It's been about 10 years since James, Peter, Lily, Sirius, and I graduated Hogwarts. James and Lily have a boy named Harry, he's 7 now, and twins, a boy and a girl, the girl's name is Euphemia Lucille Potter, the boy's name, I said they didn't have to do this but they did, Sirius Remus Potter. Sirius and I were together and had one son and one daughter. The boy, Casey Sirius Lupin, Sirius wanted to take my last name instead of his. And the girl, Hope Lily Lupin. Sirius choose first names, I choose middle names. The Dark Lord was defeated before Casey and Hope, they were twins, were born. Casey and Hope were two a month older than Harry. And Harry was two years older than Euphemia ll and Sirius ll. Peter betrayed us but we were still happy.
"Daddy!" I heard my seven year old daughter yell out running to me, arms open. I sat down on the floor and caught her hug. "Hi honey." I said hugging her close. Hope was the wild one, like Sirius. Then Casey came, walking, and I got him into this hug. "Hi Daddy!" he said happy. "Hi baby." I said back to him. Even though Hope and Casey were twins, they didn't look or act the same. Casey was growing tall and fast like me, had dirty blond to almost brown hair and brown eyes. He liked reading book and chocolate like me. Hope looked just like Sirius. Black hair, grey eyes, didn't grow as fast, and was sneaky sometimes. But like hell will I let her smoke like her pa.
I did just come home from Hogwarts for the winter. I felt someone hug me from behind. I look and see Sirius, smiling. "Back home for the winter I see." Sirius whispered. We all just sat on the floor, together as a family again. Sirius helped me up, but Hope climbed up onto my shoulders. She loved high places so she loved going onto my shoulders. Since she was so short. When we got up, Sirius picked up Casey and got him onto his shoulders. Sirius bends forward and stretches his arms out and walk kinda fast. I told him alot about muggles and Casey and Hope love listens stories about them. So now Sirius is acting like an airplane or something. I laugh at this. We were always so happy when I came home.
It was Christmas morning and I found Casey and Hope sleeping by Sirius and I. I was the only light sleeper, which I hate. But, I hugged my kids close with one, long arm, and the other was around Sirius. After a little bit, Sirius wakes up. "Did you bring them here Moons or did they come in?" Sirius asked me still a little tired. "They came in." I answered him. We shared a kiss and just talked for a little. I mentioned that he was still a little upset that Casey's first word was, "Prong", James's nickname, instead of, "Papa, Dada, Daddy, Padfoot, Pads, Moons, Moony," or at least one of are nicknames. And that James was still a little upset that Harry's first word was, "Moons" instead of, "Mommy, Mama, Daddy, Dada, Prongs," or one of his or Lily's nicknames. He made his little fake annoyed face. But, Sirius was happy that Hope's first word was, "Padfoo" I thought it was adorable. Lily and I didn't care what our kids' first words were, we were happy that they said their first word.
Sirius eyes widen for some reason. "I forgot, Merry Christmas Moons," Sirius said. "Merry Christmas Pads." I said back, smiling. Casey and Hope woke up soon after that and we just stay in bed, talking, resting. We were safe and warm. We laughed and smiled a lot.
When it was about 3 in the afternoon, we had to get ready to go visit Lily and James. We got to there place around 5 and first we greeted Lily and James. Then Harry heard us I guess and came running. "Uncle Pads and Uncle Moons!" he yipped. James and Lily looked very tired but were smiling wide. Then the twins came running. "The twins are the reason why we are so tired." James stated. Harry looked just like James, but had Lily's emerald green eyes. Euphemia looked just like Lily, red hair, some freckles, and emerald green eyes. Sirius ll looked just like James, jet-black hair and brown eyes. Both Sirius ll and Harry had to wear glasses like James. Lily and James greeted are kids. Then they went off to a room somewhere up the stairs.
"James, Lily, Sirius and I always say we can watch your kids anytime. Sirius can handle them if he can handle Hope." I give Sirius a small wink. He rolls his eyes. "Lily wouldn't let that happen anyways... She can barely stand a few hours with Harry when I bring him to see my dad." James said, yawning a little. Lily slaps the back of James's head. "Hey!" he somewhat yells. "You and Remy are very alike when it comes to your kids... Very overprotective and scared to living hell when they're gone for to long. Re-" but before Sirius could finish I smack him upside the head. "Hey!" he yells just like James. "You and James are just like brothers for the living merlin." Lily and I say in unison. "I'm checking on the food." Lily said. "I'll go check on the kids." I said. I walk up the stairs to Harry's bedroom. Lily's and James's were downstairs and Harry's bedroom is the second biggest bedroom. I find that only Casey, Sirius ll, and Harry are in there. I walk to the twins' bedroom and find Hope and Euphemia. They were playing with muggle board games from Lily I'm guessing. Sirius came up from behind me and got the girls. He got Hope on his shoulders and carried Euphemia on his back. I got confused and went to Harry's bedroom again. James had Casey on his shoulders and Sirius ll on his back. I decide to get Harry on my shoulders. "Lily said dinner was ready and Sirius and I thought to make it fun for them." James told me, yawning a tiny bit. We all went downstairs and Lily looked at us smiling and cocking an eyebrow. She was leaning to the side with her hands on her hips. "Prongs said the he and Padfoot wanted to bring the kids downstair in a fun way." I stated. Lily gave a laugh. "And why is Moony only carrying one kid when Padfoot and you are much weaker that he is James?" Lily questioned her husband. "I'm not weak!" James and Sirius said in unison. "Then how come Lily and I didn't have a problem hold Hope and Casey at once shortly after they were born but you two had a hard time and said they're a little heavy aren't they?" I asked getting Harry off my shoulders and letting him onto the ground. "Umm..." Sirius said, blushing. I took the two pairs of twins from Pads and Prongs, no problem at all. Hope on my shoulders, Euphemia on my back, Sirius ll in my right arm, and Casey in my left arm. James looked at me bewildered, Sirius also. Lily gave a laugh when she picked up Harry on carried him on her back. We went to the kitchen,I look back and saw Sirius and James mumble something to one another looking surprised still.
"They're still surprised Lil." I chuckled to her as I brought each twin to their seat. We ate dinner and all and I hung out with Harry in his room for a little.
I've always kinda spoiled Harry a little since he was the only one without a twin. His 'cousins' were twins and his little brother and sister were too. He told me that he felt a little left out since his siblings were twins and his 'cousins' were too. I said, "Harry, that's special about you. You don't have to worry about sharing a room or someone taking your clothing or something. You're unique, no one looks like you or acts the way you do. Not the exact way anyway. Don't feel left out, feel important. You help your parents all the time with you little brother and sister. That's important to them. Do you understand me Harry?" Harry hugs around my neck, I was sitting on his bed so it was easier to do so. "I do understand Uncle Moons. Thank you. And Merry Christmas." Harry tells me. I hug back. "Merry Christmas Harry..."
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