New life...
*Time skip to first day back to Hogwarts for Casey's, Hope's, and Harry's second year. Casey's P.O.V.*
I was sitting in the train cart at the end. The one where my parents, and two of there friends first met. "Are you alright Casey?" Pa asked me. He went to Hogwarts to work by train. I nodded slowly, kinda waiting for Hope and Harry to come on. Harry's parents told him about what happened that one summer night... I looked a lot more like Pa now, Dad said. After a few minutes, Hope and Harry came in, laughing about something. "Hey you two..." I said, picking my head up and smiling a little. I saw from the corner of my eye, Pa smiling at me. I still had a crush on Alexander, a Slytherin boy in my year. Harry, Hope, and I were friends with him. I didn't want him to know about my, 'Furry little problem' Harry and Hope joked. I've only delt with two full moons... One was only a week ago... Pa looked more tired than ever, I was as tired as ever. "How was the last full moon Cas?" Harry asked. "Wasn't good for either of us Harry... I lost a little control and Casey is still dealing with a lot of pain..." Pa said. Hope nodded, sadly. Between Harry and Hope, Harry was more concerned for me and Pa... Especially now since I'm now a werewolf. Then, Alexander came in smiling. "How's a going?" He said very happy. Hope and Harry immediately put happy faces on, I was very tired still and gave a small smile. "Great. I'm just tired.... Didn't sleep much last night..." I said, thinking of a quick excuse. I leaned against the window and closed my eyes. After a few minutes, I started to shiver a bit. Then I felt a jacket or something cover me. I opened my eyes slightly to see who put a jacket or something on me. It was a jacket, like I thought and it was the one Alexander had on when he came. I smiled a little and curled up a little more, slowly falling asleep.
"Casey... Wake up we're almost at Hogwarts." I heard someone say. I opened my eyes to meet grey eyes. Alexander had grey eyes, black hair, and his hair was a little long. He kinda looked like Dad but he didn't sound or act like him, and his face wasn't like his. I realized I must have fell into Alexander's lap when I was asleep. "I'm sorry Alexander!" I yelled, sitting straight up, feeling heat in my body rise. Then I heard something fall. I look to the side where I heard it and saw Pa quickly standing up. Hope, Harry, and Alexander bursted out laughing. "I'm going to go change into my robes..." I said, leaving. I glanced back and saw Pa looking at me concerned.
"There you are Casey!" Hermione said, hugging me. "Where have you been mate?" Ron said. "Ron! Hermione! I said he hasn't been getting much sleep lately." Harry said, getting Hermione off of me. "It's alright Harry..." I said in a low voice, looking down a little. "Cas what's the matter?" Harry said, serious. "Nothing... Nothing's wrong Harry... And... *sigh* you can tell them... I know they wouldn't make fun of me or anything." I said looking up and a little down at Harry since he was shorter than me. He looked a little concerned. "Tell us what?" Hermione said, curious. "In private. Casey's sentive about this alright?" Harry told them. "Come on then if ya want to know." He said, walking towards the exit of the Great Hall. It was Saturday btw. Ron and Hermione followed him, confused. I went back to my table at the end, eating.
After a few minutes, Pa comes and sitting by me. "You alright Casey? What happened there with Hermione, Harry, and Ron?" He asked. "Hermione and Ron wanted to know about my, 'Furry little problem'. Hope and Harry call it that." Pa laughed. "You Dad and James would always said that when they found out in fourth year." He said. I couldn't help but laugh also. We talked like father and son and ate. At some point I was laughing to hard that milk came out my nose. "Uncle James and Dad would what?" I asked. "Always compare his 'private part' to your dad's then they'll ask me if I had to choose, which one I would prefer." He laughed. "I would never say James's though." Then that's when I snorted out milk. "That makes no sense to do that though." I said, laughing hard still. "They're idiots! I've said millions of times and they still say I'm wrong." He said out loud. My dorm mates looked at me oddly but I didn't care. Their names were Mike, Charles, and Peter. They would say they're smarter than me but after those tests last year, I don't think so. "Am I being to loud? Am I embarrassing you?" Pa then asked after saying that other sentence. "Nah. My friends know you and my house already knows I'm weird enough. I'm not getting embarrassed any time soon." I said, still laughing. Pa hates making me embarrassed. He doesn't care if he embarrassed Hope.
"Want to go talk with your friends then?" He asked, smiling. I nodded unable to speak because of laughter. Then we went to Gryffindor table by Hermione, Hope, Ginny (Ron's sister), Ron, Fred and George (Ron's twin brothers), Percy (Ron's older brother, Oliver (Quidditch leader and Keeper for Gryffindor), and Harry. Harry left for a second and came back with Alexander. We all joked, laughed, and talked. I was happy like this. Though, deep inside, I still knew that I felt insecure about the monster inside of me...
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