Chapter Forty-Eight: "Returning Home"
Sean wrapped his arms so tightly around Illinois' and buried his face against his neck. Illinois spun him a bit to keep from falling over, before wrapping his arms around his legs to hold him up against him. In this moment, no one existed. It was just them. Illinois' hat fell off as he buried his own face against his neck, asking him a bit mumbled but with clear relief in his voice. "Are you alright?" Sean nodded, panting softly over his neck. "I couldn't be better." Raising his head from Illinois' neck, Sean ran his hands up into Illinois' hair and pulled his head back to kiss him. The soft gasps from around them had Sean opening his eyes to see them through his loose long blonde bangs, but his never ended the kiss with Illinois. He practically dared them to say something about it with his shrouded blue eyes. Instead, he saw Nathan chuckle and turn to face the King of Squirrels. They shared a powerful smile but embracing each other. Prompting other egos to relax as the other creatures of Wonderland stared in shock and awe. Upon breaking the kiss from Illinois, Sean whispered over his lips. "I love you." Chuckling, Illinois whispered back to him. "I love you too. Can we go-" Before he could finish, Marvin interrupted to ask Sean coolly. "Your highness? I think we should discuss the fate of the Looking Glass now."
Illinois lowered Sean to the ground slowly, while Sean nervously asked him. "We have to destroy it, but..." Sean's looked to Illinois, noticing his heartbroken expression. Marvin cleared his throat to draw Sean's attention back, before telling him honestly. "I can have the L.G.L. hunt down Dark to see if he'll use the ring to send you home. Or... we can destroy it now. But that means that you will never be able to return to your world." Sean's heart and mind were torn with indecision. Noticing Nathan giggling with the King of Squirrels, he told Marvin coolly. "I think I need to talk about this with Nathan and... Mark when he gets up. This decision doesn't just affect me." Marvin nodded, then leaned in to whisper to him. "You should make your decision quickly. The last thing I want is for Dark to take a serious interest in it." Sean stepped back from him, telling him firmly. "Don't rush me. There are still some things that I need to fix in Wonderland. Right, Illinois?" Sean turned and his heart sank. Illinois was gone. Marvin placed a hand on his shoulder then, telling him a bit reluctantly. "Maybe it is for the best that you let him go. He can't leave Wonderland."
Sean felt his happiness fade away, until he had to race off. His eyes were brimming with tears, and he didn't want anyone to see them fall. Racing off into the hedge maze, Sean sat down on a bench before a heart rose bush that was broken in half. Dropping his face into his hands, he began to cry. He'd been trying to avoid this and now... it hurt worse than ever. From behind him, Nathan told the King of Squirrels softly. "I know. Just stay here. Let me." Making his way over to him, Nathan took a seat beside him and said gently aloud. "I'd ask you what you're thinking or feeling... but I know. And I know how torn up you feel." Sniffling, Sean asked him in a strained voice. "I don't want to make the wrong decision..." Nathan nodded, then exhaled out. "I guess, it all comes down to what life you want to live. Where do you think you can make the most of your time?" Sean blinked, jerking his head up to say a bit rattled. "Me? What about you?" Nathan hefted a long sigh, before telling Sean with a small smile. "I'm not going back. I'm staying here." Sean's jaw dropped as he blurted out. "What? But after everything they did to you?" Nathan shrugged, telling him confidently. "I know. But I've lived in Wonderland so long... My life is here. Someone needs to stick around and keep this place going. And... I have someone that I can't leave here."
Nathan glanced back at the King of Squirrels, who was sitting in the grass and talking to a few excited squirrels while he looked over a hurt one. Looking back to Sean, Nathan told him sweetly. "I'd miss him too much. And as much as I hate being a King... I'll make it work." Sean sniffled, shrugging out. "It's not that simple for me. I... want to go back but I... I want Illinois." Nathan patted his leg, getting up carefully as he told him. "I can't make that decision for you. But... give both some serious thought. You have to do what you think is right." Shifting on the seat to face him, Sean rushed out. "But what about everyone here? Mark? Dormin? The nightmares?" Nathan smirked, crossing his arms as he told him. "Dormin won't be a problem anymore. Wander and Dormin have merged to become Ico. I'll keep an eye on him, but I think he'll be ok. As for the nightmares... Not much we can do about them... They family after all. And it could be a good thing. Dreams and nightmares. It's balanced with them here. It should help deter other Eldritch Horrors from coming her for a while." Shuffling his feet a bit, Nathan told Sean softly. "As for Mark... Schneeplestein thinks he might do better back at home. His memories are a bit scattered because of Dormin and it might help him heal if he... just forgets Wonderland for a time."
