Chapter Three: Hunts And Chases
"Ahoo Garoo!" Old wolf for "summon your marrow." That could only be one thing. A byrrgis was being dispatched! Food was here! In the rare gaps between the blizzards that had ravaged the land, moose could be seen trotting through the forest. It was as if they paid no heed to the snow. And now a hunt was being organized!
Reiyan's marrow tingled with excitement. She was selected to be a part of a byrrgis, a hunting party. And she was an outflanker! That was an honor. Only the most powerful wolves were selected. Reiyan wasn't large, she still a yearling, but mature for her age. Also, her wiry frame contained more strength and agility than other wolves. To make matters more important, the chieftain, Lord Agaris himself, was leading the hunt.
"All right, wolves!" Agaris barked in the harsh tones of one accustomed to obedience. "You are now going to be a part of this silent hunt. A herd of moose was spotted last night heading for the Silver Forest. We are going to hunt them." He stuttered, but caught himself. "A-and there will be meat for all!"
A resounding cheer came from all the wolves. Reiyan herself threw back her shoulders and let the notes pour from her throat. She was here, she was ready. Adrenaline coursed through her bones.
A long, high note soared through the sky. The wolves crouched, tensed for a moment, and suddenly leaped through the snow.
Faster and faster they went. Paws flying through the snow, kicking up slush. Reiyan's silvery coat streamed in the wind, revealing the reddish tints in her fur. She felt alive. The spicy smell of pine trees flooded her nose. She took a deep sniff, and started leaping over the snow with extreme vigor.
As she flew over the snowbanks, a peculiar feeling came over her. She looked down, and saw the ground racing underneath her. I am flying! She thought, dizzy, exhilarated. But a harsh knock into another wolf sent her sprawling, shattering her daydream.
She lay in the snow stunned. "Move it, you mhuic excuse for a wolf," a red male snapped at her. But they were already zooming into the distance. She staggered to her paws, stunned. Then a rage overtook her.
It was not my fault that racdrops wolf rammed into me like that! She was surprised at the thoughts that flew into her mind, stunned that she was cursing in the owl tongue. Racdrops, short for raccoon droppings, was an owl curse. But for a wolf...
She shook her pelt. She must not think like that. She must catch up. They must be a couple leagues ahead of her now. But she picked herself up and continued bounding down the path.
There it was again! That flying sensation. But Reiyan knew better than to let it control her. Instead, she seized it, and tried to thrust it out of her brain. But it only sharpened her feeling. What is wrong with me? She thought desperately. Why is my brain going cag mag? If only I could harness this power...
It was then that she noticed she was leaping higher and more quickly over the snowdrifts. Strange, she thought. But she concentrated on running faster. And surprisingly, she was zooming through the wind effortlessly. In no time, she spotted the byrrgis. I am running faster than them!
But no matter. A strange howl arose from the chieftain. That meant the moose was close by. The pack swerved. Reiyan cut through the trees to rejoin her spot. The pack continued running as swiftly as water, heedless of the newcomer. Everyone was focused on the food.
Suddenly, a cailleach, a lone, wandering buck, burst through the trees. Evidently he was separated from his herd. Agaris barked and charged him.
The moose blinked with confusion. Suddenly his eyes cleared with anger. With a toss of her head, he slammed Agaris into a tree.
The wolves swerved. Some immediately went for the buck, and the others ran around aimlessly. Nothing was going to happen soon, with the absence of a leader. Reiyan took charge. With one head-butt, she knocked the buck to the ground, tearing her fangs into the unprotected neck.
The wolves fell silent. Nobody had brought down a single buck before on their own.
But for Reiyan, nothing mattered except for her and the buck. She lowered herself to look at the moose's eyes, gazing deep into them. Thank you, she said silently. Your meat and your body will sustain my tribe. Thank you.
The buck looked back at the young wolf. He nodded hishead with dignity, as if he was saying: "Mymeat will sustain you. I give you my life to support yours." And with asmall huff of air, the buck died.
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