Want Cuddles 💚
Summary: Whenever Harry was either upset or needed comfort, he'd crawl into Draco's lap and stay there with no words exchanged.
Year: Sixth (though it doesn't really matter tbh, just cause they'd be a good age in this year)
Draco POV
I sat on one of the dark green couches in Slytherin common room, reading and watching the dying flames in the fireplace. It was shortly before dinner so the common room was packed. Pansy and some others sat on the other couches, chattering among themselves. I wanted to go see Harry since today was one of the days that we didn't have any classes together, but I doubt the Gryffindors would be very happy with me there.
Being enemies, no one really appreciated our relationship for what it was. It's like they expected us to start clawing at each other's throat the moment one came in contact with the other. They still haven't grasped the fact that we're dating, and won't kill each other.
Understandable, but annoying.
When I heard the portrait door open and shouts for a 'nasty Gryffindor' to get out of Slytherin common room, I immediately knew who it was without even looking. The said intruder strode over to me with a small pout, dressed in one of my larger hoodies and jeans instead of robes like usual. Very intimidating for an intruder.
I raised my arms for him while still holding onto my book. He didn't say anything, and straddled my lap, wrapping his arms around my neck and burying his head there. I chuckled lightly and lowered my arms, kissing Harry's temple and rubbing his back all while still reading.
"Everything alright, beautiful?" Harry mumbled something incoherently. I smiled slightly, not saying anything and continuing to trace shapes on his bare skin.
Once the Slytherins flooded from the common room for dinner, Harry sat up so I could see his pretty eyes. I set my book down and cupped his cheeks, kissing his soft lips multiple times until I got to hear him laugh.
"There's that beautiful laugh." Harry blushed furiously, still not used to the constant compliments I've given him over the year we've been together. "Now tell me what's wrong."
"Nothing. Just don't like being the third wheel with Ron and 'Mione." I hummed. "And they want a double date too."
I held back a chuckle. Harry didn't like being affectionate in front of our friends because they always liked to tease him. Though they don't really get how sensitive Harry's become over the years, so what they said probably hurt more than intended.
"If they tease I'll hex them, even if we're friends now. No one upsets my baby," I mumbled into Harry's hair, feeling him smile.
We sat there in a comfortable silence before deciding to go down to the Great Hall after a while.
Often we'll switch back and forth, either Ron, Harry, and Hermione come sit at the Slytherin table or it's Pansy, Blaise, and I that sit at the Gryffindor table. This time, we sat at the Gryffindor table.
Once dinner was over Harry and I went to our respective dorms, but like usual, he ended up in mine (or I'd end up in his). Whatever it was, we haven't slept alone for at least a month in a row.
I awoke so late that it was morning when I felt a small body climb into bed next to me and curl up to me tightly, fisting handfuls of my thin t-shirt. I wrapped my arms around his waist and pulled him impossibly closer.
"Hey baby," I murmured, pressing sleepy kisses to his lips.
"Hi," he responded quietly with a smile. Smiling back, I landed one last kiss on his soft lips.
"Get some sleep beautiful." With that we fell asleep contently in each other's arms.
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