Chapter Four: "Tweedle Dee And Tweedle Dum News"
Sean fell across the glass of the lantern as Microphone Jim tilted the container sideways. Holding the lantern under his arm like a football, he ran down the ramp of the ship, calling out. "Jim! Stay low! Dodge and weave! Confuse them!" Sean yelped as he was tossed about in the lantern. By the time everything stopped, Sean just laid still on the floor for a bit. His insides felt all shaken up. Microphone Jim set the container down on a fallen log, putting the microphone up to the glass as he asked aloud. "All clear. Now, little Oyster. Please give us some quotes as to your condition?" Sean lazily looked at Microphone Jim and blurted out. "I'm confused and lost." Microphone Jim glanced over his shoulder to the other Jim holding the camera, stating with shock. "Did you hear that? They are confusing the poor things! Making them feel lost and alone by putting them in these vile conditions! Unfit for even plants!" Microphone Jim tapped his nail on the glass, continuing. "Don't the companies know how harmful this is to an Oyster's health?! And think of the dangers if light should shine in at just the right angle!" Sean covered his ears and whined as the tapping echoed through the container.
The Jim behind the camera snapped his fingers and told Microphone Jim. "Hey, Jim! I just got an idea! We should link a hotline number to the video. Have people donate to us. Then we can film more on their bad conditions!" Microphone Jim gasped, then burst out loud. "Brilliant! That will help! That will show the Red King!" Dropping his hands from his ears as Microphone Jim stopped tapping on the glass, he yelled out to them. "HEY! Let me out of this thing!" Microphone Jim blinked, leaning closer to the lantern as he told him in a sudden discreet whisper. "Can't. That would ruin ratings. We are filming the 'bad' conditions that Oysters are in. Releasing you would defeat the purpose of filming your poor condition." Camera Jim held up a finger to add promptly. "Contrariwise, if it was so, it would be and if it were so, it would be but as it isn't, it ain't." Microphone Jim nodded to Camera Jim, then told Sean a bit smugly. "That's logic." Sean dropped his head into his hand to rub his temples as he mumbled out. "Ow, my head..." Microphone Jim chuckled, telling him self-assuredly. "That's what you get for trying to counter our sane logic."
Letting out a sigh, Sean crossed his arms over is chest and sarcastically shot back to them. "If you are using 'sane' logic, then my 'insane' logic would be irrational... Unless MY logic however insane it is, proves to be right and sane." Microphone Jim leaned closer, bringing the microphone closer to the lantern as he asked with narrowed eyes. "Example?" Sean shrugged but told him flatly. "Ok... You say filming me in a cage shows off the nature of my bad condition, yes? So, wouldn't the purpose of showing such a thing be that eventually you'd have to release me in order to prove that conditions 'OUTSIDE' my cage are better?" Microphone Jim covered the mic with his hand, asking Camera Jim over his shoulder. "Did you follow any of that?" Camera Jim blinked, then told Microphone Jim more slowly. "I think what he means is that... He came from better conditions... and by being forced into a cage... that became his bad condition. But if we don't release him... that makes us... bad also?" Sean opened his mouth to try fixing it but changed his mind and just blurted out. "YES! You will be just as bad as them if you don't let me out! Now let me out!" Microphone Jim's face contorted in thought, starting to reach for the door lock, but hesitated to ask him suspiciously. "How would not letting you out make US bad? We didn't put you in there. They did. By having us release you it would be a crime. THEN we'd be bad people."
Sean groaned, saying the first thing that popped into his head. "No. See. THEY put me in here and won't let me out. If YOU don't let me out, then you are the same as THEM! Hence, you are like them and bad people." Sean blinked to himself, mumbling out under his breath. "I spent 12 years getting a high school diploma for this...?" Microphone Jim shrugged, lifting the latch to the lantern as he told him openly. "Sounds legit to me." The glass door swung open, and Sean rushed out to stand on the large log. Camera Jim moved the camera closer to him, asking with excitement. "How does it feel to be free? Do you feel like your old self again?" Sean looked down at how small he was compared to them and said with a sigh. "Not really. Thank you both for your help. But I must be going now." Microphone Jim put his hand out to block Sean from leaving, rushing out. "You're beginning backwards. You've yet to introduce yourself. So, you can't say goodbye, until you say hello. And once we reply, you must engage us thusly about the topic of OUR choice. Such as the weather. Or the traffic along the chess hedge expressway." Sean rolled his eyes, turning to face Microphone Jim as he said as nicely as he could. "I don't have time for this."
