Chapter Forty-Seven: "A Tyrant's Reign"
Sean couldn't believe what Anti had done to himself. He couldn't even ask why, because the courtroom erupted into complete chaos. Everyone was attacking someone. Items were being thrown around and the civilians and the Jury tried to flea the room as quickly as they could. Sean ducked and dodged through the crowds of people, trying not to get grabbed as he ran toward Illinois. Illinois flipped an L.G.L. guard that grabbed him, then yelped as another kicked him in the back to knock him onto the floor with the man he flipped. The two rolled around, trying to overpower the other. Running up, Sean picked up a chair and smacked the man pinning Illinois down, before throwing it at the other that tried to grab him. Illinois spit blood and sat up. Sean kneeled, yelling over the yelling and screaming in the courtroom. "Illinois?! Where is the box?! Where's the blade?!" Illinois started to answer, only to stop and lunge for him. Wrapping his arms around his neck, he pulled him down over him and rolled with him to get away as an axe came down where he'd been standing. The axe wielder yanked it up out of the floor boards and tried to bring it down again, but Illinois rose up on all fours fast enough to kick him in the gut.
The man fell backward onto his ass and was leapt upon by Squiddly. Hissing aggressively, Squiddly stabbed the man repeatedly in the chest. Sean's eyes widened at the horror of it, until Damien rushed up behind Squiddly and yanked the knife from his hands. Pointing to at Squiddly, Damien heatedly stated out. "HEY! What did I tell you about knives!" Squiddly pouted guiltily and Sean jumped as Damien flipped the knife and threw it into the head of a man that had Bill pinned into a corner. The man dropped dead instantly, and Bill blew Damien a kiss before snarling and tackling a man off Wilford. Staggering to his feet, Wilford removed his gun and started firing on everyone around him. Illinois helped Sean up, telling Sean uneasily. "I don't know where the box is. They took it from me while I was trying to free the others. Sean groaned, starting to say. "We needed that! Illinois, why did you- AH!" Sean tried to wiggle out of the grip of someone that grabbed his long hair, yanking him back against their chest. Illinois whirled around, calling out Sean's name but skidded to a stop as the person put the vorpal blade to Sean's neck.
Behind him, Natemare growled into his ear. "Looking for this?" Sean turned his head very slowly to look him in his glowing purple eyes. Illinois raised his hands, shakily telling Natemare. "Don't. Natemare... The Actor was going to hurt your-" Cutting him off quickly from the overlooking judge stand, the Actor called out sternly. "NATEMARE! KILL HIM! NOW!" Illinois stepped closer, pleading out loud and desperately. "NO! Natemare, please?!" Natemare pulled Sean's hair to expose his neck more, hissing close to his ear. "I HATE this blade! Now you'll know the sting of it!" Sean tensed, his hands going back to grab Natemare's thighs as the blade jerked toward his throat. Sean prepared to feel the cold metal, but instead heard a soft smack. Opening his eyes, he saw a red sleeved hand gripping Natemare's wrist to stop him. Natemare turned his head to glare at Phantom with blazing purple eyes, a sharp hiss leaving him. Phantom showed no emotion to it, before turning his eyes up to the Actor. His eyes flickering with flames as he called up darkly. "Declaring war on my family? How dare you." Phantom twisted Natemare's wrist away from Sean's neck, pulling Natemare close to say something into his ear. Sean tried to listen but the noise in the courtroom blocked it out.
The Actor slipped on the Ring of Wonderland, growling out. "You wanna challenge me, you demon whore? Fine. I'll just erase you!" Phantom smirked, his creepy deer looking shadow slithering up the side of the judge stand. Although, Sean's attention was drawn to Dark materializing from thin smoke behind him. The Actor sensed him, whirling around and raising the ring toward Dark. Dark didn't move or touch him. He just locked eyes with him. It was Phantom's shadow that sprung up to grab the Actor's wrist and slammed it down on the stand to pin it there. Before the Actor had time to think, Anti appeared in front of Sean to snatch the vorpal blade from Natemare. Then appearing above the judge stand, Anti fell to the tabletop and cut off the Actor's ring finger. Phantom looked to Natemare, who let Sean go and shoved him toward the falling finger. Sean yelped as the finger bounced off his shoulder, but he caught it and removed the ring. Dropping the bloody finger, Sean shivered and looked toward Phantom for a clue to what he should do with it. That's when the Actor let out a thunderous inhuman growl that shook the building and caused everyone to stop fighting.
