5➰Ezra's flat➰5
As I wearily started to open my eyes, I slapped at the hand that reached out to me, already annoyed at the disjointed murmuring around me. It scraped at the walls of my skull like a particularly malevolent banshee armed with a wallpaper scraper.
"Sorry," I mumble, "My head kills."
"I would guess so. Someone smashed into you with a bike, dude."
"Are they still here?"
I peer past Ezra's mess of dark hair to a guilty looking blond behind him. He steps forward rubbing the back of his neck.
"I'm so sorry, I didn't even know you were there and I just...didn't see you?"
"It's chill, I'm fine now."
I reach up to the back of my head, wincing as I hit a tender spot. My hair was matted together at the back with blood and a faint metallic smell filled the air.
So you're not really fine are you?
I push myself off the bed with the heels of my hand before moving to get out the bed. I was in a small flat, tidy but tiny. There was a painting on the wall of a flower, like something you'd find in a retirement home.
I stepped up to the bike guy, lifting up my hand lamely in a halfhearted wave. He grinned slightly, though he still had that sad puppy dog look on his face.
"I'm May."
"Dante, yes, like the philosopher, no, I'm not smart."
"Neither am I. There's a reason I didn't see your bike."
I look around and notice Corey's absence. I could always talk to him in class but I still felt slightly disappointed at the loss of a potential friend. I tilt my head confusedly at Ezra.He seems to get what I'm hinting at and smirks.
"Corey bolted when he saw blood. He's a wimp."
The fact he was doing biology in college but didn't like blood didn't quite add up. Though I did know there were different branches usually biomedical science meant you wanted to be a doctor.
Or something like that.
As I was internally monologuing I saw Dante wink at Ezra. He stepped forward and slung an arm around my shoulders, leading me back to the bed.
"Can we start over?"
"Sure I guess."
"Did you get hurt?"
"Y-yeah you know that? You were there?"
"Falling from heaven I mean."
I spluttered at the random pickup line, though I could tell it was a joke from the exaggerated winks he sent my way after.
"So are you from Tennessee?"
"No my heart's in Minnesota babe."
"Because you're the only ten I see!"
I grinned mischievously at his gaping face. That one was old. You would have thought he could see it coming.
Two can play at that game Dante.
"You know what? I like you."
"Thanks but I really should get going, Ezra see you soon, Dante it was nice to meet you."
I walked to the door, before stumbling as the world tilted before me. I felt myself start to fall until a pair of strong arms grabbed me.
"Woah there Blue. I think you'd better stay a while. You lost some blood, you'll probably be dizzy."
I was led back to the bed and I flipped down, tilting my head so as not to irritate it. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Dante wince as he saw the blood on the pillow. I probably should shower but right now I just felt so drowsy.
So...so tired.
This was the second time I had woken up in a random bedroom though this time the banshee seemed to have gone on vacation.
"Dante left but he put his number in your phone. You should put a password on that."
I shook my head slightly, blinking the sleep from my eyes.
"Oh right sorry. Yeah I should. Though if I did have a password Dante couldn't have given me his number."
"Do you like him?"
I flip over on the bed and tuck my hands under my head, elbows out. I started to kick my legs in the air and winked at Ezra. He was sat in a chair beside the bed leaning over me.
"Why? Do you want to have a slumber party where we stay up all night and talk about guys?"
"Only if you'll paint my nails red."
"Red? Ew no baby pink is the way to go."
He chuckled slightly and my eyes flickered down to the dimples besides his mouth. I had to drag my eyes away from his face before he noticed my starry eyes but I really really love his smile.
"Well I hope you don't like Dante."
"Nah. He was just a flirt."
"You're jealous."
He leaned over and pulled me into a close hug, pressing his cheeks against my warm ones. I felt my heart race at the close proximity.
"Yeah I want my Blue all to myself."
"Oh get off me you nerd."
I made to stand up and he grabbed my wrist worriedly as I swayed for a second. I was guessing that's because it was the morning when I got knocked over and now it's nighttime.
I'm so glad it's Saturday.
"Can I show you something?"
"It's kind of late."
"Yeah but you don't have to go? Do you?"
"You know what I don't have anything to do. What do you want to show me?"
"Come on."
He starts to lead the way as I follow him, surreptitiously examining him.
Sure. You're just checking out his butt.
I hate my inner voice. He pulls me through the door and I start to follow him as he leads me up a flight of stairs.
I let out a small gasp as he steps into the roof. It was small and cramped with a back wall covered in graffiti but it was high up, leading my eye across a sea of lights.
The wide expanse of the black sky loomed above me, dotted with twinkling stars. Ezra stepped forward and sat down on the precipice, his silhouetted figure creating a picturesque scene.
"I know it's kinda small but I think it's gorgeous up here."
"It is."
I slid into the space next to him, resting my head on his shoulder. He placed his arm on my shoulders and I tucked myself into the crook of his neck.
As I stared into the city lights I tried to think back to what had started my love of heights.
"I always found them freeing."
Ezra turns to me, one eyebrow delicately raised.
"I guess it meant I always had the freedom to let myself go. You know? One step and you're flying. You're free. I don't know. I guess it is kind of suicidal but it comforted me. I always have the choice."
"But you didn't? You didn't let yourself fly?"
"No. I-I mean almost. There was a time when-when I..."
"I won't pry."
"Thank you."
He interlaced his fingers with mine and I looked up at him.
"Maybe one day. Maybe I'll understand myself enough to explain."
"I hope you do. Understand, I mean."
"I hope you're there."
That moment, the stars above us, the city below us, my hand in his, was perfect. Watching his eyes crinkle as he grinned at me, feeling his steady heartbeat against me. I wish it had lasted forever.
* what is this? an update? I'm so sorry I haven't posted. I hit writers block and I had homework and I was just kind of a mess. I hope you enjoy. don't forget to vote and comment. I read and reply to them all.*
ly all
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