Camera Jim gasped, blurting out to Microphone Jim. "OH! This goes deeper than we thought! Time is in on this!" Microphone Jim leapt to his feet, covering Camera Jim's mouth as he stated in a serious whisper. "Shhh! Jim! You wanna bring down his wraith upon us!" Sean crossed his arms, unable to stop himself from asking. "Time is a person?" Microphone Jim kneeled back down by the log to answer swiftly. "Yes... and no. He hears all. Knows all. Sees all. And if you piss him off... You'll be grounded for all your life!" Sean blinked without fear, telling them lightly. "Well, then... Good day, Gentlemen. I'll be on my way." Sean started to walk across the log, and they followed him. Microphone Jim put the mic close to him, asking aloud. "Where is an Oyster like you off to in such a hurry?" Sean kept walking and tried to think of something that didn't talk about the ring that everyone seemed so eager to get. Instead, he told them innocently. "I'm following a white rabbit." Microphone Jim moved ahead of him a bit, questioning him nicely. "Why is that?" Sean ducked under the microphone, dryly replying. "Because he was leading me to someone."
Microphone Jim put the microphone back in his way, asking quickly like a little kid. "Why?" Sean ducked under the mic again, blurting out a little annoyed. "Because supposedly he can help me." Microphone Jim put the mic back in his way, asking again with a broad grin. "Why?" Sean stopped in his tracks, yelling into the mic a bit heatedly now. "I don't know! I'm just doing what I was told! Why are you asking me this?" Microphone Jim pointed to the camera, answering swiftly. "Because it is our job. We collect stories and broadcast them around Wonderland. We are Jim News. Where you get all your Tweedle facts and fictions from around Wonderland." Microphone Jim then shushed him, before whispering to him. "We are working on our biggest story yet. We are going to prove to the citizens of Wonderland that Oysters are not a myth! Isn't that wonderful?! You'll be famous!" Sean exhaled out with no enthusiasm. "I'm leaping for joy on the inside..." Sean took a few more steps, then stopped to ask them curiously. "Wait. How do you know that I'm... an Oyster? How do you know that I am not like you?" They both snickered, before Camera Jim told him a bit sarcastically. "Have you seen yourself? We aren't tiny."
Sean looked at himself, when Microphone Jim informed him curtly. "Wonderlanders don't grow and shrink. Only Oysters do that after eating or drinking the food of Wonderland. We don't know why... Maybe you can tell us?" Sean shrugged, telling them honestly. "Sorry. I have no idea." Microphone Jim snapped his fingers, mumbling out. "That's a shame. Jim! Make a note to find out why later!" Sean started to walk again, finally reaching the end of the log. Sean peeked down over the side to see how far it was to get down and backed up with a hard gasp. It was much higher than he thought. His fear of heights forcing him to sit and grab the bark in a death grip. Microphone Jim was unfazed by his distress, simply asking him warmly. "So... This rabbit you are after. Was that how the Walrus lured you in? Was it a toy Rabbit that the Carpenter made? Cause if it was... You'd just be following the rabbit back to your cage." Sean took deep breaths to fight off his fear but told Microphone Jim sternly. "No! It was a... a plain white rabbit. I lost sight of him and I'm curious where he went too. So can you very carefully put me on the-" Both of the Jim's gasped in soft pity of him.
Staring at them, he blurted out. "What? What did I say?" Camera Jim tsked to himself, commenting to Microphone Jim. "Oh, poor little Oyster. He's curious. And we all know what happens to curious little Oysters." Microphone Jim nodded solemnly. Forgetting his fear, Sean got up onto his feet, asking with sudden worry. "What? What happened to them?" Microphone Jim raised a hand, correcting him swiftly. "It didn't happen. It is happening. There is a difference. It's why we are here. Why we are gathering video evidence of it." Sean shrugged, asking louder in his high squeaky voice. "So?! What is happening to them?!" Microphone Jim waved a dismissive hand, stating shortly. "Oh, no. You're in much too much of a hurry." Sean took a reluctant seat, hefting a sigh as he said coolly. "Alright. I guess I can spare a few minutes for this. Tell me. What were they going to do to me? What is happening to... people like me?" Camera Jim kneeled by the log, telling him softly like he was afraid that someone would overhear. "The story goes that as Wonderland grew and expanded into what it is. The Red King took power and learned that in order to make Wonderland even greater, he would need to find a way to harness the power of Oysters. So, he contacted the only two people at the time that could do what he desired."
