Muggle School 🧡
Summary: Remus goes to muggle school before Hogwarts, and for the majority of the summer.
Short Remmy here, sorry :)
Words: 1,840
Hope Lupin grew up going to elementary school, middle school, high school, and eventually going off to college to become a teacher. Before meeting Lyall, her husband, she believed her children would go the same way as any other muggle family would. But after being introduced to the wizarding world, that idea slowly went down the drain when she realized that her son or daughter could possibly be a witch or a wizard due to Lyall's side of the family.
Lyall was quick to propose the idea that their son could go to muggle school before heading off to Hogwarts, and even go to summer school if he pleased. Again, Hope was deflated after Remus became a lycanthrope.
Once Remus was at the age of 8 years old, Hope asked him what he thought of going to school. Remus, always being the one for wanting to learn and read, eagerly wanted to go. So Hope told the principal of a local school, whose wife was a muggle-born witch, about Remus. Mr. Williams (the principal) accepted Remus' condition and allowed him to come to school.
Remus returned to school during the summer on his own terms. He liked going to school and his muggle friends liked hanging out with him when they could since they went to summer school as well.
Since Remus obviously didn't attend school during an actual school year after going to Hogwarts his friends also enrolled at summer school. They knew about the wizarding world a little, and Remus' condition. Surprisingly, at least to the werewolf, they thought it was extremely cool being a wizard and that the whole werewolf thing was even better since Remus had the perks of advanced strength.
"Oi, fuck off." Camilla Knight, a girl who had no intentions of sugarcoating anything, stopped spinning on Remus' rolling desk chair to flip off Christopher Benjamin, a boy with no intentions of graduating with good grades.
Brooke Benjamin, Chris' sister, sat on the desk across from Camilla. She looked up from her sketchbook to see her brother's reaction, also curious to know what he managed to do this time to make Milla pissed.
Chris raised his hands in defense and kicked off his shoes to hop on Remus' bed. "I didn't say anything!"
Camilla shrugged. "Just wanted to tell you to fuck off."
Remus snorted, sorting through his trunk and pulling out what he didn't need for his following year at Hogwarts, sixth year. He listened to Camilla chat about her younger sister Rose and how she didn't need a boyfriend at fourteen years old and Chris grunt every so often when he couldn't get a word in.
"Seriously, who falls in love at fourteen?"
Remus hummed and shut his trunk. "I fell in love at fourteen."
Chris stopped throwing the broken head of a bobblehead in the air and Camilla sat up to gawk at him. "Huh? How come we know nothing of this?!," said Camilla exasperatedly.
Brooke nodded. "No offense honey, but you can't speak to a cute boy for more than five seconds without stuttering."
Remus flushed. "Uh- never got around to saying anything?"
Camilla tutted playfully. "Bullshit. Now spill, I need the details."
Chris leaned forward, eager to hear this as well. As much as he loved his best friend, the guy was a complete mess around any hot or cute guy. "Yeah, give me some tips." Chris paused. "Or don't. I'll fuck it up anyway and be alone for the rest of my life. No girl shall ever love me."
Remus chuckled and ruffled Chris' dirty blond hair as he passed by him to clean up his desk. He opened his mouth to say something when Hope's voice called from downstairs.
"Rem, James, Sirius, and Peter are here!"
Remus smirked and turned to look at his three friends. "Well, why not meet him?"
Brooke grinned. "Oooh, are we finally gonna met your magical friends?"
Chris whooped and Camilla cheered loudly. They've been begging Remus to meet them for years ever since they found out Remus was a wizard at age 13, a year after meeting him.
Remus leads the three downstairs where the three stood. James had on jeans and a solid red t-shirt, casually looking normal next to Sirius who had on black skinny jeans with a rolling stones tee and his signature leather jacket, of course looking extremely hot to Remus. Peter's dad's side of the family was all muggles so at least he knew by heart how to dress.
"Hi love," Sirius smiled widely, wrapping his arms around Remus' waist. Remus blushed at the nickname and wrapped his arms around Sirius' neck and buried his face into the crook of his neck. He always felt shy of showing affection when the other Marauders were around (or in this case, his muggle friends as well) but he couldn't help himself. He hasn't seen his boyfriend in almost two months.
"Aww," Camilla cooed loudly and mockingly. "You two are so cute."
She leaned against the banister with her arms over her chest while Brooke and Chris stood nearby. Remus groaned and pulled away from Sirius, but threaded their fingers together.
"Pads, Prongs, Wormy, these are my friends Camilla, Brooke, and Chris. Guys, this is James, Sirius, and Peter, my 'magical' friends."
James' lips quirked up. "Magical?"
Sirius' face lit up. "Muggle?"
Peter facepalmed.
As James, Sirius, and Peter conversed with the three, Remus glanced at his parents standing in the open kitchen. He smiled and walked over to them after giving Sirius' hand a reassuring squeeze when he let go.