Sean nodded, then got up and told him hopefully. "Do you know where the nightmares will have gone? We'll need the sword and ring. We had a deal..." Nathan pressed a finger to his lips, then whispered out to him. "They didn't leave. Phantom sent his shadow to tell me to tell you where to meet them. Just don't tell Marvin. They aren't a fan of him, and you know he'll start something to get the ring." Sean nodded, telling him uneasily. "I know... but I also fear what Dark wants to use it for. Where do they want to meet?" Nathan gestured farther into the maze, telling him seriously. "They are at the heart of the maze. With the mirror. So, if we wanna do this... You have to be sure." Sean nodded, telling Nathan boldly. "I think I've decided. Let's go before Marvin realizes the mirror is gone." Nathan left to retrieve Schneeplestein who had Mark on a medical gurney. Then one of the squirrels lead them through the maze as quickly as possible. Winding through the tall hedges, they finally came to the center where an enclosed heart shaped greenhouse was. Inside, Sean could see Dark standing by the mirror and talking to Phantom casually. While Anti sat on a raised garden box behind Dark with his legs wrapped around his waist and his head resting on his shoulder. The door opened to let them in and Natemare flashed them a dark grin.
Easing the gurney inside, Dark told them casually as he removed his hands from his pockets. "Alright. Let's finish this deal so that I can be on my way." Nathan stayed by the door with Schneeplestein, letting Sean to push the gurney up to the large silvery mirror. The mirror glinted beautifully in the light and the center shimmered with no reflection. Raising his hand with the ring, Dark removed the ring to put it on the holder. Instantly the mirror whirled to life and showed a reflection to a hospital room. Taking a deep breath, Sean said his goodbyes to Mark and eased him through. He watched as a nurse saw the gurney and rushed over to ask around about the patient. Dark then turned the ring and the scene changed to a college classroom. Sean stood staring at the mirror with a lost expression. It was like he'd never left. The damages to the place were fixed and it seemed almost frozen in time still. Dark gestured for him to go and Sean crept forward. Stopping inches from the mirror, Sean raised his hand brought it to the surface of the mirror. He had wanted this since the moment that he'd arrived. Yet, now that he was here... he found himself thinking about all that he'd done here. Things he could never do other there.
Inhaling slowly, he curled his fingers back from the mirror and asked Anti in a soft voice. "Anti? The blade?" Without looking at him, he extended out his hand to him. Anti hesitated but flipped the blade to give him the handle. Taking it, Sean raised the blade toward the mirror. Licking his lips, he whispered out to the world on the other side. "I can't go back... I'm not that person anymore... I'm sorry." Then in a split second decision, Sean stabbed the blade into the ring! Dark shoved Sean away, trying to save the ring, but it crumbled away to metallic dust in his hands. Falling to the floor, Sean quickly stabbed the mirror as the image on the other side faded away. The mirror cracked like ice until the while thing was made up of spiderwebbed glass, before shattering. Glass shards burst out of the mirror, cutting Sean's cheeks and arms. After the glass was gone, the silvery metal frame started to melt into a shimmering puddle. An eerie silence between them all as they processed what Sean had done. Slowly getting to his feet, Sean handed the blade back to Anti and looked at Dark to face his wraith. Dark slowly turned to face him, asking him in a distorted deep voice. "Why? We had a deal."
