to quickly back away from Sean like he was terrified of something. Following his eyes to the person standing behind him, he saw Devilplier eyeing J.J. with sudden interest.
Sean looked between them, until J.J. coughed and quickly put a handkerchief up to his mouth. The white handkerchief became stained in blood. Sean reached out for him, but Devilplier yanked Sean back from him and moved closer to J.J. a little tensely. Illinois grabbed Sean's shoulder, prompting Sean to ask aloud. "What's happening?" Illinois didn't answer, he just watched J.J. with an anxious look. J.J. backed up from the Devil, his bright blue eyes fading to a solid white as they rolled back and his back arched. Falling limply back across the floor, J.J.'s arms and legs twitch as the bandages around J.J's wrists and neck become stained in fresh blood. Devilplier stopped short of J.J.'s body, calling out darkly. "I thought I smelled filth." Sean heard a distorted chuckle come from the soft static of the speakers around the room. Above them, King Dice gripped the railing and called out. "Watch yourself, Devil." Devil's black wings unfurled as he grew more tense but stared only at J.J.'s body. Sean clung to Illinois, then yelped in fright as J.J.'s body suddenly flipped upright onto all fours. J.J.'s solid white eyes, stared Devilplier down but no sound came from him. Instead, it came from the speakers as a distorted voice chuckled out. "We'll look who's back!"
Devilplier let out a deep growl that rumbled the room, but the voice chuckled out flatly. "I wasn't talking about you, Hot Shot. I was talking about HIM!" J.J's limp arm lifted off the ground to point at Sean, while J.J.'s head rolled to the side to stare at the Devil with lifeless eyes. King Dice hopped up onto the railing like a gargoyle, sneering down at J.J. as he asked through his clenched teeth. "Let me at him!" Devilplier raised a hand casually, growling out to J.J. sternly. "Phantom send you?" The voice chuckled, before answering smugly. "I'm no one's errand boy. I've been looking for him myself." Devilplier narrowed his eyes on J.J., before snapping his fingers to unlock the room door. Then crouching a little, Devilplier hissed out angrily. "You want him? Try and get him, Vermin!" J.J.'s body quickly sprang up to his full height, but just as quickly fell limply to the floor. Illinois turned on his heels, yelling out to the others. "RUN FOR IT!" Sean watched a black mist leave J.J.'s wounds, watching it swirl into a figure that sprang off the wall and lunged at Devilplier's side with an aggressive hiss. Devilplier whirled to slash his black talon nails at the forming figure, but the figure glitched in the air and reappeared right behind him. Slashing his own black nails across Devilplier's back between his large feathery black wings.
When the figure landed behind Devilplier, he was a solid figure with acid green bangs and tight black clothes that were torn up. His black t-shirt hung off one shoulder and had tears all along the sides. His tight black jeans had large torn holes in the knees and his black sneaker shoes squealed across the polished floor. The figure's hands had long black nails, but the scratches he left on the Devil's back were a searing acid green. The figure glanced over his shoulder to lock his bright green eyes with Sean. His long green forked tongue flicking out between his sharp canine teeth. Sean gasped as the sight of his eyes triggered a flash of memory of this guy chasing him down a lavish hallway that had rich tapestries. Illinois nearly yanked his arm out of socket as he took off toward the unlocked door. King Dice jumped down from the railing, landing where the person had been. Seconds before King Dice landed, the person grabbed Devilplier's tail and yanked himself into a slid between the Devil's legs. As the person got up in front of the Devil, the Devil tried to slash at him, but the person glitched to dodge every swing with fits of giggles.
