Trying and Failing
Diane's ex Rocco is back and out for revenge. Part 2 to The ex...
A handsome muscular fox was at a truck stop and sitting at one of the booths talking with a trucker.
''Rocco it's been too long.'' A trucker silver wolf wearing a red checker flannel vest and dirty jeans said laying back in his seat.
''I know it has.'' The fox said sitting back.
''So, what brings you here? In trouble?'' Asked the silver wolf named Justin.
''No, I need to borrow your truck.'' Rocco said quietly.
''Why?'' Justin asked.
''Because I need to use it to dispose of someone.'' He said.
Justin cocked his head. ''Oh? Guns aren't good enough?''
''No, I want this to look like a freak accident.'' Rocco said pleadingly.
''Again why?''
''Well, I ran into my ex-girlfriend Diane Foxington I came to win her back but there a problem.'' Rocco said growling.
Justin let out a whistle.'' The Governor? I heard and she is something, let me guess she dating that famous bad guy turned good Wolf and you want to get rid of him.'' Justin shook his head.
''You knew about him? And didn't tell me?!'' Rocco said loudly.
''It was public news the media was all over it. But you want my truck to kill him huh? What if they find out it was my truck I'll get into trouble.'' Justin said.
''They won't I'm just going to hit his car when he goes home tonight that should kill him.'' Rocco growls.
''Alright but if it comes back to me, I'm dragging you down.'' Justin said tossing Rocco his keys.
''Supper is almost done!'' Diane called as her and Wolf finished setting out the food.
The now good guys came over and helped themselves as they sat at the table.
''Oh, my favorite sub sandwiches.'' Shark squealed.
They all laughed and stared digging in. Wolf sat next to Diane as they ate the pizza that was there. It was hangout night for the group and Whiskers the kitty jumped up next to Wolf who pets him.
''Why does the cat get to be on the table?'' Asked Snake.
''Because he's part of the family.'' Wolf said.
''Be happy that I let you on the table.'' Diane teased Snake.
''She got you there.'' Webs laughed as the others did as well.
Later after eating Shark and Snake were playing cards with Web and Diane, while Pirahna and Wolf were playing a video game.
''Full house!'' Diane laid down her cards.
''HOW!?'' Growled Snake.
''Man, I thought for sure Diane was bluffing.'' Shark groaned.
''You guys need to step up your game.'' Diane teased.
Wolf smirked hearing this and grins.
''You're lucky Hermano you got a wonderful girlfriend who can cook and beat everyone at cards!'' Pirahna said smirking.
''Yes, she something.'' He smiled.
''Guys we are out of chips and push pops.'' Shouted Snake.
''I'll go get more.'' Wolf said.
''No, stay Wolf please we have other things for them to eat.'' She said looking at him.
''I'll be quick don't worry.'' Wolf said as he took off.
He was in his car but wasn't aware he was being watched and followed. He made it to the store and went in and got the chips and push pops with other things and got in his car as he took off and came to a cross section where he had a green light, he went but heard a loud horn and turned as a big Peterbilt 379 came and crashed into Wolf's car the impact sent the car crashing onto the sidewalk and it rolled running into a building wall as the truck took off.
Wolf felt his eyes close the last thing he thought about was Diane as his world went black.
Diane and the others were still playing when they saw breaking news and it was Tiffany Fluffit.
''Tiffiany Fluffit here reporting a crash has just occurred a big semi-truck came blowing past the red light and t boned a car that is totaled, and it turns out the driver known as the former bad guy Wolf was unconscious when paramedics arrived, and he was transferred to the hospital.'' She said.
The others were shocked Diane had tears in her eyes and her phone went off as it was Chief Misty.
''Ok we'll be there.'' Diane said hanging up the phone and trying not to cry as she grabbed her keys.
''Let's go!'' She said.
They all got into her car, and she took off as fast as she could go. It was quiet in the car and Snake was shocked and placed his tail on Diane's paw that was on her lap. Once they got there Diane ran up to the desk.
''Moe Wolf.'' She demanded.
The nurse nodded to the hospital room, and they all ran over and into the room to see the Dr, come over.
''Governor Foxington come in.'' He said.
She ran in and over to Wolf who looked pale and had bandages wrapped on his head and his arm in a sling. She was panting hard.
''How bad Doc?'' Asked Snake.
''He will live but it took a toll on his body, he has a concussion, a broken arm, and 4 cracked ribs. He's lucky it didn't paralyze him; his car took most of the damage.'' The Dr said as he left.
Diane held his paw and gulped watching him and she had tears falling from her face but not crying.
''Foxington.'' Said a voice.
She went out while the others went to see Wolf. She went over to Chief Misty.
''Yes chief?'' She asked.
''I wanted to let you know, it was no accident someone deliberately tried to kill Wolf, one eyewitness said they saw a large Peterbilt 379 run the red light and took off after the crash. We are still checking the traffic cams to see if we can get anything.'' Misty informed.
Diane nodded they didn't notice Snake coming over.
''Wait Chief I want two policemen one watching this room and one at the door.'' Diane said.
''You got it. I will personally keep watch.'' She said taking off.
''No idea.'' Asked Snake.
''Maybe, but it was on purpose I need to go home and check something out.'' She said.
