Chapter Five: "Hellfire's Salon"
Sean adjusted himself onto the White Rabbit's neck. He'd ridden a horse once in his life... but it had been a bad experience. Thankfully, ridding a rabbit was nothing like that. He felt like he was surrounded in soft warm fluff as the rabbit hopped under the bushes without a sound. Practically laying between the rabbit's ears, he asked it hopefully. "Are you taking me to the Mad Hatter's Party? Cause that would be VERY helpful right now." The rabbit didn't answer. It just kept moving through the brushes and pausing to listen to every tiny sound. A short time later, the rabbit finally emerged from the woods into a small glen where rows of homes were set up. Some were as big as mansions. While others were cute cottages. It was like a mismatched town. The rabbit crept toward the road and as both human and hybrids passed, the rabbit snuck up to hide among them. Everyone was going about their day and talking like friendly neighbors. None of them took notice of the rabbit dashing and hiding around their feet or carts. Sean couldn't help staring at the people he saw. Some made no sense. There were fish that waddled along on their tails without the need for water. There were animals that were walking humans around like pets. The worst part were the signs that just pointed everywhere and nowhere.
It was hurting his head to try and rationalize everything. The rabbit started to hop quickly across the road, causing what Sean thought was a horse to rear and snort in frustration. As it laned though, Sean realized that only the man's bottom half was a horse. His upper half was human. The man waved an arm at the rabbit, one of his front hooves stomping the ground as he snapped out in a deep voice. "WATCH IT! You crazy lunatic! You wanna die?!" Sean stiffened as the man snorted at them and stomped off down the road hauling a cart loaded down packages and letters. The rabbit hopped along a stonewall with an iron gate that encased a nice gothic cottage. Squeezing through the bars the rabbit hopped into the overgrown yard. Sean tugged on its ear, asking hopefully. "Hey? Is this the Mad Hatter's place?" Again, the rabbit didn't answer. It just carefully hoped along the little stone path and up to the pointed menacing looking wooden door. The house was made entirely of mossy covered stone with creepy red vines clinging around the pillars set beside the door. The one comfort was that Sean could see the large window nook protruding from the side of the house. The window nook had gorgeous stain glass windows but didn't get to see what the design on them was.
At the door, the rabbit laid down and tried to shake him off. Sean tried to hang on, but the rabbit's back foot batted him off. Rising to scratch the door with its claws, Sean climbed back onto his feet and looked over the door with confusion. This didn't look like the place to have a party. It was two small. Was it a small party? Sean's heart sank when he noticed the sign that was hanging by a single chain and looked charred in the corner. In bold red writing it read; 'Hellfire's Stylist.' Pointing to the sign, Sean snapped out at the rabbit. "HEY! What are you trying to pull?! This is a damn salon!" Sean walked over to the rabbit, trying to climb back on it as he snapped out. "Take me to the Hatter! Not some hair stylist! Don't you know the difference?!" The rabbit dropped down from the door, hopping away from him. Sean threw his hands up, yelling out. "What are you doing?! Get back here, you little shite!" The door started making lock sounds like someone was unlocking a lot of heavy locks, drawing Sean's attention. Staring at the door on shaky legs, he watched it open. He didn't know what he expected... but it wasn't prepared for what he saw.
The man slumped against the doorframe, grumbling out sleepily. "Can't you read, Fucker...? Closed until tomorrow. Now fuck off." Sean's jaw dropped. The man's skin was red with two smooth horns sticking up out of his messy black hair that hung down over his reptilian eyes of gold. He wore knee high black boots with chains for laces and ripped black jeans that showed off the front of his legs. The front of his jeans hung up to reveal that he wasn't wearing underwear, allowing Sean to get a small hint at his light happy trail. The man had a striking six-pack of abs but was deliciously slender in his frayed blue jean vest. The man's long arrow tipped devil tail sway behind him lazily. Sean wondered barely why one of the man's horns was busted but became distracted by the black gauges in his ears and the gold chain around his neck that caught the light just like his glinting eyes. Sean forced himself to swallow as he started noticing small things. The man's belly button and nipples were pierced with silver stubs and his pointed ears were pierced with thin gold rings. The man held onto his belt to keep the large silver belt buckle of a skull and crossbones from making his pants fall down. Sean exhaled heavily, wondering who dreamed this guy up.