The Actor slammed his fist down on the shadow, causing Phantom to fall back to the floor like he'd been struck. His nose bleeding like a river down his face. Natemare hissed, dashing over and up the wall like a parkour expert to reach the Actor. The Actor grabbed Anti, slamming him against the wall so hard that it caused an indent in the brick. The blow stunned Anti, making the vorpal blade slip from his fingers to fall. The blade nearly impaled Sean as it fell and impaled itself into the floor. Sean gasped, upon noticing how close it had been to his arm before pulling it out of the floor. Above, Dark punched the Actor so hard that the heavy sound of thick bones cracking made the hairs on Sean's arm stand up. The Actor cracked his jaw back in place without touching it, then threw Anti's body at him! Anti glitched right through Dark but materialized just in time to grab Dark's shoulders to swing himself back at him! While Anti sprang on him like a cat, going for his eyes and neck. Dark removed his white jacket to reveal the gun holster he was wearing. Pulling out two shiny pistols, Dark opened fire into the Actor's gut.
Sean quickly slipped the ring onto his finger, but was forced to take cover as the Actor grabbed Anti by the throat and threw him down at him. Anti's body shattered the whole side of the judge stand before slamming into the floor to make a small crater. The Actor then punched Dark in the chest and threw him off the stand and into the rows of seats. Wood splintered everywhere as Dark crashed through row after row before slowing down. The Actor then let out another yell and his body changed from Mark's to a shadowy beast. His form growing larger and larger until his legs destroyed the rest of the judge stand and his ghostly horns scrapped the ceiling! Sean and Illinois quickly rushed to pull Anti's unconscious body away before the Actor's foot crushed him. The Actor then snapped out in a deep dark and inhuman tone of voice. "ENOUGH! I'll destroy you all!" Egos fled from the room screaming as the Actor tried to reach to squish them with his palm. Jackaboy-man rushed out to stop his hand, saving the lives of at least six egos with his strength. However, as the Actor put more weight on him, the floor started to break under Jackaboy's legs.
Sean called out to him in horror, watching Jackaboy's legs buckle under the growing pressure. The Actor laughed, until Sean pointed the ring at Jackaboy. Jackaboy began to glow, slowly starting to stand back up as his strength increased to fend him off. Allowing other egos to rush from the room while the Actor was distracted with him. Googleplier rushed up to try attacking Jackaboy but got slammed into by Bingiplier. Silver Shephard helped get people out the door to safety. However, the Actor's attention was now turning to Sean. Illinois tugged on him to coax him into running away. Sean stood his ground, turning to use the ring on the Actor... but nothing he imagined him turning into worked. Was he immune to the ring?! How?! The Actor reached out to try grabbing him and almost did, but Jackaboy dashed in to save him and Illinois. Falling to the ground as the floor trembled under the Actor's heavy hand, Sean placed a hand on his waist and shook his head. Would the blade work? He was so small and so was the blade. His hand felt something in his pocket, and he quickly pulled it out. Bits of a skinny mushroom that he put away after meeting the Caterpillar. He'd forgotten about it! Pulling off the top of the mushroom, he popped it into his mouth and began to chew as he yelled out to Jackaboy. "GET AWAY FROM ME!"
Jackaboy's eyes widened as he saw what he was doing, uttering out a simply. "Oh shit..." Sean swallowed the mushroom, then got up to face the Actor's in coming hand. Bracing himself, Sean winced as his size grew fast. His body growing so large that his back broke up through the casino floor above them. The Actor's hand awkwardly hit his chest, before he straightened up and chuckled out. "Is that the best you can do?!" Sean shook his head, holding up the tiny vorpal blade. Waving a hand over it, the ring began to glow and the vorpal blade grew into a large sword version of itself. The Actor's eyes narrowed on him with pure hatred. Sean lifted the sword to point it at him, growling out bitterly. "Last chance to leave. Or I'll cut you down and send your arse packing." The Actor snorted, then raised his hands and bowed his head to show off his horns. Sean shook his head and then braced himself as the Actor charged him! The Actor slammed into his gut, knocking Sean through the walls of the casino and out into the garden. Shoving the Actor off him, Sean raised the vorpal sword and tried to bring it down on him, but the Actor blocked it with bits of things from the garden.