"How's it going?" Lyall quizzed, setting down the Daily Prophet.
Remus hummed and grabbed an apple from the fruit bowl and jumped up on the counter. "Good, I had a feeling Sirius would take to them, being obsessed with muggles and all that."
Lyall smiled fondly at his son. After Remus was bitten, he threw himself into his work to find something that could help him. Once Remus went to Hogwarts and his friends eventually became Animagi, he couldn't help but feel a bit jealous that they were able to help and he wasn't since his attempts at deciphering the Animagi rules written in old English were unsuccessful. As much as it amazed him how three young teenage boys were able to comprehend it, he felt the jealously go away when Lyall saw how close they were (particularly the one with silver eyes) to his son. He was glad that Remus wasn't alone after all.
Sirius smiled softly at the cute sleeping boy on his chest. It was the day after the full moon, late evening with the last remains of sunshine slipping through the curtains. Luckily, there were no new scars since Lyall has allowed them to keep Remus company during the full after he found about their Animagi achievements.
Disappearing bruises littered different places all over the tawny-haired boy's small form and his hands were wrapped up in white bandages placed carefully by Hope, though clutching Sirius' thin t-shirt tightly in his fists. Sirius pressed gentle kisses to his forehead every so often and pried one of Remus' hands away from his shirt so he could hold it in his own.
A soft knock came on the door. Sirius looked up at the two heads that peeked into the room, smiling at them. "Hey Brooke, Christopher."
The two smiled back and shuffled into the room. Brooke closed the door and placed her bookbag down on Remus' desk chair. "Hey, got Remus' homework from school today. Knew he'd want it, no matter how many times we told him he doesn't need to do it," the brown-eyed girl chuckled, placed a few sheets and one packet of paper- some kind of writing sheet that muggles used like wizards used parchment, according to Remus.
"Strange," muttered Chris, shaking his head. "No one in their right mind would do work when told they don't have to."
Sirius was quick to agree. "Minne- uh, our Transfiguration teacher- refuses to give him the work and gives it to us. But Remus would have a fit if it wasn't completed, so the three of us would take turns doing it for him. To be honest, our skills with the handwriting charm aren't amazing, so I think she can tell Remus didn't do it himself, but she lets us off. We're her favorites."
Chris laughed while still being sure to keep quiet as to not wake Remus. "We do the same most of the time, but for his- was it muggle? moogle?- work but Brooke can't do his maths, and we're all shit at it but him so he's left with that. Our teachers don't even know he's a werewolf, only the principal so sadly he doesn't get let off."
Sirius hummed and held himself back from asking what the hell maths was. That was something they haven't covered in muggle studies yet.
The three talked quietly among themselves, James and Camilla joining in the conversation a bit later.
Sirius carefully threaded his fingers through Remus' hair while James and Chris talked about Quidditch and Football (soccer). His attention was directed to Remus when the boy let out a tiny whimper of pain and let his eyes flutter open.
"You okay Moons?" he whispered gently. Remus groaned quietly and nuzzled into the crook of Sirius' neck. Sirius smiled at his boy, kissing his temple.
He heard a snap and looked at Camilla, who had a camera in her hands that Sirius vaguely remembered her calling a polaroid camera. The girl took the photo that popped out of it and hung it up on the wall with Remus' collage of polaroids.
"I feel like shit," Remus mumbled, rolling of Sirius' chest to stretch then snuggled back into the taller boy's side.
"My hand feels like shit," James added, glancing down at his bruised hand.
Remus stared at it, feeling worry rise in him. "Did I-"
Jakes quickly caught on. "Oh no Rem, Moony was as tame as a werewolf can be this month. It's just the room is kind of dark so Pads here stepped on my hand."
Remus let out a sigh of relief. "Okay, good."
Sirius blurred into Padfoot, tucking himself protectively around Remus' form happily.
"That is so fucking cool," Camilla whispered in awe making the group laugh.
A few days later, Hope allowed James and Sirius to come with her when she went to pick up Remus from school with strict instructions to behave. Fortunately, Peter left cause his mother wanted him home for something. That was thankfully one less menace she had to deal with.
Though she put up with them cause they were sweet and had good manners anyway.
Kids poured out of the school and went their separate ways. Sirius leaned against the car (why do muggles have such cool inventions?!), trying to spot his boyfriend while blissfully ignoring girls drooling over him.
Soon, the tawny-haired boy appeared with Camilla by his side, who soon left to greet her own father and sister. Remus smiled brightly at the two.
"Why are you guys here?" Remus asked, before quickly adding, "Not that I mind, of course."
"Begged me to come," Hope sighed playfully. "Wouldn't give up."
Remus laughed, wrapping his arms around Sirius' waist while his mother and James got back in the car, "Hello baby." Remus rolled his eyes. "Baby? Seriously?"
Sirius hummed, pressing his lips to Remus' then pulling away. "Yep, you're my baby."
Pretty shitty, I apologize.
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