The man licked his dry lips with his forked tongue, starting to head back inside, until the rabbit began to thump its foot on the ground. Sean glared at the rabbit, looking back to see the man looking down at them now. His eyes narrowed on them like he was too tired to focus. Slowly, he inhaled and asked very softly. "Marvin? Dude... I thought you were dead. Good on you man. What the fuck do you want?" The rabbit leaned forward to shove Sean closer with his nose. Sean stumbled to the floor from the shove. He hadn't expected it since his eyes were all over this guy. The man removed a toothpick from over his ear, bringing it to his teeth to strike it to life like a match on one of his sharp fangs. Blowing it out without fear of the flame or heat, he put it in his mouth and kneeled to look at him better. His tongue played with the toothpick as he looked him over with a devilish smile. The man winked at him, telling him in a confident tone of voice. "Hi. Names Damien. Damien LaVey. Prince of the 8th circle of Hell. What do they call you, Nerd?" Sean crossed his arms, huffing out a little offended. "Nerd? How dare you call me-!" Damien cut him off to ask the rabbit carelessly. "What do you want me to do with an Oyster? And keep in mind... kinks like this cost extra." Sean didn't recognize the sharp squeak that left him.
The rabbit tapped his foot on the ground in a pattern that Sean realized was morse code, but he missed what was being said. All he caught was something about a broadcast and disguising him? Damien snorted a little disappointed, grumbling out to the rabbit. "Well, shit... and here I thought you wanted me to do something more... EXCITING." Exhaling, Damien grabbed Sean and stood up, answering lightly. "Sure. I'll do him right." Sean screamed as Damien snatched him off the ground and lifted him WAY TO HIGH! Clinging to Damien's finger, he shut his eyes and pleaded out as the rush of air shoved him flat against his finger. "OH MY GOD! Please put me down?! Don't drop me!" Damien didn't seem to hear or care. He didn't understand that at his small size, this was like being on an intense roller coaster from hell! Damien backed up into the house, kicking the door shut with his heel. Holding him at his side, Damien started walking and Sean screamed louder. Laying sideways like this, he could see the long fall to his death, and it was horrifying. If Damien opened his grip anymore, he'd fall to his death. He didn't feel safe.
Damien flicked on lights with tail, heading to a bright large vanity set across from the window nook. Damien pressed a button to turn on his rock music, before setting Sean in a leather chair that was huge compared to his tiny size. Leaning around the chair, Damien flicked the lights on around the three large mirrors. Sean watched him flip open a little silver box on the vanity to reveal heart shaped cookies. While he removed a cookie, Damien asked him curiously. "Do you know how tall you are normally?" Sean hesitated to answer, he couldn't help noticing how Damien's vest jacket rose enough to reveal his tattoo. Across his lower back, Damien had a tramp stamp tattoo of an inverted pentagram within a flaming blue circle and on either side of the circle were hair dressing scissors with little deep purple ribbon bows on them. Blushing, he averted his eyes from looking longer than he should, answering in a rush. "I... I'm five ten normally." The tattoo had a dangerous and cute look quality that had him biting his lip. Damien bit the cookie but kept a small piece that he handed to Sean. Sean waited to see if Damien would grow or shrink, but he didn't. Licking his fingers, Damien pointed to the cookie, telling him coolly. "Eat it. I can't work on you at that size." Sean held the piece of cookie with worry, asking uneasily. "Work on me...? What are you going to do to me?"
Damien braced a foot on the edge of the vanity, sticking his fingers into his boot to remove two beautifully sharp and shiny scissors. Spinning them around in his hands, he flashed Sean a wicked sexy grin before purring out. "I don't know yet. It will come to me." Sean gulped loudly. Damien chuckled, his tail snatching up a remote to turn on a flat screen TV mounted over the vanity. Sean nibbled on the piece of cookie, looking up at the TV. It was hard to hear over the rock music that was playing, but he recognized the Jim Twins. They were in the middle of a broadcast that was showing amazing drawings of what he looked like. They were even offering the reward that Googleplier had mentioned to them. Sean finished the cookie, muttering out. "Those blockheads! I can't believe they we going to- AH!" Sean grew in size so fast that he almost slipped right off the leather chair to the floor. Damien grabbed his shirt though, holding him firmly in the seat. Sean shook a little, looking over his hands. It was jarring to be his normal size again. Damien patted his chest, telling him to sit up straight. Sean shifted to sit properly, then looked at Damien with flushed cheeks. Damien was looking him over, but was lost in his own thoughts as he tapped one of the sharp scissors against his lips.
Inhaling deeply, Damien straightened up as said a bit grimly. "Fuck... I've got a lot of work to do." Sean blinked, his blush fading as he heatedly asked. "What do you mean? I look alright!" Damien opened a drawer on the vanity, mumbling out in a distracted voice. "I didn't say you didn't. You're wanted by the Knights and Number Suits, after all." Sean could smell Damien's powerful cologne with him this close, causing him to mumble out shyly. "I don't think they 'want' me in the way you think." Damien snorted, removing a comb labeled 'blonde' from his drawer of color combs. Holding the comb up to Sean's eyes, Damien smirked and told him smugly. "Perfect. No one can resist a blue eyed blonde." Sean leaned away from Damien as he brought the comb to his hair. Without hesitating, Damien grabbed his jaw to steady him as he informed him nicely. "Relax. Fucking hell. I've seen authority figures less tense than you." Damien ran the comb through his hair and Sean jumped in shock. As the comb went through his short hair, it turned it blonde and grew it out! With even run through his hair, his hair grew another inch or two.