Sean kept swing, trying to find and opening but the Actor was fast and eventually got ahold of his wrist to try wrestling it from him. They stomped around as they shoved against each other. Just when he thought that he was going to lose the sword to him, the Actor suddenly jerked and cried out in pain. Glancing down, Sean saw Blood Hunter slashing his sword at the Actor's legs and shooting his knees to stagger him. With his attention divided, Sean fought hard to twist his wrists free of him. The Actor was holding his own well right up until Anti glitched up onto his shoulder with Wander! Raising his glinting sword, Wander ran toward the back of the Actor's neck and stabbed him. The Actor jerked his head back, realizing Sean's wrists as light pulsed through him, causing his eyes to glow a bright green. Sean adjusted his sword quickly impaling it through the Actor's chest, locking eyes with him as he growled out through his clenched teeth. "Long live the king." The Actor smirked at him, then fell to his knees. From around the blade in his chest, black tendrils stretched out toward Sean. Sean stepped back nervously. Then watched the tendrils curl back to grab Wander who still stood on his shoulder. Wander's body glowed eerily, a sharp scream leaving him as the shadow melted away from the Actor and was absorbed into Wander!
The Actor thrashed in pain, suddenly snapping out. "No! Not like this! What have you done?!" As the last of the shadow surrounding the Actor's human body was absorbed into Wander, both Mark's body and Wander's fell from the air. As panic gripped Sean, he jerked his hands out to catch them. Letting the vorpal sword fall heavily to the ground. Catching them, he quickly set them down safely in the grass. Mark was covered in sweat but looked like he was breathing. While Wander looked sick. His whole body was breaking out in black veins and his eyes were glowing. Coughing, Wander smirked at him as he told him. "I did it... We got him. Thank you... Sean." Anti appeared beside him, and Sean asked nervously. "What's happening to him?" Anti inhaled slowly, before answering coolly. "Dorman is made whole with the pieces of his being inside Wander. Now... he'll be born anew." Sean opened his mouth to ask, only to see Wander's body glow brightly. His scream cutting through the air before it started to sound... like a baby's cry. When the glow vanished, in place of Wander was a small baby with bull horns that were similar to Dorman's.
Picking up the baby, Anti booped its nose and said excitedly. "I shall call him... Ico. Here. Blood Hunter? Take him to Ed Edger." Sean raised an eyebrow, asking Anti curiously. "You knew...? You..." Anti handed off the baby, then shrugged out to Sean a little smugly. "Maybe I did. Maybe I used you. You'll never know. After all... That wasn't part of our deal. But then again... I did warn you. Goodbye, Sean." Sean reached out to grab him with his large hand, but Anti vanished. Groaning, Sean reached into his pocket for the other part of the stem of the mushroom but couldn't find it. He was too big to find something so tiny now. Instead, he started to hiccup. Every hiccup making him smaller until he was back to normal size. Blinking completely perplexed, Sean cleared his throat. Those hiccups had hurt. Just as he got up to dust himself off, he glanced around for the vorpal sword. He wanted to shrink it back down... but it was gone. Subconsciously, rubbing his hands, he froze as his finger moved over his ring finger. The Ring of Wonderland was gone too! Whirling around, he tried to see if it had fallen off, when Marvin stormed up to him and yelled out. "What did you do?!"
Sean looked at him with confusion. He was trying to process too much at once. Marvin gestured to the collapsed casino and snapped out. "I wanted you to save Wonderland. But now I'm hearing that you made a deal with the nightmares?! Dark and his crew are gone! Give me the ring. I'll send you home and hunt them down myself!" Sean cleared his throat uneasily, putting his hands behind his back. Marvin looked him over closely, then let out a defeated sigh as he mumbled out. "You gambled the ring... didn't you? Son of a bitch... It's fine. Better in the hands of Dark, than the Actor. I will count this as a victory." Sean didn't know what to say. He felt bad, but at the same time... he wasn't too worried. Dark didn't seem like the time that was interested in ruling Wonderland... at least not in the spotlight. Maybe from the shadows? If so, he felt like Wonderland would survive. He could guess where the vorpal blade went since Anti seemed to like it and, in some way, he was sure he owed him that for his help. Sean was going to apologize to Marvin and those looking at the rumble of the casino, until he saw Illinois heading toward him with a bright smile.
He couldn't believe it. Wonderland had been saved. The tyrant was finally gone. Things in Wonderland were finally starting to turn around. Glancing to Schneeplestein who was looking over an unconscious Mark, he thought about asking how he was...but he wanted to do something first. Running across the shambled garden, Sean leapt over a fallen rose bush and into Illinois' awaiting arms. Much to the shock of the other egos that stood at a distance. To Be Continued...
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