Chapter 1
Dedication: This is a short story for my little sister who may love Supernatural almost as much as I do. After watching the episode where Sam and Dean meet their little brother, Adam, for the first time, my little sister asked if they had a sister. I said that Charlie, a friend, was like their sister and she didn't like that answer, so I came up with this short story about Sam and Dean's sister.
In Sioux City, Iowa, Charlie is on a case. She is sitting in her yellow car outside a house. She pulls out her blade when she hears a crashing sound. Charlie gets up quickly and races into the home. When she enters she sees the woman and her small child with her. She quickly grabes them and gets them out of the home while she goes in and hunts. She turnes the corners of the home slowly.She holds her blade out in front of her, awaiting for an attack. When suddently she is grabed from behind and thrown to the ground. Her weapon is knocked from her hand and is slides across the floor to a place where she can't reach it. The man comes down upon Charlie and pins her shoulders down to the floor. Charlie moves around a lot, trying to get free. He opens his mouth and his teeth descend. His vampire teeth are now showing and he leans his head down towards Charlie when suddently...his head goes flying off his shoulders. Blood splatters across Charlie. She blinks a few times before she sits up. A young girl tall with long brown hair and green eye with a beanie on her head holds a blade in on hand and holds out her hand towards Charlie. Charlie takes it and the girl pulls her up onto her feet.
Charlie- "Who the Hell are you?"
The girl- "A thank you would be nice."
She smiles and pulls out a cloth and cleans off her blade. She then puts it into her belt and walks over to the dead vampire. She kneels down next to is and looks at it side ways.
The girl- "First Vamp. I killed. What about you? You look new at this."
Charlie looks at the girl and she stands up slowly and holds out her hands once more.
The girl- "I'm Riley."
Charlie- "Charlie and thanks."
Riley- "Wel this was fun. See ya."
Charlie- "Wait!"
Riley- "What?"
Charlie- "Do you want to grab something, like i don't know a few drinks or food??"
Riley- "Ummm..."
Charlie- "Come on it will be fun."
Riley- "I really should be going but..."
Charlie- "I'll take that as a yes."
So the girls are at a bar and they are eating and chatting a little about all the things they have been doing and then they begin to talk how they first got started in hunting.
Charlie- "And then we left and I had a broken arm and now we are best friends almost like family."
Riley- "Wow! So your boss was a.."
Charlie- "A Leviathain, yeah. They bleed blood slime and my boss was the leader of them. Thanks goodness that Sam and Dean came in and saved me when they did or I wouldhave been their next meal."
Riley- "And these Sam and Dean are hunters too?"
Charlie- "Yeah. They are the best. What about you? How did you get into hunting??"
Riley- "Well, I guess I would say I was kinda born into it. My dad was a hunter but I never really started hunting until my mother was killed by a werewolf right infront of me."
Charlie- "I'm sorry. How old were you? If you don't mind me asking??"
Riley- "No it's fine. I actually never told anyone this before, my story I mean. I've always been a loner. She was killed when I was 14."
Charlie- "And your dad?"
Riley- "He was long gone by then. I have only meet him three times and after my mom was killed I went searching for him but I found out he had been killed. I just wanted to see him again and to see if he could help me find the bastard that killed my mom."
Charlie- "My parents were killed by a drunk driver and I just recently...umm got pay back I guess on him. I didn't mean to but...it happened."
Riley- "How old were you when...."
Charlie- "I was 12. And that pain of losing them doesn't quite go away."
Riley- "No it doesn't."
Charlie's phone rings. She digs in her pocket and pulls it out.
Charlie- "I gotta get this, hold on."
Sam- "Hey Charlie, any luck on finding out anything that could help us with Dean?"
Charlie- "Nope sorry Sam. How is he by the way."
Sam- "He's umm..he's good I guess. He is holding it in there. What about you? How's the arm?"
Charlie- "It's all good, a little swore now and again but good, I guess i should have put hunting on hold."
Sam- "Hunting? Your hunting? What?"
Charlie- "I know, know. I should have been putting ice or what not on my arm but it's fine Sam."
Sam- "Charlie what are you hunting?"
Charlie- "Well it is done now, thanks to my new friend."
Charlie looks over at Riley. Riley is flipping through a notebook and eating fries.
Sam- "A new friend? Who?"
Charlie- "Riley and she is a hunter. Have you heard of her?''
Sam- "No but...Charlie you need to be careful."
Charlie- "Relax. The vampires are taken care of."
Sam- "Vampires?! Charlie you were hunting vampires?"
Charlie- "Yeah it's cool. There was just a few in town but they are taken care of."
Sam- "Okay, but you need to be careful. Hey i'll talk to you later."
Charlie- "Ya okay. See ya Sam."
Sam- "See you Charlie.''
Charlie went back over to where Riley was sitting and took a frie off her plate. Riley looked up at Charlie and smiled.
