Say Yes
Wolf asks Diane an important question and the vixen finds out some interesting news.
''Haaa!'' Shouted Wolf who ran and jumped at Diane who dodged his moved and used his tie to tie around his neck and shoved him.
He looked at her and ran over trying to throw a punch but got blocked by Diane's arm and she used her leg to hit Wolf's as he fell to the ground.
''Still slow, but you're getting better.'' Diane praised her handsome boyfriend.
''Thanks. I love having you as a teacher.'' He flirted.
Diane giggles at him. They were at her hideout place in the basement inside her training room. Every weekend when Diane was free, she would be training Wolf some self-defense moves which he loved also it helped with their relationship.
''But that outfit isn't helping.'' He nodded to her in a bright yellow sports bra with shorty shorts that barely covered her thighs.
''This is my work out outfit besides you got to learn to control yourself. Us girl especially bad girls will use any advantage we can on you guys.'' She said walking around him looking at his naked top half with only gym shorts on, but he had some muscles.
''True, but then again, I am going out and sleeping with my trainer.'' Wolf said as he went to wrap his arms around her only for her to flip him as he landed on his feet and twisted his arm.
Wolf then did a low kick stunt, but Diane skillfully jumped up and he missed then she went to do the same thing as Wolf was falling.
Thinking fast he grabbed her arm and pulls her down so that she lands on top of him as they hit the floor.
''Well, Ms. Foxington, surprise to see you dropped on me for a visit.'' He flirted.
Diane giggles as her cheeks heated up. He always knew how to throw her off guard she looked down.
''At least I'm on top.'' She shot back.
Suddenly his arms wrap around her body and hold her paws up and rolls them over so he was on top.
Diane might of been strong but Wolf had more power to him especially since he had been working out more and he looks down at her with a smirk.
''As you were saying?'' He asked teasingly.
She looked at him and tried to break free but her arms were over her head leaving her defenseless. ''You took advantage of me.'' She said gulping.
''Yes I did.'' He then leans in and kisses her.
Diane couldn't resist kissing him back she wiggles under him, she gasped as his paws roamed over her sides and feeling her curves, then he leans down and kisses neck while lightly nibbling the side of her neck.
Diane had always been by herself while she loved dominating Wolf in bed, she did enjoy it when he took over and was the dominating one because he was a wild card. Her tongue slipped into his mouth as her feet were grabbed by him and held against his waist. Their fingers intertwined.
They were getting in it when her phone went off and she looked. But Wolf held her down. ''They can wait.''
Diane loved Wolf and it wasn't too easy to get free time, but she wrapped her arms around him, and she pushed off of him and stood up grabbing her phone only to feel Wolf wrap his paws around her waist and kiss her shoulder as she answered the phone.
''Ok, I'm coming.'' She said hanging up.
''So, who was it?'' Asked Wolf.
''My secretary apparently there an update and they need me to address it.'' She sighed kissing Wolf and playing with his ears.
''We are still on for tonight, right?'' He asked.
''Yes, I promise.'' She kisses him as they went up and he looked at her.
''Let me give you a ride.'' He said.
She nodded as he drove her to the building and left.
Wolf got home and he went to the couch sitting down and watching the news. Him and Diane lived in an apartment a couple blocks away from her hideout but they whenever they could go to stay in the hideout tunnel with the rest of the crew.
''Wolf what are you doing back?'' Asked Snake who came out of his room.
''Oh, Diane has a press conference, so we cut it short.'' Wolf said.
Snake sat next to him and looked at him. ''You still feeling nervous buddy?''
''Yeah, I am-- I mean I'm basically asking Diane to be with me forever. What if I'm moving too fast?'' He asked.
''You two have been dating for two years, I'm surprised she hasn't left you for someone else she'll say yes buddy trust me.'' Snake smiled.
''Thanks man. So, I thought you would be with Fiona?'' Asked Wolf.
''Oh, I am tonight she wants me to meet her family.'' Snake said shivering.
''You're a sweet charmer snake how can they not like you?'' Asked Wolf.
''Because her parents are vipers.'' He said.
