Chapter Forty-Six: "Trial By Fire"
Sean thrashed in Anti's grip, snapping back at Mark. "You're no hero. A hero wouldn't do this to Wonderland! A Hero wouldn't take control of someone else!" Dormin snorted, carefully taking ahold of Sean's jaw as he told him rather bitterly. "Wonderland is whatever I make it to be. I'm in character. I'm an actor. You... are just a pawn that I've set up. With the death of you and Nathan... the last Kings of Wonderland. I will bring in a new world order. A world only 'I' control." Anti glitched in place, his hands phasing through Sean's wrists. Feeling him release him, Sean lifted his hand to point the ring at Mark's face. Dormin didn't flinch but told him quickly. "Try it and your family will be erased from Wonderland. Starting with HIM." Dormin's eyes shifted to look over Sean's shoulder, prompting him to look. Anti staggered backward, dropping to his knees with distressed gasping sounds. Sean's heart sank to the pit of his stomach as he watched Anti claw at his throat, like something was there and choking him. His body glitched in distress but there was no relief from whatever was hurting him! Whirling back around, Sean made the decision to use the ring.
He started to think of Dormin, when Dormin grabbing his throat and started to choke him in an iron grip. Sean's mind grew fuzzy, and his vision blurred as Dormin's grip increased. His free hand grabbing Sean's wrist to twist it enough to break it cleanly. A scream left Sean as he felt the pain and heard the snap. Shoving Sean's to the ground, Dormin kept ahold of his broken wrist and pried the glove off to yank the ring off his finger. Once he had the ring, he shoved Sean onto his back with his foot and bitterly growled down to him. "I admire your commitment to kill me. I was going to kill your family anyway. So, you made the right decision. However foolish and rash as it was. The show must go on though." Dormin snapped his fingers, ordering Dark sternly. "Take him to the courthouse. Now I have my evidence against him." Dark moved in closer, but Sean rolled over and put his good hand on Anti as he breathlessly asked him. "Anti? Are you alright...?" Anti was no longer choking. Breathing hard, Anti nodded to him subtly and tried to stop his throat from bleeding. Dormin then started to walk away, stating out to Phantom. "Find the Jabberwock. Have him round up the Septiceyes. There time is over in Wonderland. Including Anti's." Anti jerked his head up to look at Dark and Phantom.
Stopping to turn a little, Dormin smugly told Anti. "Nothing personal. You served me well... but to put it bluntly. You're broken. And I want only perfection in my new world." Dormin patted Phantom's shoulder and pointed to Anti. Anti staggered up to his feet as Phantom slowly approached. Sean watched Dark tense like he might stop Phantom. Although, Phantom's shadow was already in range to grab Anti. As Phantom reached Dark's side, they locked eyes with each other and then with Sean. Sean didn't understand the look and looked to Anti with worry. Anti's response was to lock eyes with Sean before uttering out. "All eyes on me." Without another word, Anti glitched and was gone. Dormin slowly stopped before the elevator, turning to growl out darkly. "What the fuck? How did he get away?!" Phantom turned casually, shrugging out innocently. "I thought you let him go. Another game?" Dormin's eyes flared with dark fury, when he snapped out loud enough to shake the building. "AFTER HIM!" Phantom gave a little bow, a smug grin pulling at his lips as he regaled aloud. "As you wish, your majesty."
Phantom vanished in a puff of red smoke, his shadow silently bursting into hysterical laughter before it too faded away. Dark grabbed Sean's arm, pulling him up to his feet and holding him in a firm grip. Dormin shot Dark a merciless glare, stating out icily. "I know this was something YOU did. I don't know how you did this one... but mark my words, Damien. I will cut you down for this. And it will be... painful. I assure you." Dormin snapped his fingers and stepped back into a rift, before vanishing as the rift closed. Escorting Sean to the elevator, Darkiplier let out a throaty chuckle. Sean held his broken wrist, mumbling out grimly. "How can you all be so calm? He got the ring. He's going to kill my family! You set me up! Wonderland is-" Dark cut him off to regal coolly. "Wonderland now has it's first real fighting chance. And you have Anti to thank for that." Sean blinked, asking completely perplexed. "I don't understand..." Dark glanced at him, whispering in an almost frightening smug tone of voice. "He always underestimates me. He knows how I like to be in control myself. But this time. I decided to let Anti make the choice. After all... Anti knows how you think. I played my pieces on the board... but Anti was making moves of his own. And he was right. He knew what you'd do."
