To Love And To Be In Love❤
Summary: Just trying out this ship, it's (mostly) fluff dw <3
Dedicated to Lucelovestoread as my 300th follower <3
Regulus trailed his finger up and down James' arm, tucked under the older boy's arm and pressed against his bare chest.
It was Christmas break, Sirius went home with Remus to meet the parents (and wouldn't stop worrying) and Peter also went home since his cousins were visiting. That left Regulus and James to get the much-needed alone time they so rarely got as James never went anywhere without the others. It used to be he wouldn't go anywhere without Sirius, but then Sirius wouldn't go anywhere without Remus, and Peter follows James like a shadow so Regulus has gotten a little touch-starved.
But cuddles make up for it.
"Jay," Regulus whispered with a sweet smile, lips ghosting over his defined jaw and feeling the stubble brush his lips. James stirred with a groan and pulled Regulus' small body closer to him like a teddy bear. He opened his eyes a little to meet the same grey eyes he sees on his best friend, but they've got more of an icy blue tint to them which James absolutely adored.
"Good morning my pretty boy," James said raspily, kissing Regulus passionately. Regulus happily returned the good morning kiss and brought his hands up to caress James' cheeks softly.
The two laid wrapped up for a little longer, before an owl flew through the open window they must have forgotten to close. James sat up and so did Regulus, resting his head on his boyfriend's shoulder.
"It's from Moony and Pads," James supplied, tearing into the letter.
Dearest Jamie,
Hiya Prongsie, we're gonna be back at Hogwarts tonight!
"Awh," Regulus pouted.
James smiled sadly at his adorable lover and pulled him into his lap, placing his large hands on his hips. "Don't pout doll, we've still got all day!"
But then they proceeded to sleep and cuddle till noon.
James stood outside the Great Hall, arms wrapped snug around his small boy's waist.
Regulus stood on his tip toes to land a sweet, gentle kiss on James' lips. "I love you," James whispered.
Regulus smiled brightly. "I love you more."
They kissed one more time before going their opposite ways in the hall.
James grinned at Sirius, Remus, and Peter. Sirius waved frantically at him, and nearly jumping up and down in his seat.
"Prongs I've got such a story to tell you. So when Moony's mum-"
James listened to the animated story of how Sirius met Remus' parents, with little attention paid to it. He was watching Regulus closely because an owl just delivered him a letter and now his hands were shaking. And James was worried.
After dinner was over the marauders went up to Gryffindor common room and took the couches before anyone else could, though they allowed Lily, Marlene, Dorcas, Frank, and Alice to sit with them.
"What'd you do here all alone?" Frank asked, arm slung around Alice's shoulders.
James shrugged lightly, ignoring the slight pink crawling up his cheeks. "Nothing really."
"I smell bullshit," Marlene grinned, "you've probably got a secret girlfriend."
James huffed, running his fingers through his hair like usual. He opened his mouth to say something but as if on que, the portrait swung open.
James' head snapped to it, and his breath got caught in his throat when he noticed Regulus, with tears staining his cheeks.
Sirius' eyes widened and he got up, ready to comfort his brother, but James beat him to it and rushed forward to catch his love as he collapsed into sobs.
"James," Regulus cried out quietly, clutching James' shirt as if he was the only thing keeping him grounded and in this moment, he probably was.
"Hey," James soothed, rubbing his back. "You're okay, doll. Let me hold you, I'll take you up to the dorm and we'll talk."
Regulus let James carry him, wrapping his legs around his waist and burying his face into the crook of his neck. He spared a quick glance at the shocked group before going up to The Marauders' dorm.
After their long, very long, talk, Regulus passed out from crying so much on James's bed. James tucked him in and kissed him gently before running his fingers through his hair and taking a deep breathe. Then he went back down to the common room where his group was conversing quietly and everyone else who witnessed it were whispering and watching.
James walked back over to the couch and took his seat, rubbing his hands over his face before dropping them and looking at Sirius defeatedly. "He was disowned."
Sirius sucked in a surprised breath. "No-no they wouldn't do that, he was their last heir!"
James shrugged a little, thumbing the bracelet on his wrist. "I dunno, I think one of your many cousins caught us together and told his parents, but he'll be staying with me- us- during the summer from now on."
Sirius nodded and looked down at his and Remus' entwined fingers before looking back up. "What's going on between you two?"
James smiled a little. "We've been dating for just a little over a year," he said, motioning to the bracelet Regulus got him. "He stayed in the dorm with me during break, that's what I've been doing, by the way. This isn't how I expected to tell you, but we were going to tell you guys soon anyway."
Remus was the first one to speak up after that. "Well I'm happy for you two. I'm sure you're perfect for each other."
Everyone else followed and gave their congratulations, then it was only Lily and Sirius left.
"So I'm guessing that the ridiculous crush on me was a cover?" Lily asked with a smirk.
James laughed a little. "Yeah, it was."
"Good," the red head smiled, and kissed his cheek. "Because I hate to break it to you but I don't feel the same."
This got a couple laughs out of the group, before the attention was turned on Sirius.
"Anything I say won't change your mind, right?" He asked lightly. James slowly nodded.
"Then I'm happy for you. But hurt him I'll cut off your balls."
"I'll help," Lily perked up, and Remus chimed in too.
James shivered. He wouldn't want to be beaten by Sirius, Lily, and Remus. That was a complete and utter death sentence.
An hour later everyone went their seperate ways. Remus, Sirius, Peter, and James went up to their dorm where they found Regulus still sound asleep.
Remus and Sirius went over to Remus' bed and Peter went to his. James laid down next to Regulus and charmed the curtains closed with a silencing charm as well.
He wrapped his arms around Regulus and pulled him closer to his chest, kissing the tip of his nose. Regulus smiled a little in his sleep and snuggled impossibly closer to his boyfriend.
"Alright doll?" James asked, brushing some of his curls out of the way. Regulus peered up at James through the dark and nodded a little, reaching up to rub his eyes.
"Yeah," Regulus mumbled sleepily.
With that the two fell asleep again wrapped up snugly in each other's arms.
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