The Devil's slashes cut through the thick wooden furniture, shattering them to wooden splinters. On the last rapid swing, the person cartwheeled up onto a wooden jury bench and put his fingers up to his lips to flick his long tongue between them tauntingly. Devilplier growled, jumping off the ground to fly at him with his claws at the ready. The person glitched off the jury bench, but got sucker punched to the floor by King Dice. Sean barely got to see the person sweep King Dice's feet out from under him; the person glitching between fighting Devilplier and King Dice in rapid secession, before Sean was rushed into the hallway. Panting, Sean yelled out. "Who was that?!" Illinois chased after Bandit and Wilford, answering a bit frantically. "Anti!" Sean stumbled a bit but recovered by using the wall as he asked confused. "Who?!" Bandit slammed into the door at the end of the hallway to break it open as he yelled back. "King of Clovers!" Wilford tripped over the broken door, tumbling onto his ass, causing him to look back moments before screaming out. "OH BULLY!" Sean made the mistake of looking back. Anti was glitching through the hallway at full speed, his nails scratching up the walls as he used the walls to avoid attacks from Devilplier and King Dice.
Anti then lunged for Sean but came up short as Devilplier's tail lashed out to wrap around Anti's slit and bleeding throat. Anti hissed like a cat, then started lashing out like a wild animal as he tugged against the tail around his neck. Compared to Devilplier and King Dice, Anti seemed more like a wild animal than man. He was worse when cornered. Hefting Sean up into his arms, Illinois jumped over the broken door and dashed after the others through the casino. As Anti was punched straight out of the hallway, his body crashed through four rows of slot machines before indenting the wall. The people in the casino screamed in terror, until the machines began to ding loudly and spew winnings. The people scrambled to collect the coins, until King Dice ran out toward them, snapping out. "HEY! HANDS OFF! DROP THOSE!" Devilplier snorted hot steam, his deep growl thundering out of him as his wings shot up aggressively behind him. His tail flicking behind him violently with sharp snaps that unleashed white sparks. Anti slid down the wall, falling weakly across his stomach. Rushing from the casino, Illinois shoved people away as he ran through the startled crowd.
Sean clung to Illinois's arm, letting him pull him along through the crowd. He was able to keep up with him for a while, until someone yanked him hard enough to pull him Illinois. Screaming, Sean was flipped over Anti and slammed to the ground. Anti quickly glitched over him, his knees pinning Sean's arms down. Brushing Sean's long blonde hair away from his face, he purred out to him. "You can't fool me with this little disguise. I'd recognize this feeling anywhere!" Grabbing Sean's throat, Anti squeezed his neck and hissed out aggressively. "WHERE IS IT?!" Sean groaned, his heels digging into the ground to try and wiggle out of his grip. Anti patted him over with his hand, then removed a broken pocket watch from his pocket. Staring briefly at it in confusion, he asked him aggressively. "Why do you have this...? WHERE IS THE RING?! USE IT ON ME! NOW!" Sean raised an eyebrow, mumbling out through a choked voice. "What...? Why...?" Anti's eyes flared with a fiery green light, upon yelling out. "JUST DO IT!" A loud 'BANG' rang out, causing the crowd around them to scream and scatter. Anti grunted in pain, his back arching from the impact.
From a large bullet hole in his chest, blood began to leak down Anti's torso. Anti's eyes rolled back for a second, before he dropped over Sean weakly on all fours to whisper to him. "This isn't over... See you soon." Sean whimpered, then watched Anti giggle as he glitched and vanished from sight. Staying down in shock, Sean peered in the direction that the shot came from to see Wilford lowering his large pistol with shaking hands. Illinois patted Wilford's chest, praising him as he rushed by. "Good shot, Will." Reaching him, Illinois picked Sean up into his arms, asking through heavy pants. "You ok?" Sean nodded, snatching up the broken watch that Anti dropped, then buried his head against Illinois's neck. His heart was racing, and his mind was a mess. He'd thought Anti was going to kill him. Devilplier stormed out into the street, asking through a menacing growl. "Did you get him?" Illinois nodded, answering gruffly. "Ya... but it won't keep him away for long." Devilplier gestured them to start walking, telling them sternly. "He's not the one I'm worried about. He's just a pest." Devilplier led the way toward the stables, while Bandit asked him nervously. "Who worries you...?" Devilplier snorted hot steam from his nose, then growled out. "Not important. Just get off my train before they arrive."