Sean shrugged, still not understanding, until Dark said more clearly. "I hurt Anti. Not Dormin. Dormin can't hurt Anti. You freed him. So now... Anti's going to do what he does best. Stir up a little chaos. While Dormin scrambles to finish up his little game. All we can do is wait and hope the trial drags out enough that Anti can deal some damage to him." Sean glanced at him, asking softly under his breath. "How is he going to do that?" Dark's eyes locked with his briefly before he told him in a guarded voice. "Better that you don't know. You should worry about yourself. Anti will get out of this; I have no doubt about that. As for the rest of your family... I'm not holding my breath." Swallowing, Sean stood up straighter. He had to think of a way to save himself and his family. If he couldn't depend on them, then he'd have to think on his feet. The elevator dinged as it reached the bottom and Dark grabbed his arm to lead him down the long aisle to a caged podium. Passing the dozens of rows were the people of Wonderland sat with neutral faces, Sean started to shake. Almost every person and creature in Wonderland was here. Along the far wall was a set of cages that made Sean gasp when he saw who was in them.
Every member of his family except for three. Marvin, Calculator, and Anti were missing. Jackieboy-man grabbed the bars, gasping out in shock. "SEAN?!" Sean's heart went out to them. They looked scared and confused. A guard struck the cage to silence Jackieboy, and Sean started to run toward him but Dark gripped his arm tighter to stop him. Walking him to the caged podium, Dark shoved him inside and locked it before stepping back. Sean ran his hand over the smooth wood of the podium, turning his eyes up at the judge stand. Sitting regally in a golden throne chair, the Actor grinned down at him smugly. As the last of the people filed in, The Actor cleared his throat and stated aloud. "Let's begin. Squiddly? Proceed." Sean's attention was drawn to a small scrawny boy that strongly resembled Damien LaVey from Nate's family. Only his horn was busted off on the other side and unlike Damien, Squiddly had a black eyepatch over his left eye and was dressed in rags. Stepping up to a small podium with a microphone, Squiddly flipped through a few speech cards with a timid expression. From the from row of the crowd, the Jim Twins snapped pictures and began recording.
Squiddly winced as lights turned on to shine down on him, before clearing his throat and reading aloud. "Your majesty. Members of the jury. And loyal Subjects. The prisoner that stands caged before you is charged with multiple counts of disrupting the peace of Wonderland and enticing his majesty the King of Hearts into a game of treasonous deception. Thereby willfully and with matters before thought tormenting Wonderland's inhabitants with full intention to usurp the throne. Thereby causing the King to lose his temper, and this trial to be called to witness the sentencing of all his conspirators and kin." Sean snorted, crossing his arms as he belted out loud. "Usurp the throne? I am a King by my own right! It's you that has usurped the throne of the high king!" The Actor straightened up in his seat, stating a little too calmly. "You lost your right to be king when you left Wonderland and didn't return for many years. Hence, I was promoted due to lack of leadership." Sean placed his hands on the podium, snapping back. "Marvin is still high king!" The Actor grinned, retorting firmly. "The traitorous White Rabbit? He's no king. His obsession with the Looking Glass proved to be on the verge of insanity. He tested the Looking Glasses power on one of your own. A Robby Zombie, if I recall. Nearly destroyed Wonderland, until my family dealt with him."
The Actor gestured to the caged, where Robby paced the caged and glared at the people closest to him with hungry eyes. Sean winced, bowing his head in defeat. The Actor then snapped his fingers, telling Squiddly firmly. "Continue. And get a move on. I don't want to be here all day." Squiddly nodded, eyeing the L.G.L. guards stationed around the room with unease, before rushing out. "Before sentencing can be carried out. His highness wishes to call forth the witnesses to the crimes of Sean's kin. For his highness is not... without mercy... and if no evidence can be brought forth, this trial will have no reason to prosecute." Sean narrowed his eyes with suspicion and doubt. He didn't believe for a second that he'd form this trail if he didn't have evidence on him. Squiddly cleared his throat, then called out. "First witness! Bim, the Walrus!" Getting up from one of the seats among the audience, Bim adjusted his suit and began to strut up to the stand. From one of the cages, Shawn Flynn snapped out. "BIM! You backstabbing son of a-!" One of the guards struck the cage with a sword, prompting Shawn to go silent.
Clearing his throat, Bim reached the stand and turned to address the jury and audience before regaling clearly. "Your honor... I'm a simple man. A businessman. I supply Wonderland with an escape from the mundane and depressing issues that surround us. Until recently, that business was thriving..." Bim pointed to Sean then, yelling out heatedly. "Until THIS charlatan, stole critical pieces to a well oiled machine! Thus, rendering my business completely shaken to its foundations!" Sean rolled his eyes, starting to snap back. "Your business was killing my-!" The Actor quickly cut him off to shout out. "Silence, Sean! You destroyed this man's career for your own personal gain and happiness! NEXT!" Sean pointed at the Actor, trying to snap back. "That's not true! He was-!" The Actor slammed his hands on the arms of his chair, causing the building to shake violently as he yelled out. "SILENCE! Don't say another word, Sean McLoughlin. Or I'll make someone you love and conspired with SUFFER." The Actor snapped his fingers and an L.G.L. dragged out a man by the collar of his shirt. The man looked beaten up and bruised already, and when he looked up with a bloodied face, Sean uttered out in horror. "Illinois..."