Later that night Diane was dressed up in her blue jumper dress she wore at the gala and the necklace.
She opened the door and smiles to see Wolf in the same clothes as the night of the gala. ''Madam Foxington.'' He nodded holding out his paw.
She took it and they went to the car as he opened the door for her and kisses her before shutting the door and getting in.
''So, you were great up there.'' Wolf said.
''Thanks, but please I don't want to talk about that. Tonight is just you and me.'' She smiled.
''That is true.'' He said feeling sweaty but ready as the box was in his pocket.
Once they showed up at the restaurant and were seated outside on the porch where the trees were growing it was their favorite spot to eat.
''It's beautiful out.'' Diane said.
''Yeah, it is and so is the vixen sitting in front of me.'' He said taking her paw.
Diane gave him a soft smile and held his hand. ''Aww still a sweet talker.'' She giggles and leans in as they share a kiss and pull away as she was looking at him.
''I got to say that is my favorite suit.'' She blushes remembering that night and he smiled.
''I love that dress on you.'' He complimented back.
Their food showed up and they ate making jokes and talking. ''Oh, um sir please wait on the dessert.'' Wolf said.
The waiter nodded and left.
''This place is special.'' Wolf said,
''It is our first date.'' She smiles at him.
Wolf took her paw. ''I hope we have more memories here.''
''I hope so as well, unless you know something I don't.'' She asked wondering why he was bringing this up.
''Maybe.'' He said as he held her paw stood up and went over.
''Diane, you are the best thing that has happen to me. Without you I would probably be in the Bahama's with the other guys, but you changed me, and I can't repay you enough-- but I've been thinking, and I was wondering if you would---''
Wolf grabbed Diane and threw himself on top of her as they were under the table. Diane stood up and Wolf followed as they looked to see the restaurant was getting robbed.
They looked at each other and nodded. ''Let's bounce.''
Diane went one way and Wolf walked forward as the lights went out and it was dark and commotion then a shout was released. The lights came on and everyone saw that the robber was tied up and gagged.
They looked around and asked who did it.
Wolf and Diane were back at their table when she looked at Wolf. ''So, what were you wondering?'' She asked.
''Diane will you--''
''Are you two, ok?'' Asked the waiter.
He stopped when he heard Wolf growl at him, and he nodded and went back in.
Wolf grabbed the box and froze it wasn't there.
''Oh, were you wanting this?'' Asked Diane pulling out the box.
''Yes, yes, but I guess you know.'' He sighed.
''I still want to hear you say it. It fell out of your pocket when you took off.'' She said smirking.
''Diane, will you marry me?'' Wolf asked.
Diane covered her mouth as she looked at the ring and had tears in her eyes. ''Yes Moe Wolf I will marry you.'' She said tackling him to the ground as she kisses him. She didn't believe it was really happening.
He kisses back holding her close as they pull away. ''I love you Diane.''
''I love you too.'' She gushed.
That evening they went back to the good guy's hideout, and they were all waiting up when they came in. They all turned their attention to them.
''So? What did you say?'' Asked Shark who was holding Whiskers the cat.
''I said yes.'' She showed the ring.
They all cheered and congratulated the couple. ''So what are you guys watching?'' Asked Wolf.
''A scary movie.'' Webs said.
''Mind if we join?'' Asked Diane.
''Always.'' Shark said.
Wolf sat down and pulled Diane on his lap.
''Say where's Snake?'' Asked Diane.
''He with his girlfriend Fiona and staying the night.'' Shark said.
Soon they all fell asleep with Diane snuggling to Wolf's side. She felt a sharp pain and got up going to the bathroom as she threw up for about a minute and she was surprised, she had her usual so why was this happening? She grabbed her purse and pulled out a pregnancy stick and took it.
She carried a lot of stuff like that just in case and she saw the result and gulped, she would take another one tomorrow at home, but she was pregnant. It made sense why she had been sick for a week, she thought it was her new work out stuff she drank it did that to her but now she was excited and nervous how would Wolf take it?
She went over and laid back down on Wolf wondering how to tell him.
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