I'm Not Short 🧡
Summary: Where Remus has been the shortest of the Marauders but then a growth spurt hits over the summer.
Words: 1,456
Remus sat on the windowsill in Gryffindor's common room with his sketchbook draped lazily across his lap and a pencil held loosely in his left hand. The snow fell gently. Remus' deep amber eyes darted over his drawing, tilting his head slightly. He couldn't tell if he liked the portrait.
"Remmy?" A soft voice came from behind him. Remus hummed and looked up to find Sirius grinning at him like a fool from above. "Hullo," Remus laughed, putting away the sketchbook. He didn't want Sirius to see it since it would be his birthday present. Since he's not the wealthiest family out there, he can't exactly buy him anything. So the short boy decided to make it.
Sirius pecked his cheek and sat down next to Remus. He entwined their fingers together and brought them into his lap. "Whatcha drawing?"
Remus rested his head on Sirius' shoulder. Even though he was often teased because of how small he was, his shortness had its perks. "Can't tell you it's a surprise." (if you get the reference ily)
Sirius snorted and shook his head jokingly. "You and your secrets, Moons."
"I try."
Smiling, Sirius glided his thumb over the back of Remus' hand soothingly. If it was close to the full, Remus was sure he would have fallen asleep by now. The moon always made him exhausted, but luckily it was still a little over a week away.
"C'mon love," Sirius whispered. "It's dark out, we can go to bed and cuddle if you want."
Remus hummed. The offer was tempting but the feeling of not wanting to walk was also tempting.
As if Sirius could read his thoughts he gathered the sleepy werewolf in his arms and easily walked up the few steps to the dorm. Remus flushed brightly and buried his face into the crook of Sirius's neck.
"You're so short and small," Sirius laughed lightly. Remus rolled his eyes, knowing he was the second shortest of the Marauders.
"'M not short!"
The dorm was empty, James and Peter off to get snacks and drinks for their yearly we-survived-another-year-at-Hogwarts-without-getting-expelled-and-turned-into-mice-by-McGonagall day, which always took place the night before they headed home for the summer.
Remus also never slept that night cause he couldn't stop worrying about Sirius going home to his family, but now that fear has gone since he's with the Potters now.
Sirius tucked the sleepy, cute boy under the covers and climbed in next to him. Remus snuggled into the silver-eyed boy's naked chest, tracing the few tattoos there.
"How long till we start celebrating?" Remus mumbled, already dozing off.
"Don't worry, love. You can sleep for a few hours." That was all the confirmation the smaller boy needed before falling into a much-needed sleep.
Since he wasn't very tired, Sirius let Remus sleep on his chest while he threaded his fingers through his soft tawny hair while going through their prank ideas journal (the only reading he willing does for). James and Peter came back about two hours later, much longer than they planned 'cause James got caught up in attempting to serenade Lily with his arms full of food.
The two stumbled into the dorm and dumped the food on Peter's bed. James spun around and opened his mouth to say something but was immediately hushed by Sirius.
"Shut it you twat, Rem's sleeping." James' mouth formed an 'o' as he looked at the sleeping boy, deciding to leave him alone. That was one of the few rules the Marauders had. Protect Remus (and never wake him unless you want to be kicked in the balls. Well besides Sirius. He'd never hurt him, even when half asleep).
"What happened?" Sirius whispered, glancing from James' flushed face to Peter's unphased one.
"Lily happened. Again," Peter snorted, flopping down on his food-covered bed and snatching a sweet that was slapped out of his hand by James, who said it's for the celebration.
Sirius tuned out of the conversation and focused on the adorable boy in a deep slumber, his eyes fluttering every so often.
Since James was already setting out the snacks with Peter helping (or eating all of them), he decided he should probably wake Remus up.
"Remmy," Sirius mouthed against his neck, then peppered kisses all over the area, moving to his jaw and face. Remus stirred, smiling sleepily when Sirius pressed their lips together. He kissed back happily but soon had to pull away when oxygen became a problem and he realized that there were two other figures in the room.
"Alright, Moony?" James chuckled, observing the two. "You look exhausted." James glanced outside as if to see where the moon was at even though he and Sirius spent at least two weeks of the summer memorizing when the full moons would be for that year.
"Cheers." Remus yawned and burrowed back into Sirius' hold. "I'm tired."
Sirius kissed his temple fondly. "Luckily you get to sleep the whole ride back for the summer, baby."
"Oi, watch it lad!" Lyall called amusedly to Remus who almost knocked down a picture frame due to his clumsiness and- well unexpected growth spurt.
He's been dealing with the extra inches as best as one could, having gone from 5'5 to 6'1 in the span of the last few weeks of summer. Thank god it wasn't overnight. If it was, he'd probably have to learn how to walk again.
"Ready for another year at school? Got everything pack?" Hope listed, smoothing out Remus' jumper that Sirius got him (luckily oversized) almost a year prior.
"Yes, Mum. I've got everything." Hope smiled and walked outside with her husband and Remus to watch them go. Since she's a muggle she can't get to Platform 9 and 3/4, so after first year she started staying home while Lyall took Remus there side along.
"Be good!"
"Can't promise that, Mum!"
The platform was busy as it always was. Parents fussed over their kids, fixing their clothes, smothering them in kisses, and sternly setting rules. Remus looked over all of them (perks of his height) in search of his friends and boyfriend.
He realized they're probably on the train, so after waving goodbye to his father he boarded the train and started for their compartment.
Once he reached it, he smiled fondly at the boy who sat with his back to the window and stole his heart. James was tossing his stolen snitch in the air despite being a chaser and Peter watched him excitedly.
Remus slid open the compartment door. "Alright summer, lads?"
James looked at the sound, face lit up with a grin but he yelped right after. "Merlin's sweet testicles, Moony! You're taller!"
"Yeah, I didn't notice," said the werewolf sarcastically. He moved Sirius' feet and sat down, placing them back in his lap. Sirius gaped, opening and closing his mouth like a fish out of water.
So was Peter, but for a different reason. Sirius' reason was that his Remus went from this cute, small and adorable boy to this hot masterpiece in one summer. Well he was still adorable, but a few more developed features added hot to the mix.
Remus quirked an eyebrow. "Pads?"
Sirius blinked a few times. "Oh- um- yeah- hi, Moons."
"You're such a gay mess," James snorted quietly, resuming his actions of freeing and catching the snitch.
Sirius huffed, flushing a bit. "Fuck off, no one likes you."
"Love you too mate."
Sirius and Remus sat on the edge of the astronomy tower with their legs dangling off the side and hands entwined. They talked about anything and everything, from summer at the Potters (which Peter and Remus came to visit for each week the full moon fell, but they were both prior to his growth spurt) to summer with Remus' family.
"But you're taller than me now!" The raven-haired boy wailed dramatically. Remus rolled his eyes fondly, removing his hand from Sirius' grip and wrapping it around his waist to pull him closer.
"I didn't ask for it." Sirius shook his head and looked up (sadly) at his boyfriend. He admired his pretty amber eyes with little flecks of yellow due to the lycanthropy, but gorgeous nonetheless. Sirius surged forward and pressed his slightly chapped lips to Remus' soft and full ones.
Remus happily kissed back. When they pulled away, Sirius placed a peck to his neck.
"You're still my baby, though."
I'm actually pretty happy with this one ngl. Posted this in honor of the Battle of Hogwarts /*
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