''I'm going with you.'' Snake said.
She nodded and went to the others. ''Stay here and watch over Wolf me and Snake are going to find out who did this.'' She said as she went over and kissed Wolf on the forehead. ''I'll be back.'' She whispered.
Her and Snake went to her hideout, and they went to her secret room. ''Dang Di, this is impressive.'' Snake looked around as she brought up the computer.
''Thanks, but now time to see who the driver was.'' Diane said typing and it brought up all the traffic cams and Snake was shocked.
''Dang, so when we were bad guys, you could find us?'' He asked.
''To a point yes.'' She said as she brought up the footage and they looked closely.
Diane saw red fur in the truck and zoomed in and her eyes widened. ''No, not him.''
''Who is that asshole?'' Asked Snake in a growl.
''My ex-Rocco.'' She said.
''What is he doing here?'' Asked Snake.
''He came to mine and Wolf's place a couple weeks ago wanting to see me and win me back. He wasn't happy when Wolf showed up.'' She said growling and following the truck.
''And you tell me this now?'' He asked.
''It wasn't important.'' She said.
Snake was going to have some words with Wolf over this.
''I got it lets go.'' She said as she grabbed a few weapons and tossed Snake a outfit. ''Come on we are going to get this bastard.'' She growls.
''Now you're talking.'' Snake chuckled and he grabbed a gun and swallowed it and grabbed another as they took off.
''Hang onto me.'' Diane said as she climbed on her motorcycle.
''Pirahna's going to hate this.'' He chuckled and wrapped his body around Diane's waist and his head was next to hers as she took off fast.
Shark was worried and looked at Wolf who stirred. ''Diane?'' He asked.
''Hey buddy.'' Shark said.
''Hey guys, ouch what happened?'' He asked.
''You were hit by a truck.'' Webs said.
''Where's Diane and Snake?'' He asked.
''Tracking down the guy who did this.'' Webs said.
Diane and Snake came to the spot where they saw the semi and checked it out and sure enough it had black paint on it and she growls.
''Snake stay close let me do the talking and, on my signal, then you can jump out.'' She said.
Diane walked into the trucking store and saw guys laughing. She had on a black leather jacket over her outfit and went in and saw truckers.
''Hey beautiful.'' One said.
She grabbed his hand and flipped him over. ''Have you seen a red fox named Rocco?'' She asked.
''Y-Yeah, he left 5 minutes ago in his Porshe.'' The man said.
''And what direction did he go?'' She asked.
''He went to Wallflower motel.'' Justin said coming over.
Diane looked at him. ''How do you know?''
''I'll tell you, but you have to give me your word I won't get into trouble.'' Justin said.
''Look I just want to find him, if you help me, I'll give you what you want.'' She said.
''The truck use to try to kill your boyfriend was mine. Rocco came to me wanting to use it, I told him no, but he took it anyway and I don't want to get into trouble for it.'' Justin said.
''Alright, fine you got a deal.'' Diane said as they shook hands.
''I am happy he's alive.'' Justin said.
''Me too.'' She left where Snake was eating as push pop.
''Let's go.'' They took off again and came to the motel.
''We are taking him in.'' Diane said sternly.
''I want to shoot him.'' Snake whined.
''If he doesn't go quietly, you can shoot him in the legs for all I care but he is coming back alive, and I will make sure he never gets out.'' She snarled.
She knocked on the door and it was opened by Rocco. ''Diane!''
She kicked him so hard that he hit the wall in the room, and she walked in growling.
''H-Hey babe take it easy.'' He begged.
She grabbed him by the collar and shoved him to the wall as Snake came in.
''How dare you!'' She yelled.
''Hey, you had to have known it was coming.'' He barked.
''You tried to kill Wolf and now you are coming in with me.'' She commanded.
''Too bad.'' He pulled out his gun but, in a flash, Snake aimed his gun and shot it out of Rocco's hand.
''Hey how are you doing? You better listen to Diane, if not I'll make you.'' Snake growled.
''Oh, come on Diane you brought your and Wolf's pet snake.'' He laughed.
Snake gave an unamused look and then shot Rocco in the arm and leg as he fell to the ground crying in pain.
''Let's get him back.'' Diane said.
She handcuffed Rocco to her waist and Snake wrapped himself around Rocco tightly. ''Enjoy the ride.'' Snake said.
''And if you tell anyone about this we'll come back and kill you.'' Snake said showing his fangs to Rocco.
The police heard a thud on the door and opened it to see Rocco and a tape and they took it.
That night the bad guys were in the waiting room while Diane was sleeping in one of the chairs by the hospital bed.
Wolf opened his eyes and saw red. ''D-Diane.''
She shot up her head and smiled as tears came from her eyes. ''Hey handsome.'' She smiled.
''You look good.'' He smiled.
''So do you. How do you feel?'' She asked.
''Tired and hungry.'' He said and sighed.
''Great now I have to use crutches.'' He growls.
''You could of died.'' She said.
''Nah, not me.'' He then pulls her into a hug with his good arm and they held each other as they shared a kiss.
A couple days later Wolf was able to go home. He had a wheelchair and crutches and Diane, and the gang was there to help him out and 5 months later Wolf was walking normally, and Rocco had gotten life in prison.
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