Harley. Quinn
Look who i found while she was dressed like that while getting her baby doll tattoo
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Ladybug_marinette.Dupain.Cheng:it was fun meeting you aunt Harley
🔄 Joker:where was i
🔄 Harley. Quinn:busy trying not to kill liela
🔄 Joker:oh yeah
Liar_li_la:oh please you guys will never kill me
🔄 Joker:you wanna bet
🔄 Liar_li_la:sure
🔄 Ladybug_marinette.Dupain.Cheng Liar_li_la no he will rip you apart but why am I saying this I don't care what happens to you. You didn't care about me when you bullied me. So uncle J you, @harley. Quinn and poison. Ivy may torture her i don't care what you do to her. I don't give a fuck
🔄 Cap._steve. Rog. :language. Let @black. _nat. Rom. Do it
🔄 Black._nat.Rom. :what should I do
🔄 Cap. _steve. Rog. Well Liar_li_la bullied @ladybug_marinette.dupain.cheng
🔄 Black._nat.Rom:oh I am so torturing her. Where do they go to school @ladybug_marinette.dupain.cheng
🔄 Ladybug_marinette.Dupain.Cheng to Francois dupon high school in Paris.
🔄Blake. _nat.Rom :ok i am going to go torture her you with me @joker, @harley. Quinn and poison. Ivy and cap. _steve. Rog
🔄 Harley. Quinn :hell yes
🔄 Joker :let's do it
🔄 Poison. Ivy:let's go
🔄 Cap. _steve. Rog :let's go
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