Chapter 5: ~The Meeting~
I will freely admit it: the last thing I expected was to be called into Wolf's Place almost immediately after my video call with Mama. And yet, that's exactly what happened. The wall in front of me buzzed, and static took over my eBook. (Okay, but really– 1,000-word-pages are life.)
"Keen?" I saw the woman from earlier– Wolf.
"Yeah? This is important right?"
She had interrupted Inheritance! Inheritance! Of all books to interrupt, Inheritance is the very worst.
"Of course. Would you please come to my Place."
I marked my page in the eBook, and left my Place- walking straight into BrightEyes.
"OhMyGosh I am so sorry!" I gushed. Now, I know that that sounds weird, so keep in mind that I was flat-out utterly terrified of her. Less so of BrightEyes, but still.
"It's okay, don't worry about it." She blinks (I have no idea why).
"Hey, do you know where Wolf's Place is? She asked me to see her there."
Time skip until I'm sitting with Wolf*
"So. You interrupted Inheritance. This ought to be good."
"It is. I must tell you something."
"Spill." I raise my eyebrows.
"I was once a little girl, just like you. I was taken in by the Pack, and slowly evolved into Wolf.
You are the next Wolf, Keen. I am sure of it. You are Pup."
I started out kinda awkward-like now.
"You were right. This is good.
"You really think I believe this though? Because I'm not special!
"I'm sorry to disappoint you."
She sighs.
"I guess we have to do this the hard way..."
Hey guys! I'm sorry it's so short, I needed to get it published. And this is a good cliffhanger, I think. 🤔🤔 Anyway, hope you like it!
*Keen is the one writing this so she would label it 'I' rather than 'she'
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