Battle and Remus got hit with the killing curse...
I was heading to Professor McGonagall's office to give her paperwork when the castle shook. Something was going on... Then students were panicking. "Hey hey hey! Calm down! Head to the Great Hall!" I yelled out. And that's where they started to head to. I ran in front of them just in case, there were only students and teachers there, and Dumbledore at his place. "The school is being attack. From 5th year and bellow, stay out of harm's way and head to Hogsmate station! Sixth and Seventh year, if capable, help protect Hogwarts." Dumbledore announced. I was standing by Ravenclaw table btw. "Pa... You and Dad showed me spells that I managed to do... Please let me help fight." Casey came over to me. "Casey... It's not about knowledge, it's about safety and strength. I'm not trying to say you aren't strong or can't be safe on your own. But... It's to much of a risk if you fight with us... Help the fourth and fifth year students handle the third, second, and first year ones please..." I told him quickly. He hugged me, tight. "Tell Hope and Dad that... I love them... Just in case I can't make it..." We had a few tears. "Yes Pa... I love you... Please be careful..." He said. "I love you too... Now go before it's too late..." I said back. Then he ran off, helping lead the younger ones. Dumbledore came up to me. "Remus, please be careful and fight your best... You're one of the few with strong spells in mind. "Yes Albus... I will... I just want my family safe..." I said. "They will..." Albus told me. Then the mayhem came. Spells shooting and all. They were Death Eaters... They escaped from Azkaban... Also the one person who made me a werewolf... Greyback...
"So you're the one I attacked so long ago! You seem strong enough for the Dark Lord... Care to join Remus John Lupin?" Greyback yelled at me over all the yelling. "Never Greyback! I would never betray my family or friends!" I yelled back and shot a freezing curse at him. Then I heard someone yell the killing curse behind me and then I fell... Cold... I couldn't hear or feel anything... The last thing I felt was pain... Did I just... Die...?
... *Sirius's P.O.V.
Come on Moony... Somehow... You're still breathing and heart is still beating... Please Moons... Wake up... I'm in St. Mungo's, sitting by Remus. He got hit with the killing curse from behind.
"Mr. Lupin... You must leave... Visiting hours are over..." A nurse said to me. "Bye Remy... Wake up soon please... Casey, Hope, James, Lily, Harry, Harry's siblings, and I miss you..." I said to Remus right before I left. "I'm sorry Mr. Lupin but... The chances of him living or even waking up is very very low..." The nurse told me when I was at the doorway. "I'll take any chance for him to wake up... Any chance, low or high, there's still a possibility..." I said, wiping a few tears away. She nodded. I heard a grunt and a bed make a noise. I looked past the nurse, which turned around, and saw Remus sitting up, rubbing the back of his neck. "Mr. Lupin, visiting hours are over. Please leave." The nurse told me once more. I wanted to run to Remus and hug him close. But I was forced out... I'll see you tomorrow at least... And you'll be awake that time...
... (Next day)
I didn't want to make a scene so I walked into St. Mungo's like normal. I went up to Remus's room and opened the door. "R-remy?" I somewhat mumbled, looking down as I entered the room. "Pads!" I heard Remus yip. Then I felt a pair of arms come around me. I looked up immediately and saw a brown eye, dirty blonde almost brown haired werewolf. I hugged back, smiling and crying. "You woke up..." I said, laughing a tiny bit, smiling and crying all the same. "Are Hope, Harry, and Casey alright?" He asks. "Yes... They are... We were just worried for you... Only you... When Casey told me that you wanted to tell me that you loved me... I felt like I was never going to see you again... But when I heard you were still breathing and heart still beating... I felt hope... Even with that small chance of you living or waking up... You still did..." I said to him. "James and Lily were to busy with the twin girls and all. Harry wanted to come, Lily didn't allow. And Casey and Hope knew I was the most hurt so they didn't want to come because they knew I wanted alone time with you... Awake or not..." I also said, looking into his eyes. "I'm sorry I made you feel depressed and hurt Pads... I wanted to protect you all... Casey looks older, like a sixth year, and knows many spells like me and wanted to stay and fight... I didn't want you or Hope to lose two special people... I had to turn Casey down... If I didn't... We would probably not have our son anymore..." Remus told me. I laced our hands together and I held his in my hands a little tight. "I don't ever want you to take a risk like that again... I love you too much to lose you... I understand if you're protecting either Hope, Casey, Harry, Euphemia, Sirius ll, Lily, James, or me... But I want to protect you... keep you away from Death Eaters... I love you Remus... That will never change even if you stop loving me..." I told him. "I love you too Sirius... And I will never stop..." He told me...
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