The Actor grinned wickedly, gesturing to Squiddly as he restated in a calmer tone. "Next witness." Bim strutted back to his seat, while Squiddly announced clearly. "Second witness! Googleplier: Blue." Sean took a deep breath, slowly turning to watch Googleplier walk down the aisle with something hidden under a cloth in his hand. As he approached, he boldly announced to the jury and crowd. "As a Knight, I take my job seriously to protect Wonderland and everyone in it. I have chased this man across the chessboard, and I can attest to his EVERY violation of our laws. None more incriminating than this." Googleplier removed the cloth from the item in his hand and tossed it to the ground as he belted out. "While in pursuit of this man. He brutally killed a follow Knight in the line of duty. Having been lured to a bitter end across the train tracks!" The crowd gasped at the metallic horse head that leaked oil across the floor. Sean opened his mouth, about to blurt out how the horse was still alive the last time he saw it and how the oil looked too fresh... but stopped at the sight of the L.G.L. guard putting a dagger to Illinois's bare shoulder. The Actor thanked Googleplier, then gestured to Squiddly again.
Squiddly cleared his throat, then announced. "Third and final witness! Yandereplier." Sean raised an eyebrow, watching Googleplier to be replaced by Yandereplier. Yandereplier walked up the aisle, then turned on her heels to face the crowd as she announced loud and clear. "I took in this maid out of the goodness of my heart. I confided information about my father, the king. Information this person has used to go against my father at every turn. To turn family, like Illinois, Bingiplier, Wilford, and many others to his fancy! Manipulating them in a dark scheme to take the throne! He turned my precious baby into a PIG! He has made my Senpai go missing! He has destroyed my garden! I believe... he is a dark sorcerer! Dabbling in dark magic with none other than Marvin the Magician! Plotting to steal the ring of Wonderland and use it to kill my father! Your honest and just king!" Sean looked to the people in the audience to see their gullible faces. They believed this bullshit! The Actor then held up the Ring of Wonderland, stating aloud. "This was taken off him earlier. He tried to use this very ring to kill me!" Sean glared at the Actor, who in turn grinned back at him wickedly.
Slipping the ring onto his finger, the Actor announced with burning pride. "Jury, I have reached my verdict. Take note. With the evidence that you have seen. I move to end this trial by giving my sentence for all Wonderland to see. For the crime of treason and conspiring against me... I sentence Sean and all his kin to be beheaded on this very stand! Followed by his conspirators. King Nathan and all HIS Kin! OFF WITH THEIR HEADS!" Squiddly tensed and the one of the L.G.L. guards staggered back from the cages as he realized he was on the list. The audience held their breath and watched as the guards turned on each other to subdue the Nathan egos. Sean grabbed the bars, watching Squiddly leap off the stand and dash toward the exit, only to be grabbed by a Googleplier in a Yellow shirt. Squiddly screamed as he was dragged toward chopping blocks that was brought out by other guards. Sean rattled the bars, yelling out to the crowd. "STOP HIM! WHY ARE YOU JUST SITTING THERE!" The guard slammed Squiddly down the chopping block as another raised a axe. Sean screamed, until the ceiling exploded! Everyone looked up as Damien LaVey dropped down with werewolf Bill.
Damien acted quickly leaping like a cat at the guard with the axe. Slamming into the man to knock him down, Damien's tail whipped out to wrap around the man holding Squiddly's neck with and aggressive hiss. Werewolf Bill snarled charging through toward the cages to tackle guards. Sean glanced back at Dark who stood unphased by the chaos. Instead, his eyes were locked on the Actor. The Actor looked rattled and yelled out in a commanding tone. "STOP THIS! I COMMAND IT!" The room pulsed with light before a figure stepped through an illusion and into the open. Sean grinned, whispering in unison with the Actor. "Calculester." Calculester's screen head smiled, before stating out coolly. "Don't you know not to mess with time? That's MY job." The backdoor to the courtroom burst open to reveal Bingiplier and CyberNateic. Bingiplier rushed up to attack the nearest Googleplier. While CyberNateic rushed to the cage with a deactivated S34N. Touching him, S34N jerked awake and CyberNateic helped him up to start breaking cage locks!
Jackaboy-man cheered and dashed out to bust the lock on Sean's cage, before joining Silver Shepherd and another Anti-hero superhero that looked like Nathan in a black eye mask and jet black suit with dark purple accents. Sean stepped out in shock at the chaos that was erupting. When Anti glitched in with Wander on one side and Blood Hunter on the other. Blood Hunter flicked out his blades, but Sean's eyes were on Anti. Anti's eyes were different. One eye was glowing a bright green and the other was pitch black with a glowing green iris. Beside Sean, Dark smiled as he uttered out. "The crazy son of a bitch did it. He's become a vessel." To Be Continued...
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