Mistletoe Kisses
Christmas One shot...
It was Christmas afternoon, and the good guys were in their lair hideout that they got fixed and actually bought the stuff and they were setting up for a Christmas Party though this year was going to be different because the Governor was coming to join them, and they were trying to get it all set up.
''I can't wait to see Diane! It's been too long.'' Shark said as he was placing a Christmas table cover and placing it over the table.
''Well, she is the Governor, and she's been busy as of late, I'm surprised she's able to show up today.'' Snake said as he was helping Webs place the tinsel and decorations up.
''I think it was all thanks to Wolf.'' Pirahna said setting up the tree.
''He is the one who sees her the most.'' Shark said.
''Yeah, but they aren't dating yet.'' Snake said slithering down the ladder.
''He has the hots for her, I've seen the way he looks at her Hermano.'' Pirahna said grinning as he climbed up the tree to place the star.
''She feels the same way.'' Webs said.
''How do you know?'' Asked Shark.
''I've read her text and when she talks to Wolf they are constantly flirting, same when they are together.'' Webs said giggling and jumped down as she landed on Snake's neck.
''I know, and every time she sends a message or calls him turns out he has a stupid grin on his face.'' Snake said shaking his head as Webs jumped down.
''I got it! I think we should try to get them to confess their feelings!'' Webs said getting excited.
''Confess?'' Snake said surprised.
''Hey, that is a great idea, we get them together. Another good deed for the Christmas season.'' Shark said as he pulled out the stuff for cookies.
''Oooh cookies here I come!'' Shouted Pirahna running over to help.
''Speaking of, where is Wolfy?'' Asked Webs.
Wolf was in town looking for a present for Diane since he had some time before picking her up from her job.
He walked into a store and was looking around. He was dressed in a blue sweatshirt with a snowman on it and snowflakes all around it and white pants. He was ready for the Christmas mood, and he was looking at some necklaces and jewelry knowing that she loved that stuff.
''Good afternoon, sir, can I help you find something?'' Asked a worker.
''Yes, I would like to look at your necklaces please.'' Wolf said going over to the necklace counter.
''Alright, what type are you looking for?'' The guy asked happily.
There were too many of them, as Wolf looked wondering what to get and then he remembered she sent him pictures of stuff she would love to get eventually, and he pulled it up and showed the jeweler.
Diane was working in the office, Christmas of all days to work, but it had to be done she was only working half of a day but still. She couldn't wait until she could be with Wolf and the good guys.
An hour later Wolf pulled up to the Governor building and texted Diane. The vixen was working when she saw the text and turned off her stuff and grabbed her briefcase and went out and saw Wolf who was at the door and held out his paw.
''Hello beautiful Governor Foxington.'' He flirted and kissed her hand.
She giggles and hugs him. ''Hello, my handsome good boy.'' She joked.
He chuckled and eyed her outfit. She was wearing a red off the shoulder's sweatshirt with a christmas tree and brown pants.
Wolf chuckled as they went to the car and he opened the passenger door and Diane leaned up and kissed him on the cheek. He got in the driver side and turned on the car as they took off.
''How was your day?'' He asked.
''Busy, paperwork.'' She replied.
He held her paw and kissed it. ''I'm so happy you accepted the offer to be with us this year.'' Wolf said driving holding her paw.
''Of course, what kind of fox would I be if I turned it down?'' She asked blushing.
He smiled at her as they took off.
Back at the hideout, the lights, tree and tinsel were up, and the food was mostly done.
''Alright, so always make sure Diane and Wolf are next to each other.'' Webs said.
''Got it.'' Shark said.
''Say Snake come here and give me a hand.'' Webs called.
''I have a tail, will that work?'' He asked playfully sarcastic.
''Sure, now get over here hurry up, we have to set these up.'' Webs said.
Snake looked and saw they were mistletoes. ''Really?''
''Yeah, I want to try to get them to kiss whenever they can.'' Webs said placing one above the tv.
''And to make it easier, I also spiked their drinks a bit, they will be all over each other.'' Shark said chuckling evilly.
''Or we just let them figure it out on their own.'' Snake suggested not really into the whole mistletoe thing.
''That will take them forever Hermano.'' Pirahna said shaking his head.
''True.'' Webs said as she placed one in the doorway and one over the fridge and the bathroom door and then by the tree and she was put down.
''Say look at that, you two are under the mistletoe.'' Shark teased.
Both turned red and Snake sighed and leaned in and licked Webs on the face as she turned red, and the guys laughed. ''It was your idea.'' Snake smiled as he went to the couch.
While they were laughing, they heard the elevator coming down and saw Diane and Wolf walk in.
''DIANE!'' They all shouted excitedly.
''Hey guys.'' She greeted walking in.
''You look hot in that outfit, not only a kick ass, ninja, Crimson Paw but a sexy hot vixen!'' Shark said laughing.
