In This Together
Diane and Wolf go through the pain and joy of dealing with Diane being pregnant.
Moe Wolf couldn't of been happier he was married to the hottest, sexiest vixen ever and they were expecting their first pup. Of course, being pregnant Diane had a hard time adjusting to it but Wolf was there every step of the way.
Wolf and Diane were lying in bed spooning she jumped up and ran to the bathroom and threw up. It was a common thing she did every morning and Wolf was always there for her and he was very protective of Diane as well which is why she was at the good guy's hangout.
Diane was laying on the couch watching tv and was chewing on ice when Snake came over and sat at the end of the couch.
''Oh, boy this is boring, what's on the other channel?'' He asked taking the remote.
''Hey, I was watching that.'' Diane snapped.
Snake looked at her with a raised eyebrow. ''You've been laying here all morning, its my turn, besides shouldn't you be at work or something?'' Snake asked.
''No, I'm taking a day off.'' She said.
''Oh, well why aren't you back home at your place?'' Asked Snake.
''Wolf won't let me drive, ever since I got pregnant, he won't let me do too much by myself.'' She complained.
''Well, you are carrying his baby.'' Snake turned the channel to a sports station and got up to get a push pop but saw they were all gone. ''MY PUSH POPS!''
''Oh, yeah you may need to get more I ate some of them.'' Diane said.
'YOU WHAT!?'' Snake shouted and frowned.
''Sorry, I got hungry and when you were out of that I started eating ice.'' Diane said sitting up and looking at Snake.
Snake looked unamused when the door opened and in came Webs and Wolf. ''About time.'' Snake said.
''Hey Snake. Hi Diane, how are you and the little one doing?'' Wolf asked sitting next to her.
''I'm fine thanks, and as for our pup I'm not sure I think he's fine.'' She smiled hugging Wolf.
''As long as you're ok.'' Wolf said holding her.
''Where did you guys go again?'' Asked Snake.
''To get the car fixed a bit oh and thanks for staying with Diane while I was gone.'' Wolf said.
''No problem, but maybe in the future bring me some more push pops apparently, it's your girls favorite thing.'' Snake said.
''Hey, I got a name and it's Diane.'' She growled at Snake.
''Yeah, I know.'' Snake said slithering away.
''So, ready to go home Diane?'' Asked Wolf.
''Yes, please.'' She said getting up.
Wolf scooped her up in his arms and carried her. ''Wolf I'm fine walking.'' Diane protested.
''I know, but I don't want you to trip or hurt yourself.'' Wolf said carrying her.
''Oh, hey have Snake here.'' Wolf tossed Snake a box of push pops.
''Thanks buddy!'' Snake said as Wolf and Diane left.
Back at home, Diane was sitting at the table working on her laptop with papers around her when Wolf came over and handed her a cup of coffee. ''Thanks Wolf.'' She kisses his cheek.
''No, problem.'' He sat next to her.
''Almost finished.'' She said.
Wolf nodded and went into the other room, after half an hour later Diane got up and got some ice in a cup and went into the guest room that was going to be for their little bundle of joy, she smiled seeing Wolf working on setting up the crib.
''You know the pup isn't going to be here for a while, right?'' She asked.
''I know hon, but still, I want it to be ready.'' He went over and hugged her as his paw ran over her stomach and got on his knees putting his ear to her stomach.
Diane giggled and loved how fond Wolf was. ''I hope you still have love for your wife?'' She said giggling.
''Always.'' He stood up and leans over kissing her as she wrapped her arms around him.
Wolf pulls away and held her hand. ''How about we go sit down and I'll order you your favorite take out.'' Wolf said.
''Sure hon.'' She smiles as he picked her up and carried her.
''Wolf I'm not going to get hurt.'' She said.
''I know still can't I hold my beautiful, sexy, glowing wife?'' He asked pecking her lips.
He places her down and ordered takeout and sat on the couch with her leaning against him, one paw resting on her stomach the other playing with her head as they watched the news.
''Breaking news apparently there is a new group of bad guys out terrorizing and stealing stuff as well, here's what Governor Diane Foxington had to say.
''Everybody settle down, I know another group of bad guys, but they are just looking for the fame and glory that they were deprived of.'' She said and got asked questions.
''I don't feel like going and trying to handle them I already did that.'' Diane said jokingly laying against Wolf.
''Yeah, and about 3 years later you end up married to one of the former bad guys.'' Wolf shot back.
''Oh, Wolf the baby agrees it's kicking.'' She said excitedly.
Wolf felt her stomach and smiles. ''I can't believe it.'' Wolf said.
Later their food arrived, and Diane put soy sauce on all of her food, it was a craving she loved, and Wolf came back with a glass of ice for her as they continued eating.
Late that night they were lying in bed, Diane and Wolf was watching a movie that started to make Diane cry.
''You, ok?'' Asked Wolf.
''I'm just so happy we are finally having a pup and that it's here to stay.'' She said.
''Same here, I'm honestly a bit surprised that we could even have a kid.'' Wolf said.
''Yeah, a month before the wedding I thought I was pregnant-- and I went to confirm it with the dr. and he said it was false one.'' She said.
Wolf looked at her surprised. ''Why didn't you say anything?''
''I was but I wanted to be sure-- and since there was no baby to begin with, I just didn't say anything why bring it up during a time that was supposed to be a happy day.'' She said.
''Still, I would have been there for you.'' Wolf said.
''I know, but your here now and we are expecting.'' She smiled then frowned and ran to the bathroom to throw up.
Wolf walked to the bathroom to make sure she was ok, and she growls. ''I hate this part.''
''I know babe, but you got me.'' He kisses her cheek and helps her back to bed.
A few months later Diane and Wolf were with the gang hanging out when she felt her water break.
''Wolf.'' She gasped.
In a flash Wolf scooped her in his arms and they all went to the hospital, and they rushed Diane into the hospital room with Wolf right next to her holding her paw as she pushed.
''W-Wolf, I'm scared.'' She cried.
''It's alright Diane I'm here.'' He let her squeeze his paw and she pushed.
''Almost done Governor.'' The doctor said.
Shortly the new parents hear a cry and the doctor brought over a red fur wolf with fox ears. ''Congrats Mr. and Mrs. Wolf you have a new son.'' The doctor said.
Diane had tears in her eyes and held her baby, Wolf smiles and leans over as the young pup whimpers. ''Hello, handsome boy this is your momma.'' Diane said sweetly nuzzling him.
Wolf smiled and Diane held him out for Wolf to take. ''Well papa Wolf what are we going to name our baby boy?'' The fox smiled.
''Ethan Tyler Wolf.'' He said.
''Ethan huh? I love that name.'' Diane grins.
There was a knock at the door as the others came in and Snake had whiskers the cat with them.
''Hey guys come see your little new nephew.'' Diane said.
They came over and Whiskers jumped on the bed and went over to the pup sniffing and nuzzling him as the baby pup reached for the warm little body.
''Oh, woah congrats so what's his name?'' Asked Snake who was behind the others.
''Ethan Tyler.'' Wolf said.
Everyone cooed over the baby and Wolf nodded for Snake to come over and he did look at the cute creature. ''Well, uncle grumpy Snake what do you think?'' Wolf said teasingly.
''He looks like Diane. But he is adorable.'' Snake said.
Shark smiled ''Aww such a cutie congrats papa wolf and mama fox.''
The couple smiled as they all sat there and fawned over the little wolf/fox mix it was going to be a fun time.
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