Wilford looked back at Illinois, uttering out curiously. "L.G.L.?" Illinois huffed, grumbling out darkly. "I'd bet on that..." Stomping into the Stable, the farmers rushed away from Devilplier. Devilplier yanked open the sliding barn door of the train, letting a rush of cold night air in from the outside. Sean loved how bright and gorgeous the full moon looked but was also a bit terrified by the fact that the train wasn't slowing down. Devilplier pointed out of the train, snapping out. "Get out." Bandit chuckled nervously, saying aloud. "You're kidding, right? We'll get off at the next stop." Devilplier snatched Bandit's shirt, then swung him out to dangle him from the train as he devilishly told him. "I don't recall THAT being apart of our deal." Bandit tried to grab the Devil's hand, before he let go of him without warning. Bandit screamed falling out of the train and out if sight. The Devil turned his eyes on Wilford, who dashed right past him to his surprise, yelling out with excitement. "GERONIMO!" Shaking his head, the Devil looked at them next. Illinois set Sean down and started to say to him. "Look, if you kill us you'll be-"
The Devil's wings flapped, bringing him directly in front of Illinois. The action made Illinois stop talking, letting Devilplier purr out smugly in return. "You'll be R.O.I.. if you die. A return on my investment. Not a downside for me." Grabbing Illinois, Illinois screamed as the Devil threw him from the train. Sean swallowed, backing up as he said. "What about our horses...? Look, we can talk about this." Devilplier strolled up to him and Sean tried to bolt, but his tail caught his ankle. Picking him up by his neck, Devilplier slowly dragged him to the door and held him out of it as he told him. "As much as I'd LOVE to kill you. I need you alive. This is just for MY amusement." Sean snuck a peek to look down and screamed. The train was crossing a large stone bridge, high above a large river of water. Grabbing the Devilplier's wrist, he screamed out. "DON'T! I'm scared of heights!" The Devil chuckled, purring out. "I know." The Devil's grip loosened, but Sean clung to him, screaming out desperately. "The sword I gave you! Where is it?!" The Devil's face turned darker with anger as he snarled out. "The fake Vorpal sword you gave me in exchange for me to distract the King of Hearts? The one that got me imprisoned because you tricked me... Gone. And I'm still salty about it."
The Devil flashed him an evil grin, chuckling out. "See you in hell, Sweetheart!" The Devil shoved him away and Sean lost his grip on him. Free falling from the train, Sean screamed so loud that he hit pitches that he didn't know that he could reach. The air caused his hair to obscure how much farther he had left to fall, resulting in the cold water slamming into his back unexpectedly. Crashing through the watery surface, his body sank into the water so deep that he became lost into the dark depths. The shock of hitting the water causing his body to pass out from the distress. He wasn't out for too long, before the feeling of rushing to the surface woke him. As he burst up out of the water, Illinois shoved him over a floating bit of log, before yelling out. "BANDIT?! WILFORD?!" Sean coughed water over the log, while the others called out. "Over here!" Illinois spit water, treading in water as he held onto the end of the log with one hand. The sounds of splashing came from behind him but he couldn't bring himself to look. As they swam closer, Wilford stating out in distress. "Oh shit! I forgot Shwoompl!" At the sudden sound of distressed whinnies everyone looked up to see Diesel getting thrown from the train.
Diesel's long hair stood on end as he fell through the air, his long legs running in midair before splashing into the water farther away from them. After Diesel, Shwoompl was thrown from the train, spinning head over tail as he fell through the air. Wilford swam past them, calling out with joy. "I'm coming, Shwoompy!" Bandit grabbed the log, spitting water as he coughed out softly. "Devilplier is a dick..." Unable to stop himself, Sean started to laugh and both Illinois and Bandit joined in with him. Sean didn't know why he found it funny... but it felt good to laugh. To Be Continued...
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