Sean nodded, straightening up to his full height as he answered honestly. "We did. This is me keeping it. Now neither of can use it against each other. Wonderland existed before it. Wonderland will survive without it. Our deal was that you could have it... I didn't say for how long." Dark moved up to him, growling out. "You planned to do this?" Sean shook his head, telling him truthfully. "No. My plan was to let you keep it and do whatever you wanted to Wonderland. But I changed my mind because... I care what happens to the people here. I had no chose in leaving before... This time. I'm gonna stay." Dark reached out to grab the front of his dress, yanking him closer menacingly. Nathan and Schneeplestein tensed, but it was Anti that said so calmly. "Dark? If you kill him... You won't be able to torment him." Dark glanced over his shoulder to look at Anti, prompting Anti to coo out over his shoulder. "He got you. Kill him and you'll never show that you can outwit him. Your choice." Phantom chuckled, adding out coolly. "True. Plus... wouldn't it be more fun to try and dethrone him... ourselves? We had our reasons with Dormin, but this little Oyster? Why not make his stay more... entertaining?"
Dark slowly released him, growling out to him. "I'm going to make you regret your decision to stay." Sean relaxed, wispily uttering out. "Fair enough." While Sean took a minute to take a breather, Dark discreetly picked up a shard of glass from the looking mirror and slipped it into his pocket. By the time Sean looked back at him, the nightmares were leaving with wicked grins on their faces. Nathan waited until the nightmares were out the door, before approaching him to say a little impressed. "I'm surprised you're still breathing after a stunt like that. What did you do for Anti that made him step in for you like that?" Sean shrugged, mumbling out completely rattled. "I'm not entirely sure... but I'm gratefully all the same." Nathan was going to say something else, when Illinois shouted out from outside. "SEAN!" Turning to the door, Illinois shoved through Dark and Phantom at a run. Dark sidestepped to avoid being touched, but Phantom got hit in the shoulder and used his cane to trip him up. The squirrel that had been leading Illinois through, squeaked in terror and leapt out of the way just before Illinois crushed him.
Walking away from Sean, Nathan called out to Illinois curiously. "What are you yelling for?" Illinois staggered up to his feet, panting out jaggedly. "He said that... Sean was... leaving. Tell me that... I didn't miss him!" Nathan glanced back, chuckling at Sean, before patting Illinois' shoulder in passing. Illinois looked to Nathan with a heartbroken expression, until Nathan pointed to the greenhouse and called out to Schneeplestein to join him. Leaning against the doorframe, Sean smiled when Illinois turned to see him. Illinois jogged up to him, grabbing his wrists as he rushed out in almost one breath. "Sean, I don't want you to go. Please stay. I know that life here isn't perfect and you aren't happy here... but please. I'm not ready to say goodbye. I only just got you back... I... I need you." Sean reached up to cup his face, bringing his lips close to whisper to him. "I saw my life without you... and I hated it. I need you too. I decided to stay." Illinois stepped up against him, pinning him to the door frame as he captured his lips in a passionate kiss. Wrapping his arms around Illinois' neck, Sean put his forehead to his and purred out to him. "Take me home, March Hare." Illinois grinned, whispering in response. "Gladly."
Taking his hand, Sean walked out through the garden with the biggest smile on his face. As they passed citizens of Wonderland, they bowed to him. Illinois started to pull his hand away like he always did, but Sean tightened his grip and told Illinois firmly. "Not this time. Don't let go." Squeezing his hand, Illinois straightened up proudly beside him and fixed his hat on his head with a blush. Calculester approached him with Googleplier at his side and bowed to him with a smile. Sean thought Googleplier would resist. Instead, he bowed to him happily and the other androids joined him. Calculester then wrapped an arm around Googleplier's arm to walk him away as he chatted with S34N, Bingiplier, and CyberNateic. Reaching the road, Sean smiled as he saw Wilford and Bandit laughing together on a bench. Climbing into a carriage, Illinois told the driver where to go and for the first time... they relaxed. There was still so much to do, but it could wait until things settled down. Pulling his long hair down his shoulder, Sean mumbled out to himself. "First thing I'm gonna do is get this cut and get my clothes back."
Illinois scooted forward to touch him long hair, asking him a little shyly. "Really? Can't you leave it for... one more day? I really like you with long hair. I bet if you dyed it back to brown... your eyes would be simply mesmerizing to look at." At first, Sean rolled his eyes. However, as the months rolled by. Sean had settled back into becoming the Clover King in Anti's place with Illinois ruling at his side. He'd gone back to dressing like a man but kept his long brown hair just for Illinois. The End.
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