Training Time
Wolf meets Diane during boot camp.
Moe Wolf sighed as he was in a bus on his way to Military Bootcamp. The 21-year-old wolf had gotten into some trouble and now was send here for Bootcamp.
He got out and went to the table where he gave his papers to a Sargent, and he nodded. ''Welcome Moe Wolf, you will be in room bunk 219 upstairs.'' The Sargent said nodding.
Wolf readjusted his duffle bag and went to his room where he saw 7 others up there one which was a snake and shark, with some other young-looking guys.
He went to his bunk and saw a white muscle t shirt with green camo army pants, and he places them on.
''Well since we are sharing the same room allow me to introduce myself. Names Snake.'' Snake said going over to the wolf.
''Moe Wolf but just call me Wolf.'' He said as they shook.
''Nice, also that big guy over there is Shark.'' Snake said as Shark came over.
''Hey! A new roommate!'' Shark said happily.
''All right everyone I'm Major Max and I'll be your room leader, so here are the rules.
1. 'Lights out by 9
2. If you are going to be late, I need to know otherwise you will receive a punishment
3. You will do as your told
4. Lights out you sleep, no talking
5. You will have assignments to do every week keeping this area clean, we will be having inspections whenever.
6. You will leave the girls side of the dorms alone
7. You will shower in pairs of 2 and it will be 5-minute showers
8. No girls over here if you are caught with a girl in here you will be in trouble.
9. Come to me for any questions.
10. When you leave for your day off or go anywhere you will fill out this book with the time you are going where you're going. Any questions?''
Everyone nodded.
The next day Wolf was awakened by a loud airhorn and jumped up seeing Major Max blowing the airhorn. ''GET UP EVERYONE! TRAINING STARTS IN 20 MINUTES!''
They all got up and Wolf put on his t shirt, and they all hustled outside and saw others there as well and they stood in two lines facing each other. Girls on one side and guys on the other.
Wolf noticed a female vixen in the line, and she looked at him with a small smile as he smiled back and snapped back to attention.
They all followed and were split up into groups. Wolf was paired up with a group and he noticed the vixen and a tigress was there as well.
''Ok now give me 100 push-ups!'' A drill sergeant barked.
Wolf got on the ground and started doing push up but was struggling a bit. He looked noticed the others were as well all except for the vixen and tigress who was doing it with ease.
The vixen looked at the wolf and smirked. Wolf smirked back and decided to show off.
''You're doing great.'' She complimented.
''Thanks, you as well.'' He smiled as they continued to do push-ups.
''I'm Wolf.'' He said.
''Diane.'' She said as they continued to do pushups and trying to outdo each other.
Over the week they were working together on the obstacle course it was rough at first, but they got the hang of it.
Later on, Friday Wolf and Diane were going through the obstacle course. They climbed the ladder and over the big jungle gym.
''You really think you can beat me?'' She taunted.
''You know it!'' He shouted and continued climbing up and down and then jumped into a pool of cold water keeping his head down as he swam to the end and jumped out as he continued running.
He looked and saw Diane was on his tail. They had to army crawl under wooden logs and made it to the end where they were timed, and Wolf fell on his face while Diane landed on her feet.
''TIME!'' The Sargent said looking at them.
Wolf stood up. ''You guys completed that in 5 minutes impressive.''
The two looked at each other.
Later Wolf was taking a shower and went out and saw his roommates all getting ready and dressed.
''Finally, a night out.'' Snake said.
''I was worried we've never leave.'' Shark said.
''Yeah, time for some fun.'' Wolf said putting on white dress shirt with black pants and brought a blue suit jacket with him in case as they left and getting their freedom.
They used one of the rental cars and drove going to a bar downtown for a bit. They arrived and went in getting a couple of drinks.
''Hey, look a couple of the girls are here.'' Snake said.
They looked and Wolf was surprised to see Diane only she was wearing a pink strapless dress and he was impressed by her figure and saw her get up and he decided to follow.
''Fancy seeing you here.'' He said leaning against the pole.
''Oh, it's you Wolf. What brings you here?'' She asked.
''Eh you know drinking and meeting hot ladies.'' He said in flirting way.
Diane smirked. ''Ahh figures. I was actually thinking of the same thing only reverse it to guys.''
''Well, I'm free and so are you so want to explore the city together?'' He asked leaning in towards her.
''Sure, but what about hot girls? I mean I don't want to be in the way of that.'' She said.
''Well, I'm already talking to one.'' He said flirtingly.
''Aww you sly Wolf. Ok let's go.'' She said winking.
They walked around the downtown area talking.
''So, what made you join the army?'' Asked Diane.
''Oh, um I got into some trouble, and it was neither jail time or join the army and so I picked this.'' He said. ''What about you?''
''Oh, um well same reason as you, only instead of getting into trouble I took the fall for a girl who I thought was my friend and since I'm a fox well nobody believed me and they shipped me here.'' She said as they sat on a park bench watching people and cars go by.
''Really? I'm sorry.'' Wolf said.
''Yeah, well you get over it easy enough, besides this builds character.'' She said looking down.
''Yeah? Nice to see I'm not the only one.'' Wolf replied.
''A wolf and a fix are not so different.'' She answered placing her paw on top of his and removed it quickly.
Wolf smiled and he enjoyed it, he felt a connection with her after that touch and when she placed her paw down, he placed his over top of hers and took it as they looked at each other.
''Your paws are very soft.'' He noted.
''Yeah, hehe thanks.'' She said.
He looked at her and she stared at him, and they lean in, and his lips softly touched hers as they pulled away both blushing and she looked away.
''S-Sorry--I um should of asked first, in case you had a boy-- mmh.'' He was cut off by her kissing him, her paws on his shoulders.
He continued to kiss her, and she pulls away and bites her lip looking at him. ''I've been wanting to kiss you since the moment I saw you and while we were training you have no idea how much it turned me on with your flirting.'' She blushed looking down.
''So, I was right you do like me?'' He joked.
''Yeah, I do.'' She smiled. ''And no, I don't have a boyfriend.''
''Whew, I was worried, and I don't have a girlfriend.'' He said.
''Well, tell you what, how about we just stay temporarily boy/girlfriend right now, not sure how bootcamp will work, but once we are done with training and if we still like each other then we can properly date, and when we get a free day, go on dates and get to know each other better.'' Diane said.
''I can do that.'' He leans in and kisses her as they enjoy the rest of their night.
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