Riley- "So..what was that about?"
Charlie- "Oh that was one of my friend hunters I was telling you about, Sam Winchester."
Suddently everything changed. Riley seemed taken back by this. She quickly got up and grabbed her bag and jacket. She placed some money on the table and took a sip of her drink before putting her notebook inside her bag. Charlie got up and reached over and grabed her arm.
Charlie- ''Wow! What's up?"
Riley- "Nothing! I just got to go."
Riley pushed Charlie's hand off of her and she rushed outside. Charlie grabed her jacket and followed quickly behind Riley. Riley walked into the parking lot and was heading towards the street. Charlie hurried up after her.
Charlie- "Hold up!"
Riley stopped and lowered her head. Charlie caught up with her, breathing quickly from being out of breath.
Charlie- "What happened in there?You just lefted really quickly."
Riley- "I'm fine!"
Charlie- "Well clearly you aren't, talk to me."
Riley- "I don't know you!"
Charlie- "No, your right. I'm sorry. See ya."
Charlie turned and began to walk away from Riley. Charlie pulled out her car keys and was walking towards her car. Charlie was upset mainly at herself. This girl was the first femal hunter she has came across and she thought that maybe they could become friends but there was something off about this girl and Charlie had bigger things to deal with than some stranager's problems. But as Charlie began to unlock her door a hand pressed against the car door, preventing Charlie from opening it. A woman with short black hair smiled at Charlie, showing her, her teeth. Charlie inhailed sharpley not having a weapon on her at this moment.
The vampire chick- "You killed my brother and now it's your turn!"
Just then Charlie heard the swosh in the air and a blade sliceing through and hitting the vampire chick in the neck. Her body fell to the ground. Charlie backed up shocked and turned around to see Riley covered in some blood, standing behind her with her blade. Riley looked down at her blade and then back up at Charlie. Charlie then took Riley's hand and dragged her closer to her car and they both got in and drove off quickly.
Riley now have saved Charlie's life twice.
During the car ride they were both silent until Riley was the first to speak.
Riley- "Can I ask you something?"
Charlie- "Sure."
Riley- "Does your friend Sam know a John by chance?"
Charlie- "Ummm...I'm not sure but his dad's name was John. Why, why do you ask?"
Riley- "Can you take me to meet Sam? I need to ask him somthing.''
Charlie- "Okay, but I have to call him before we just go to him, alright?''
Riley- "Fine."
The girls stopped a few miles away from the town they were just in. They were in a small diner and were now eating some food. Charlie stepped outside to make a phone call to Sam.
Charlie- "Sam?"
Sam- "Hey Charlie. How is everything going?"
Charlie- "Umm okay I guess. There were more vampires there than I thought but it is all taken care of now. Actually Riley, the hunter girl I was telling you about saved my life twice and she wanted to know if you knew anyone named John. I said..."
Sam- "Wait, what?"
Charlie- "I said your dad's name was John and now she wants to meet you.''
Sam- "Just me. Why?"
Charlie- "I don't know. Is something up?"
Sam- "Charlie tell me where you are at and me and Dean will come up and meet you. Charlie becareful."
Charlie- "I will Sam."
So Sam and Dean sat at a bench and waited for Charlie and her new friend who was interested in their father. Charlie's yellow car pulled up and Charlie hopped out with a huge smile on her face.
Charlie- "Sups Bitches!"
Sam- "Hey Charlie."
Charlie and Sam hugged and Dean stood up slowly from his seat. He walked slowly towards her and stopped, waiting to see if she would come to him and hug him. Charlie gave Sam a big smile and then turned to look over at Dean. She gave a small smile at him.
Charlie- "Hi Dean."
Dean- "Hey Kiddo."
Dean smiled and then looked over at the girl standing a few feet away from them. They all turned to face her. She seemed nervous at first but then she walked closer towards them.
Charlie- "This is Riley, the girl I mentioned on the phone."
Sam- "Hi Riley, I'm Sam Winchester and this is my brother Dean. And..."
Dean- "What do you want with us?!"
Riley- "Well I just wanted to know if you were related to John Winchester?"
Dean- "Why?!"
Sam- "Dean."
Riley- "Well if you must know jackass, I wanted to get info on his death and any answers."
Dean- "What's it to you!?!"
Riley looked over at Charlie and Sam turned to fce Dean. Dean was yelling at this girl and she was talking calmly towards them.
Riley- "Nevermind. I'm out of here Charlie!"
Charlie- "Riley..."
Dean- "No, serioulsy why! I mean why do you want to know!? Who the hell are you?!"
Riley- "I'm his daughter!"
Charlie's eyes grew in size and turned to look at Sam. He inhailed and turned to face Dean who looked at her and then back at Sam. He rolled his eyes, like not another one. Sam turned back to face Riley who stood there waiting for some response to her out burst of information.
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