Sitting up in the seat, he watched Damien brush his hair out until it reached his shoulders. Smirking to himself, Damien stated softly. "They will be looking for a boy... I'll make you look like a girl." Sean grabbed the arms of the chair, blurting out in horror. "NO!" He tried to get out of the seat, but Damien yanked him back into it, purring into his ear. "Pussy." Sean glared over his shoulder at him, snapping out bitterly. "I am not!" Damien leaned on the back of the seat, teasing out as his tail wagged behind him. "You're a coward." Sean turned in the chair, pointing a stern finger at him as he told him. "No, I'm not!" Damien licked his lips, playfully teasing back. "Yes, you are. You're afraid of dressing up like a girl. Most men I know are afraid of being torn apart or gutted alive. That's a far better reason to be afraid." Sean gestured to Damien, blurting out. "Then you do it!" Damien's smile faded and his tail stilled, before he answered without even a trace that he was joking. "I do. I've got a date with a werewolf tonight. Hence, why I was closed to get ready. What's your excuse, mother fucker?" Sean swallowed, realizing he had nothing to say to that. He'd put himself in a corner.
A smug grin spread over Damien's lips, when he told him sweetly. "Sit up and shut up. You're wasting my time. Let the master work his magic." Sean reluctantly sat up in the seat, gripping the armrests tightly. Damien put his hands on his shoulders, leaning over his shoulder to purr almost lovingly into his ear. "Trust me. When I'm through... your own mother won't recognize you." Sean closed his eyes tightly, letting Damien cut and brush his hair the way he wanted it. When he finished, he took him to a sink to wash his hair and wrapped it up to dry. Damien then dragged him upstairs and opened a closet to start finding him new clothes. Sean blushed a deep read as Damien pulled out leather and fishnets but shook his head and tossed them away. Searching around, he said aloud. "Nah... He's too pure looking. They'd never believe it..." Sean sat on the bed, trying to take calming breaths. The white rabbit hopped over to a truck in the closet and peeked in before pulling out a blue dress. Damien swatted the rabbit on the head with his tail, uttering out. "Hey! Don't do that! One of these days you're going to pull something out of something that will traumatize you!"
Holding up the blue dress, Damien looked a little impressed though as he told the rabbit. "Oh... Ok. I can work with this. Just needs a little... Well, you'll see." Damien tossed the dress on the bed, telling Sean quickly. "Alright. Get up. Strip." Sean hugged himself, prompting Damien to blurt out. "I've seen more dicks than you have, Nerd. Strip. Or I'll burn them off." Sean rolled his eyes, stripping quickly but covered his crotch with his hands anyway. Damien didn't even comment on it. He was too distracted with helping him pull on a set of black and white striped stockings that only went half-way up his thighs. They started to roll down, until Damien put him in a lacy black garter to hold them up. Sean winced and yelped as Damien tightened straps. Nothing prepared him for the white lacy corset. Damien turned him around to face the bed, telling him to hold the corset to his chest. Sean obeyed but told him nervously. "I don't need this! I don't have tits!" Damien rolled his eyes, telling him with a chuckle. "I have eyes. And it's because you don't that I'm putting this on you. It will give the illusion that you do under the dress, Dumbass."
Damien briefly told him to hold his breath, before yanking the straps so tight that Sean screamed. Gasping, Sean bent over the bed and whined out. "Oh my god! I can't breathe!" Damien chuckled, fumbling with the straps a little, before telling him flatly. "Beauty is pain. Small breaths and don't eat a lot... or you'll throw up." Damien tightened the straps farther down the corset and Sean belted out whine that could have been taken out of context by anyone outside. Damien helped him put on flat black heels, then helped him pulled the dress down over him. The dress went only down to his knees, showing off too much of Sean's legs for comfort. The dress was a baby blue with black borders and a lacy white apron with the symbols for the house of cards along the bottom. Damien made him pull on elbow high black gloves to slim his masculine hands. Then Damien draped a thick black choker around his neck to cover his Adam's apple. Sean shivered from how warm Damien's hands were on him. Taking him back downstairs, Damien shook out Sean's long dirty blonde hair and shaved his beard off. The last thing he worked on was his make-up.
Damien lifted hischin to look at him with a warm smile, before gesturing him to look at himselfin the mirror. Sean slowly turned tolook at the vanity, holding his breath. Staring at the mirror, he marveled at himself. His own mind was fooled. He looked like a young woman. Damien pulled Sean's bangs back to pin themback and then put a black headband on him that had a large blue bow on it. Hugging him, Damien purred to him excitedly. "I'm a fucking amazing. You look good enoughto eat." Sean blushed a shade of pink,chuckling to himself lightly. He had toadmit. It was convincing. To Be continued...
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