*15 years later, Harry and Ron got married, Casey and Alexander got married, Hope and someone named Jason Millers got married. Ron and Harry had two kids named Luna Rosy Potter and John Auther Potter. Casey and Alexander had a boy named Jay Remus Primus-Lupin. Hope and Jason had a girl named Madison Hope Millers. This is at a graveyard where James, Lily, Sirius, and Remus were buried. James, Lily, and Sirius died of age. Every year on each of Lily's, James's, Sirius's, and Remus's birthdays, they all visit their graves. Casey's P.O.V.*
It was Pa's birthday... March 10... He would be 52 now... Hope, Jason, Harry, and Ron weren't there yet. Alexander, Jay, and I were early. We always had a picnic. This time we were in charge of dessert. Jay came up with brownies and Ice-cream so we brought a small cooler for the Ice-cream and had a dish of brownies. We found Pa's, Dad's, Uncle James's and Aunt Lily's graves, they were all by eachother. They were in a square shape all facing one another. We also had the blanket so we set up and waited for the others. We messed around with Jay a little, tickling him and all.
"Jay! Uncle Casey and Uncle Alexander!" I heard someone yell out. I turned around and saw Madison, Hope's girl. "Hey little Angel." I said. Jason had a big container of sandwiches, they were in charge of main course. "I made Jay his special one without mayonnaise since he's allergic and John's gluten free one. They're in bags marked so they know." Hope said. Jay was allergic to milk and milk products. John couldn't have gluten. "And since Luna doesn't like sandwiches, I brought her a salad, Harry said she likes eating those a lot, not really fruit ones." Hope also said. I nodded. Then last was Ron, Harry, Luna, and John. Harry and Ron brought chips and some fruits and vegetables for sides. We got everything set up and every time, holiday or birthday, we say happy birthday or Merry Christmas or happy whatever holiday it is. And we all said happy birthday to Pa... Then we started to eat, talking and all. "Remember when we carved our names on that one carpartment on the Hogwarts Express? By where our parents did there's?" I asked at some point. Hope almost snorted out water. "Definitely, Pa was shocked when he found out." Hope laughed out. Ron and Jason were talking with eachother so it was just Harry, Hope, Alexander, and I talking about this. "Yeah, when I told my parents, they were laughing hard. My mom said my dad was an idiot then." Harry said, laughing hard too. "My parents still don't know to this day." Alexander said. We were all laughing hard. "What are you laughing about over here?" Ron and Jason said in unison, hugging their lover from behind. Hope and Harry blushed realizing it was their lover hugging them from behind. "We were talking about when w-" I started to say but Hope smacked me upside the head. Alexander stood up and back away two steps. "When carved out names in the same carpartment that Hope's, Harry's, and Casey's parents carved their names in." He finished what I was going to say. "And don't be smacking my husband Millers." Alexander snarled, taking me into his arms from the side, sitting back down.
"He's my little bro so I can if I want." Hope said back sassy. "Younger brother by two minutes Hope, not little." I stated. She made a move to smack me again but Alexander snarled and pulled me closer. "Not on Pa's birthday anyways Sis. He wouldn't like that..." I said, looking down a little. She huffed. "Lucky this time Mr. Book reader machine." Hope said. "Why are we friends with idiots Ron?" Harry joked, looking up at him. "Be quiet Harry. You know you love us as friends." I said, smirking slightly. He looked at me and rolled his eyes. "Not you, Hope and Alexander." He said smiling. I chuckled. "I wonder why I'm her brother and his husband Harry." I said, trying to hide my laughing. Both of them made dramatic gasps. Harry, Ron, and I bursted out laughing. Jason let out a chuckle. "Y-y-you two r-really look like twins l-let that s-since you both l-look like eachother." I said, laughing still and gasping for air. They glare at one another. "I know one way to shut you up." Alexander chuckled. He changed my position and our faces were really close. Lips brushing against each other. I stopped laughing immediately and became embarrassed. "Daddyyyy stop trying to suduce Papaaaa!" Jay said longing out the words Daddy and Papa. I started to stutter. I knew I was blushing hard. He kissed my lips lightly and then pulled away. "You alright?" He asked, smirking. I started stuttering again. Damn I hated it when Alexander knew my weaknesses.
We finished our picnic and all. Harry and Ron had to go and Jason had to get to work. Hope stayed a little longer. I had Madison in my lap. I was braiding her blackish blond hair. Jason was blonde with greyish blue eyes. Madison had blueish grey eyes. She had really long hair so it took a while to braid her hair. Jay was asleep in Alexander's lap, meanwhile Alexander asleep on my shoulder. Hope was sitting a little aways looking out into a meadow. After I finished braiding Maddy's (Maddy is short for Madison) hair, I got a flower crown she made when she finished her sandwich earlier. Then I put it on her head and made the braid into a bun, braid bun or bun braid, what ever you want to call it. "I want to show Mommy what you did Uncle Casey! Can I?" She asked, giving me puppy dog eyes. "Of course you can little Angel." I said, smiling. She squealed a little and ran over to Hope. "Mommy! Mommy! Look what Casey did!" I heard Madison yip excited. I didn't pay attention. I brought Alexander to a laying down position and I walked over to Pa's grave. I sat on my legs, looking at the tombstone.
"Remus John Lupin - 1960 - 1997 A Wonderful Husband and Outstanding Father Married to Sirius Orion Black Lupin and Father of Hope Lily Lupin and Casey Sirius Lupin Died Protecting Son In a Random Outburst on the Grounds of Hogwarts Was a Marauder and Best Friends With James Potter Lily Evans Potter Sirius Orion Black Lupin and Peter Pettitgrew at his Years at Hogwarts A Werewolf as well" The tombstone read...
I felt tears hanging in my eyes. "I'm sorry Pa... No matter what... I will always be sorry... For what I've done..." I said in a whisper. I wiped away my tears and went back or to my husband and my son. "Honey... Wake up... We need to go home..." I said, waking up Jay. He yawned and opened his eyes. Then he hugged my around my torso. "Alexander babe... Wake up..." I said, rubbing his cheek a little. He woke up slightly. Then sat up and stretched. "We're going home now?" He questioned, yawning. I chuckled softly. "Yeah..." I answered.
We got the blanket and the cool and container. And we said bye to Hope and Madison and went home. Jay immediately went to bed. I started to wash the container that was used for brownies. Then Alexander came up behind me, resting his chin on my shoulder and his hands on my waist. I chuckled. "Hello to you too." I said, turning to face him. I wrapped my arms around his neck. "Is something wrong...?" I asked, knowing concern was filling my face. He shook his head. "Nothing's wrong love..." He said. "Maybe we should do something special? Since it's your Pa's birthday." Alexander asked. I smiled. "Already ahea of you dummy." I said, getting out of his arms and opening the fridge. There was a small cake with chocolate icing. I loved chocolate like Pa, Jay also. Then closed the fridge and went back to him. I rewrapped my arms around his neck. We both looked softly into the other's eyes. After a few minutes, the gap in between us closed. We kissed lightly but passionately, the way our first kiss was.
"I love you..."
"I love you too Love..."
*The End*
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