Microphone Jim jumped in then to add. "The Walrus, as we call him. A man known for fast talking and presenting a pleasant hopeful demeanor to Oysters. He can talk anyone into just about anything. All by using his charm and twisting a few things around to make you think it was YOUR idea to stray from your world to come to ours." Camera Jim nodded, then cut in swiftly to continue. "One by one, the little Oysters follow the Walrus here to Wonderland with promises of magical things and fun. Only to run into the Carpenter. He is the one who really runs the operation. He takes them into his shop... and he cracks up little Oysters for their pearls. All to make the Red king happy." Sean shrugged, asking a little confused. "Ok... but how does he do that? What pearls?" Microphone Jim leaned in closer to tell him more discreetly. "The Carpenter makes these toys... and when an Oyster is exposed to it. One of two things happen. A good feeling or a bad. Good feelings bring about fun ideas and inspire things that you see around you here in Wonderland. We, Wonderlanders, are the product of good pearls. Bits of imagination. But bad pearls... they create the horrors in Wonderland. Beings that we call... Nightmares. One such bad pearl, created the Jabberwock! The most fearsome creature in our world!"
Sean swallowed, asking hesitantly. "What happens when these Oysters run out of... pearls?" Camera Jim straightened up, telling Sean seriously. "If the pearls are good, nothing. But if the pearls are bad... Oysters tend to die from fear. The younger the Oyster, the stronger and more pearls can be harvested before their deaths." Microphone Jim glanced around, then told him promptly. "There are some in Wonderland that believe... The Red King himself is the product of a bad pearl." Sean was going to ask about this 'Red King' that he kept hearing so much about, when a voice asked them firmly from the darkness of the woods. "Hello, Tweedle Dee. Tweedle Dum. Who are you talking to?" The Jim Twins jumped to their feet, standing in front of Sean to block him from view. Sean managed to inch enough to peek between their legs to see the person riding into the small clearing though. The person wore a red shirt with a large glow 'G' on the front. His bangs hung down over one of his eyes, but he held his head high and had the best posture that Sean had ever seen. He rode in on his horse slowly, but his eyes never left theirs. Microphone Jim pointed to Camera Jim, telling the person a bit shakily. "I was just talking to my brother, Googleplier. Nothing to see here."
Camera Jim nodded, blurting out. "Right! For our broadcast! We always talk to the camera! We have done nothing to upset the Knights like yourself." Googleplier dismounted from a large horse made entirely of black metal with blazing red eyes. The robot horse's saddle was built into its back, but it was also draped in bright red fabric with the symbols for a deck of cards. Googleplier seemed to scan the area over with his eyes, informing them casually. "I got a strange call from the Carpenter. Seems you boys have been harassing his work. Breaking and entering." Microphone Jim scoffed in mock innocence, blurting out. "What?! Why... The nerve of him! Filing false reports! You should arrest him for wasting your valuable time!" Googleplier met their eyes, stating out without emotion. "Yes. Normally, I would. But there is a more pressing matter that has come to light. Involving a little Oyster?" Microphone Jim pointed his mic at Camera Jim, asking promptly. "Fascinating. Have you seen an escaped Oyster, Jim?" Camera Jim shook his head, chuckling out. "Are they not make-believe? Surely, you don't believe such a tall tale?" Microphone Jim pointed the mic at Googleplier then, asking almost smugly. "Unless... you want to go on record claiming that Oysters are indeed real?"
Googleplier lifted a hand to simply touch the mic, causing it to let out a sharp squeal of feedback. Both Jim Twins dropped their equipment to cover their ears from the sound. Leaving Googleplier to pick up the open lantern container sitting on the log. The Jim Twin's eyes went wide as Googleplier told them without any feeling. "Lie to me again... And I'll drag you behind my horse to face the Red King. Where you will be put on trial. Then you can try talking treason without a head on your shoulders." The Jim Twins looked at each other nervously before one told the Knight timidly. "What's the big deal? It's just one Oyster. It won't get far." Googleplier crushed the lantern in his hand, while his other hand shot out to grab the neck of the closest Jim to him. Pulling him closer, Googleplier told him darkly. "It isn't just any Oyster. It's carrying the stone of Wonderland." The Jim Twins gasped in unison. Sean took this moment as a sign to leave. Turning around, he tried to climb down the back of the log, but his fear of heights was making him freeze. It was an utter relief when the nose of the white rabbit nudged him. Releasing the log, he grabbed the thick soft fur of the rabbit and held on tightly.
The Jim Twins tried to point to where he was, but Sean was already gone. The white Rabbit had dropped down onto all fours and was discreetly creeping off into the woods. While behind them, Sean heard Googleplier tell the Jim Twins in a dark tone of voice. "Put this out on you next broadcast. Anyone that brings that Oyster or the Stone of wonderland to the Red King, will be greatly rewarded with whatever his or her heart desires." To Be Continued...
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