The other three good guys saw Shark had drunk some of the drink he spiked. ''Hey buddy eat a popsicle.'' Snake called.
''Thank you, Shark.'' Diane was shocked and giggled.
''Say Wolf can you get me some eggnog please?'' Snake asked.
''Sure thing.'' Wolf went over to the fridge.
''Say Diane can you get out that Jello?'' Asked Webs.
She nodded and went over to the fridge and both her and Wolf came up with the stuff.
''Say Hermano look up.'' Pirahna said.
Wolf and Diane looked up and saw the small mistletoe.
''Aww how cute.'' Wolf said.
''You know the rules, now you have to kiss her.'' Webs said excitedly.
Diane looked up and giggles. ''It's tradition.''
Wolf gave her a half-lidded smile and leaned in as they shared a quick kiss blushing as they heard a click.
''Aww so cute! 'Shark fangirled.
Wolf and Diane brought the stuff over to Webs and Snake.
''Alright, supper is ready.'' Shark said.
It was an assortment of their favorite types of food, and deserts Steak, bacon, fish, chicken and all the good stuff. They were all eating and drinking.
''Woah, I love the drink Shark what did you put in it?'' Asked Diane who knew it tasted a bit too strong.
''It's my mom's secret recipe.'' Shark said grinning.
Wolf noticed the gang looked eager about something.
After they finished eating, they all went to the living room and Diane sat down next to Wolf.
''Say guys look up.'' Snake said.
Wolf and Diane saw another mistletoe over them.
''Better kiss me Mr. Wolf.'' Diane teased.
''And make it a bit longer and put effort into it.'' Webs and Snake said together.
The couple looked at them and they lean in, and Wolf placed his paw on her side as she cupped his face and they kissed again with a bit more passion and pulled away to see the good guys grinning and giggling.
Wolf and Diane smiled at each other, both wanting to tell them the news but stayed quiet.
''Alright gift time.'' Shouted Pirahna.
''Wolfy, I think it's your turn to be Santa this year and Diane, you join him.'' Webs said.
They chuckled. ''I'm pretty sure I was Santa last year.'' Wolf said going over on his knees and bringing up the presents.
Diane and Wolf gave the gifts to the right good guys, and they stood up when Shark lightly nudged Wolf forward at the same time Snake lightly pushed Diane so that Wolf caught her, and he was holding her.
''Woah, you guys are so lucky.'' Webs giggled.
The couple looked up to see another mistletoe.
''These seem to be popping up everywhere.'' Diane noticed.
''You still got to kiss.'' Pirahna said giggling.
Wolf smirked and this time placed both paws on her waist and pulls her against him and kisses her, this time he presses harder on her lips, and she kisses back eagerly, and she slightly opened her mouth as his tongue went in and one paw went to the back of his head and the other paw ran to his chest as they held each other and Wolf dips her lightly.
The crew were shocked, mouthed opened.
''How long Webs?'' Asked Snake.
''Two minutes.'' She replied.
The couple pulled away and then looked at the crew holding hands.
''This is super cute, and I thank you for putting these up but me and Wolf have some news for you.'' Diane said.
''We are officially together!'' They said at the same time.
The crew was surprised.
''I KNEW IT!'' Shark shouted.
Snake nodded while Webs and Pirahna jumped up and down.
''Why did you wait until now to tell us?'' Asked Shark sitting down.
''Well, it sorts of just came and we actually enjoyed the sneaking around part, and we decided we'd tell you today just in case it didn't work before.'' Wolf said.
''So, how long have you been dating?'' Asked Snake.
''About 3 months and it's our Christmas gift to you guys so you don't have to set up.'' Diane nodded.
''Of course.'' Webs said as if it was obvious.
Webs got a couple of new computer drives, and some new headphones and a red holiday sweater from Diane. Pirahna got a sweatshirt, with some coloring books, and some fish crackers that he loved.
Snake got a holiday shirt as well, along with a big thing of push pops. Shark got a couple of new outfits and some of his favorite snacks.
Wolf got some new clothes, and a big popcorn tin, and a new brown suit trench coat from Diane.
''This looks so awesome.'' He put it on.
''You look like an inspector.'' Diane blushed.
He winked at her.
Diane opened her gift from the crew and saw it was a picture of all of them together, her favorite one that she wished she had. Then she opened Wolfs gift and saw it a 2-piece heart necklace that said my fox and my wolf.
''Aww Wolf.'' She kissed his cheek.
So, the rest of the evening the crew all talked, played a couple of games and just had fun drinking. Finally, they all were asleep except for Diane and Wolf. She was on the couch cuddled against Wolf.
''This was a fun night.'' She smiled.
''It was, stay the night here please.'' He asked.
She looked up and kissed him on the lips. ''Of course.''
He scooped her up in his arms bridal style and they went to his room for the night.
Enjoy and Request...
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